Customer Review

This turned out to be just a collection of short stories & rants. I briefly scanned the story titles and the first one I read dealt with the M1 Garand rifle, which Williamson considers junk -- he loves AR's, which I consider junk. So far just a difference of opinion BUT: My bullshit meter hit max when MZ claimed that the sights on an M1 only go out to 460 yards. Now that's just a lie, he knows better. As a Marine officer I shot quite a bit of military rifle competition back in the early 1970's, with both the M1 Garand in 30.06 and the M-14 in 7.62, using the mil-spec standard iron sights. The course used was a national match course fired at 200, 300, and 600 METERS. That's 660 yards for the math-challenged Williamson. Both match-conditioned rifles shot quite accurately at that range and I would not have hesitated to fire the M1 on the 1000-yard range. Silly rants are OK but don't lie to support a questionable case.
- Newest
 Second, per FM 23-5, the stated maximum effective range is given as 500 yards. Now, what I saw was 460 METERS, but in publications using both Imperial and Metric. I transposed. BFD. AND, the newer M16s exceed that range.
Also, just because a weapon is mechanically limited to a given range, does not mean it's impossible to shoot further. It's entirely possible. It's just that accuracy lacks.
The M1 was accepted for service at 3 MOA accuracy. That's 18" at 600 yards plus wind drift, plus rotation of the earth (And yes, that is a factor). Then, flight time is approximately 1 second, so sure, hitting paper at that range is doable, but inaccurate, and hitting a moving enemy...only by sheer luck.
Also, I own and shoot an original, complete, M1-D.
So it's your math that's challenged, as well as your reading comprehension. And if you're such an over-sensitive snowflake that a single questionable error removes 4 stars from the book and causes a meltdown of "LIAR LIAR PANTS ON FIRE!" it doesn't speak well for Marine officers. Luckily, I'm aware you're not typical.
Also, the AR platforms have been demolishing the archaic platforms at National Match for about 30 years now. 1970 was a long time ago. About the time I was 5. Technology has advanced in a half century. Witness this computer we're using.
You should probably look up an article entitled, "The M14, Not Much For Fighting ( A Case Against The M14 Legend)"
If you're that upset about my comments on the Garand, this one will cause apoplexy. But facts remain facts.