I've been hanging smurfs by nooses outside my Pennsic tent for a decade. Everyone is amused. 

During a rainstorm this Pennsic, I open the tent to see some woman untying them and putting them down in the mud. I asked her WTF she was doing, because she was getting them muddy.

"It's no worse than what you're doing to them."

Well, actually it is, because they AREN'T ACTUAL CREATURES and mud hurts them worse than hanging from a rope.

She actually tried to hinder me from putting them back up.

"It's wrong to do that. Children don't need to see that."

Apparently, she's not aware that the children's archery shoot often features Barneys, Smurfs, etc, to be gleefully riddled with arrows.
I told her I'd been doing it for a decade, and no one, including the event staff had ever had a problem with it.

"It offends me," she said as she stormed off.

I said, "So go buy your own damned smurfs and cut them down."