
I'm an immigrant, and I'm an anarcho-capitalist, so even most Libertarians are too statist for me, and I'm rather outside of American socio-political groups.

But you know what I'd like to see?

Just once, I'd like a "liberal" to explain what Trump has actually done to hurt them.

It goes like this:

Me: Trump's made some bad choices, like Sessions, but on the whole, he's been no worse than anyone else. What are you so bent out of shape about your need to riot or endorse rioting?


Me: No evidence exists of that. Mueller's spent two years and found nothing.  All the leaks were from Hillary's end. What has Trump done to hurt you?


Me: 0bama had a higher deportation rate than Trump.  And you're not an illegal immigrant. What has he done to hurt you?


Me: Those are state level laws, and have near unanimous SCOTUS endorsement, therefore they're Constitutional.  They started under 0bama.  What has Trump done to hurt you?


Me: He's the first president to recognize Israel's capital, has 14 Jewish cabinet heads, a Jewish daughter and son in law, and Jewish grandkids.  He is not any kind of socialist. Therefore, he cannot possibly be a Nazi, and has done nothing remotely resembling what the Nazis did.  WHAT HAS HE DONE TO HURT YOU?


Me: He's cut back red tape that meant more generic prescription medications became available, cheaper, and your pharmacist is allowed to tell you about those options. Even Sessions is backing off on opposing state level "medical marijuana" statutes.

This is the same government you claim is murdering minorities, and has a SWAT team to collect on arrears student loans.

It's the same government that was trying to demand CDLs for taxi drivers and couriers, threatening your precious gig economy. How has him reducing its scope hurt you?


Me: You got off script there, dumbass.


Me: Against whom?


Me: The list of 6 nations with restricted immigration does not include the 6 most populous Muslim nations. It does not include 210 nations Muslims live in. It does not allow anyone--even atheists and Christians--from those 6 nations to enter the US, without additional scrutiny on a case by case basis. It's based on the fact those 6 nations cannot even confirm their own passports are real.  SCOTUS upheld the authority unanimously.  Muslims enter this nation every day, and live here unmolested, even when they make vile anti-semitic comments and file civil cases to be allowed to butcher their female children's genitalia.  And you're not Muslim. Name a single thing Trump has done to hurt you.


Me: It's in Mexico.  Further, as you admit, they're migrants, not "refugees" under the definition created by your precious UN. Therefore, they can't even reasonably ask for asylum, and Mexico is under no obligation to take them. Nor are we. Nor is Canada.  By the way, BOTH of those nations have stricter laws of entry than the US. Under what strange logical chain are Central American migrants in Mexico a Trump issue, unless and until they get here, where they will be treated according to the same established laws 0bama treated them according to? WHAT THE FUCK HAS TRUMP ACTUALLY DONE TO HURT YOU?


Comments below. Can a single one of you Demorrhoid NPCs name a single thing Donald Trump has done that hurts you?

(This early referenced "George W. Trump" as a satirical reference to that senile hag Pelosi, who can't seem to remember what his name is.)