Joel • 36 minutes agoYou choose to buy an Audi A6, a Samsung flat screen TV, an inground pool, and a trip to Europe. You don't choose to develop gallstones or appendicitis or a tooth abscess or bladder cancer or a fractured sacrum.
Health care is a necessity, NOT a luxury. 6 •Reply•Share ›
MichaelZWilliamson Joel • 17 minutes agoMy health care is a necessity. Yours is a luxury, to me.
Mine is a luxury to you.
If you argue this point, please write a check for $5000 payable to the Dept of Health and Human Services. I will see that they receive it and deposit it.
If you will not do so, you are admitting you really don't care about other people's health care.
As far as the Audi A6, I'd be happy just to replace my 1996 van, and would have, except that money is now going to additional insurance every month.
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Joel MichaelZWilliamson • 15 minutes agoFind another employer that pays you more.
Why is your health care a necessity but everyone else's is a luxury? It's all about you and your needs, isn't it?
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MichaelZWilliamson Joel • 2 minutes ago −Mine is a necessity because it's mine. I don't care if you have shoes.
Write that check for $5000 to HHS. If you actually care about other people's health. Or admit you're a whining, greedy, selfish little wuss.
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MichaelZWilliamson Joel • a minute agoWhy don't YOU find another employer who pays more? FYI: I'm self employed. I could go to the VA, but I prefer real doctors, so I pay for them.
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MichaelZWilliamson Joel • a few seconds agoSeriously. If you die tomorrow, you know who on this forum cares? No one.
If an interstate shuts down, a whole bunch of people have trouble getting food or doing business.
Your health care is only important to you. And the world does not revolve around you.