The current attempt at impeaching President Trump revolves around a claim of a "quid pro quo" of government aid to the Ukraine, in exchange for them pursuing legitimate law enforcement investigations of your typical Demorrhoid corruption.
First, it is the JOB of the Executive Branch, via State and Commerce Departments among others, to quid pro quo other governments. THAT'S WHAT THEY'RE SUPPOSED TO DO.  "You want X? We want Y. Deal?"
Literally. Their fucking. Job.
In 1948, President Truman's administration approved the creation of ARAMCO for the purpose of acquiring oil from Saudi Arabia, while having a means of putting political pressure on them. That's in the actual statements in the authorization.
So the whole trial is a farce to start with. There are legitimate complaints about some of Trump's actions.  This isn't one of them. Of course, most that are questionable were exactly what the Demorrhoids wanted, so they're silent on that.
Second, even worse than ascribing the SNL quote of "I can see Russia from my house" that Sarah Palin never actually said, but is now considered "Fake, but accurate," they're basing this on what some Demorrhoid shithead in Congress paraphrased from hearsay from some source he isn't really sure about.
But, even if we assume this might actually result in any credible, pursuable charges from the Fascist Wing of the DNC, what then?  First they have to prove the charge, which is non-existent.
Then, it goes to the Republican controlled Senate for follow up. I'm sure they'll give it all the attention it deserves.
But even if they do something: you may remember when this happened to Bill Clinton over actual perjury charges.  The result was "Censure."  IOW, a letter saying, "We find you to be quite naughty."  Nothing substantive.
But even if they actually remove the sitting president from their own party (I dunno, maybe they think it'll be useful later for removing a Demorrhoid for the easily provable charge of being anti-American), it means, by the time they get to that, Trump is gone for the last 5 months of his term.
Which would mean PRESIDENT MIKE PENCE. Now, that asshole was my governor. If you do not like Trump, you will not like Pence even more, who demonstrably IS a Christo-fascist, anti-choice, anti-gay crusader. Seriously?  Are you fucking retarded? Apparently.
AND, that still doesn't stop Trump from campaigning to run for office again, and still winning because his followers and most of the mainstream are pretty fucking sick of "liberal" fascist cocksuckers trying to subvert the legal processes for some strange sexual worship and obsession with Trump.  Hell, I might even vote for him to just to watch four more years of complete meltdown.
But worst case, it just means PRESIDENT MIKE PENCE.  Jesus tittyfucking Christ in a pink tutu on a pogo stick, are you...well, yes, obviously you ARE that fucking stupid.
What we really need is to quid pro quo some foreign government's intelligence service into assassinating the entire DNC membership. But Trump is too soft and liberal for that.