
This has been a very mild spring.  With the heat sink of our concrete foundation, we've not used heat or AC in well over a month.  The house has remained between 68 and 78 degrees.

This concerns me, because the poor utility companies are suffering from the lack of income.  We can't take America's utility companies for granted.  Sure, it's beneficial to me, but what about their bottom line, families, and the executives' car payments?

If they are unable to derive sufficient return on their investment, the end result can only be a nationalization of gas and electric companies.

Therefore, we really need to support a seasonal subsidy for these suffering businesses, just as we do for farmers.

They can't control the weather, and they are dependent on the weather for business.  It is only fair and reasonable to offer support when it affects their ability to support America.

I believe we should also consider subsidies for the suffering heating and air conditioning firms.  Consider the economic ripples if they're unable to bill their $100/hr during peak season.  In my area alone, that's $84,000 a week being denied to these businesses, and removed from the economy.

Businesses should not suffer because climate change and abnormal variances in weather have affected their bottom line.