
Liberals are innately more logical and sciencey than conservatives, as liberals inform me all the time. So it's wonder they can't see the logical flaws in this claim:

"The US is very right wing. If you compare it to Europe, the most left wing American politician is still only center right."

A: This assumes Europe is the baseline, not the US.  Looked at the other way, every nation* in Europe is extremely left wing, which is obviously a far more reasonable conclusion (Because I say it is).

2: This confuses mean and median.  Do you even statistic, bro?

c} Why do you assume the US and Europe are even on the same scale? You're comparing apples and rutabagas here, given the cultural backgrounds of most of Europe--civic minded subjects of monarchies, vs the background of the history of the US--rebels, refugees, transportees, slaves and their descendents, and adventurers.

IV) Europe is a continent of smaller nations, with actually quite a variety of political orientations. Are you claiming Russia is left wing these days? Do you even know what Poland's politics are? Or are you focusing on Scandinavia--several very small nations, France, Germany and the UK to the exclusion of the rest?  Using that logic, California, New York and Illinois prove the US is actually quite a bit further left than your own claims.

E] What about all the other nations in the world? Why aren't they counted?  You're choosing majority-white Europe out of deep-seated, inherent racism.

A liberal can ALWAYS choose the postulates he wants to prove he's correct, even when he's talking out of his ass.

And will usually be racist in the process.

*The nations the liberal deems relevant, not those inconvenient non-liberal nations.