
My governmentt sponsored life insurance managed to get my name wrong.  They list me as  Michael E. Williams (My name is Michael Z. Williamson)

So I call them. The polite but low level drone on the phone apologizes, and says I need to fax in my DL for the correction.

I tell them the correct information is on my DD214, Separation From Military Service papers, that I had to use to qualify for said insurance, that they already have on file.

No, it has to be the DL.

Of course, a secondary problem is that this letter they sent is for purposes of soliciting medical information from my doctors.  Hopefully, they'll concur that it's meant to be me, and furnish the info. Otherwise, I'll have to have them re-request at once (since there's a 30 day deadline on this) and do it again.

I guess I'm glad my name isn't Archibald Tuttle.