I posted this article, and several of us discussed it. http://www.alloutdoor.com/2014/12/16/question-open-carry-advocates-muslims-start-it/
Someone observed that many Americans really aren't clear on the difference between Muslims and Sikhs.
I said:
Hell, Mormons are closer to Muslims than Sikhs are.
My point was that thinking that  "All those people in turbans are terrorists" is grossly untrue, especially as few Muslims wear turbans. That's a caricature that's wrong, and it's ignorant prejudice to think so.
I didn't pay much attention to the thread, but I got this IM a while later:
Andrew Rowley
Chat Conversation Start
7 hours ago
I am done, sick of the LDS attacks, you cant clump LDS with Muslims. Im out.
I said:
Sorry you're prejudiced.
Now, let's look at it: They both worship the same god, they both eschew drugs and booze, they both have or recently had support for polygamy.
Sikhs do none of the above.
So, "Mormons have more in common with Muslims than Sikhs" is not an attack. It is a factually correct statement.
So fuck off.
Andrew  Rowley said:
No they don not worship the same God. period... I see you for who you are a totally bigoted politically incorrect gun nut.... you only like to start controversy and will bring any topic into the matter. No hold barred. Nothing is sacred to you. You are so misguided in you pokes at religion. I' take the f comment as your final good bye.
I probably should be kind to him. If his reading skills match his writing skills, he probably has trouble grasping it.
So:  What I said was, "These religions have some aspects in common, but the other two have almost nothing in common."  Again, this is a factually correct statement.
Christians, Jews and Muslims are the Abrahamic religions, and use the same first five books—the Pentateuch.  Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy.  It's the same god. They see Him/it in different ways, but fundamentally, the same being.
And, gee, I guess all these people must be "totally bigoted" too:
Jesse: LDS and Islam are both Abrahamic religions. Sikhism is an independent faith established in the 15th century without any antecedents.
Based on those simple facts, Mike's statement seems pretty accurate.
Adam: Andrew Rowley: Michael is correct, both Islam and LDS are Abrahamic faiths, Sikhism is not. So there are a few commonalities between Muslims and Mormons, there is essentially none between either group and Sikhs.
OhΓÇöAndrew deleted all his posts. He didn't actually want to discuss the matter.
Adam: Andrew: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abrahamic_religions
LDS is a branch of Christianity, which itself branched off Judaism. Islam also branched of Islam. All three branches are considered Abrahamic faiths.
Please do your research before accusing people of not knowing their way around basic families of religions.
Abrahamic religions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Abrahamic religions (also Semitic religions) are the...
Nikhil: Sikhism is its own faith but broadly aligned with the Dharmic faiths (Hinduism and Buddhism). Some consider it an offshoot, most do not. The Eastern faiths (including Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism, Taoism, and Shinto) have nothing to do with Western faiths and are built on wholly different philosophical premises.
The western faiths include Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. This is true historically, doctrinally, and epistemologically. Artificial distinction between Islam and other Western faiths is intellectually dishonest and well, silly.
Art: Andrew Rowley, I, too, am LDS. Our religion stems from a covenent from God as does the Muslim faith. The Muslim God and our God are the same God. It's how we gain approval of our God that things drastically change. Judaism is similar. The difference between Jews and us is that we believe Christ's first coming started with Christ's birth. Jews don't believe Christ was the Messiah. Muslims believe that Christ was an OK dude... but he was just a prophet. He was not Allah or any relation to Allah.
Obviously, you and I both know that things go in all kinds of different directions from there.
Sikhism is based off of none of the above. It is a practice and believe that is barely even theological in nature.
Mike is absolutely 100% correct. Islam is closer to the LDS religion than it is to Sikhism.
You need to ensure you know what you are talking about before you berate others, sir. Please use this opportunity to clean the egg off and let's get away from the Strawman.
(Wait, a Mormon is also an anti-Mormon bigot?  How is that possible?  Those evil fact things!)
Rick: The Christian God is NOT the same as the Muslim god. The Christian God is a Trinity - Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The Muslims view that as heretical polytheism. It is just plain wrong to equate them.
8 hrs ┬╖ Like ┬╖ 2
Adam: Rick: The Muslims, like the Jews, only recognize the Father, not the full Trinity. Allah (and YHWH) are in fact the same God, but only a part of the same god.
8 hrs ┬╖ Like ┬╖ 2
Steve (a Jew): Rick, whether you open your egg from the big end or the little end, it's still an egg.
12 hrs ┬╖ Like
Greg: Wrong Adam. Muhammed CLAIMS they are the same, but they certainly are not. Muhammed was a plagerist of both the Old and New Testaments.
12 hrs ┬╖ Like ┬╖ 2
Art: Muhammad is not their God. He is their prophet.
The religions are both based from the same initial details.
12 hrs ┬╖ Edited ┬╖ Like ┬╖ 1
Michael Z. Williamson Reminds me of a Catholic explaining to me how the Christian Trinity* is a trinity, but the Celtic trinity is only a trinity, not a trinity.
There ARE Christian sects who don't accept a literal trinity, considering it a metaphor.
So there we go. I'm sure we're all racist and this is Bush's fault.
But how can we have a proper discussion about Islam, when half the people out there don't even know what it is?
More next time.