A delegation of human rights experts from Poland, the United Kingdom and Costa Rica spent 10 days this month touring the United States so they can prepare a report on the nation's overall treatment of women.
Then fucking go back there.
"Some states have introduced gun control laws regarding domestic violence, refusing to give perpetrators of domestic violence the right to possess firearms," Raday said. "This should be a national policy, not an isolated state policy."
Oh, there it is! Yeah, that IS a federal law, you ignorant twatwaffles.
The women's other recommendations for the U.S. include passing campaign finance reform that would allow more women to be elected into office, because the networks that raise money for political candidates are mostly dominated by men.
So, you want to pass a law to "level the playing field." So, you believe women are NOT equal to men. Misogynist much?
In most European countries, she explained, abortions are performed at general doctors' offices and hospitals that offer all kinds of other health services, so there aren't protesters waiting to heckle the women who enter.
"We were harassed. There were two vigilante men waiting to insult us," said Frances Raday, the delegate from the U.K. The men repeatedly shouted, "You're murdering children!" at them as soon as they neared the clinic, even though Raday said they are clearly past childbearing age.
"It's a kind of terrorism," added Eleonora Zielinska, the delegate from Poland. "To us, it was shocking."
Of course, in Germany, you need a doctor's permission. Funny how they missed that.  Abortion is incredibly restricted in Costa Rica, and illegal in Poland unless it's life of the mother, resulting from a criminal act, or due to a severely malformed fetus. But let's criticize the US.
And it's called FREE SPEECH, you whining twunt. They're on a public sidewalk, making non-threatening statements. I understand you don't like them. I don't like them much either. On the other hand, here you are telling us how we should live our lives, so I guess tit for twat.
The U.N. suggests that countries guarantee at least 14 weeks of paid parental leave. Some countries go further -- Iceland requires five months paid leave for each parent, and an additional two months to be shared between them.
Hey, that sounds great! And after the UN pays for that, I expect most mom and pop businesses will be happy to toss in $50 or so out of their own family income.
And of course, the US hasn't spent the last half millennia being passed back and forth between Germany and Russia like some roofied prom date. But don't let that fact get in the way, either.
We won't even discuss the relative GINI or GDP of those dumps to the US.

But I do wonder if we can find a comparative on immigrants from Poland to the US, vs emigrants from the US to Poland?