You know, the one accused of planting drugs on over 1000 black men, that's been going viral again four years later.
Well, it turns out that wasn't exactly the case. And by "not exactly," I mean "complete bullshit."
So I contacted the below newsgroups to see how they respond:
Debunked before the below publication date. The FBI found nothing of "1000" cases, and all of about 5 complaints, all fraudulent.  
Even the professional race-baiters at SPLC couldn't corroborate it.
(The SPLC was early to post Carroll’s article on Twitter and was partly responsible for it spreading it as far as it did; this afternoon, however, the organization formally retracted the tweet after determining that they could not vouch for the truth of the article. “We shouldn’t have given it a platform,” SPLC digital media director Alex Amend told me.) 
Slate was actually proper journalists for once:
As was Reason, as often but not always:
As you are all no doubt utterly honest reporters, you will obviously update your articles and note the correction on your sites, yes?
Or am I going to uncover evidence that the media has published thousands of fake stories about police?
Because what we have here seems to be one of the rare, completely above board, earnest about the regs and propriety, police departments, being slimed as one of the worst, with what looks like fabricated evidence, or as we technically call it in the biz, "bullshit."