You may have noticed I've not been on Fecesbook for a while.  Let me, let me SHOW you why:
Note that the "spam" is still "pending review" nine months later.  This is why I have multiple backup accounts. Yes, that's against their rules.  They can fuck themselves with their rules. This has happened over 100 times, and I've lost count.
Since I can't even post news links about certain subjects:
And sometimes I don't even get told what I'm being banned for:
And in messages, quoting Bill Clinton verbatim is "Harmful content." 
When I had a Twitter account, similar things happened there.  I may have a screenshot back in the archive, but what's the point?
You may recall multiple Wikipoo editors all "Spontaneously" and simultaneously decided to speedy delete my page as "not notable," despite 2 genre and 9 national bestsellers, and several awards and noms, plus GoH appearances. They also went after Tom Kratman, Brad Torgersen, Sarah Hoyt, were trying to pull down bits of John Ringo's background, probably with the intent of claiming a multiple NYT bestseller is not notable, and even in discussion claimed that "Baen is basically a vanity publisher."
It would be ridiculous to believe there's any sort of conspiracy going on here.  Not at all. But the pile of coincidences makes presence on several platforms very inconvenient.
There's an irony that the Cockzucker is quoted here as saying: ΓÇ£Would you want every joke that you made to someone being printed and taken out of context later?ΓÇ¥ and ΓÇ£Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master.ΓÇ¥
Well done, Cockzucker!  You said the right things.  You never intended to abide by them, but you did say them. you'll get first updates and dibs on my projects, and as a bonus, I can post all the unmutual humor I never even bothered to risk on Fecesbook, knowing the Butthurt Little Bitch Brigade would wet their panties.