Stop being a little pussy.
What was that?
Stop being a little pussy.
Oh, right. Profanity. That's good.
Stop being a little pussy.
It's also sexist. You're genderizing negativity as female.
Stop being a little pussy.
This isn't funny. You're a misogynistic troglodyte.
Stop being a little pussy.
I get it. Don't you have anything intellectual to say?
Stop being a little pussy.
You know, I'm just going to copy this to everyone I know so they can see what kind of person you are.
Stop being a little pussy.
Would you stop repeating yourself?
As soon as you stop being a little pussy.
Behavior like yours is what's wrong with America.
Stop being a little pussy.
Fuck you. I'm just going to block you so I don't have to listen to this.
That won't help you stop being a little pussy.
You're a racist!
Stop being a little pussy.
You probably have a small penis, too.
Stop being a little pussy.
I'm going to find some tolerant people to talk to, who agree with me.
Stop being a little pussy.