Any REAL liberal would recognize it as right wing, racist bullshit.
First you require transfers through people with licenses and complicated rules for transport.
Then that mfrs submit guns for destructive "testing."
You set standards for material and production that have nothing to do with safety or reliability (which is of no concern in stopping crime, really--who cares if guns jam, if you're trying to stop crime?), but everything to do with driving up production costs.
Then you require rules on storage and locks.
Sample bullets for "tracking," that every real expert can prove don't help track anything, just add additional labor to the production cost.
Pretty soon you can't get a gun for under $1000 with several hundred $ a year in legal maintenance.
Thus fucking everyone living in poverty from defending themselves, and ensuring that only rich white "liberal" cocksuckers can own them.

Any REAL liberal would recognize it as right wing, racist bullshit.

First you require transfers through people with licenses and complicated rules for transport.

Then that mfrs submit guns for destructive "testing."

You set standards for material and production that have nothing to do with safety or reliability (which is of no concern in stopping crime, really--who cares if guns jam, if you're trying to stop crime?), but everything to do with driving up production costs.

Then you require rules on storage and locks.





Sample bullets for "tracking," that every real expert can prove don't help track anything, just add additional labor to the production cost.

Pretty soon you can't get a gun for under $1000 with several hundred $ a year in legal maintenance.

Thus fucking everyone living in poverty from defending themselves, and ensuring that only rich white "liberal" cocksuckers can own them.

It is immoral, it is racist, it is statist, it is classist, it is indefensible, and we need to start calling people on it.