Have submitted my revised draft of "Battle's Tide" for the "Clan of the Claw" shared universe. Turtledove, Stirling, myself, Ringo and Nye. Alternate pre-history (Bronze Age).
Imagine a world where the Chicxulub impact never happened, and the dinosaurs continued to evolve, while mammals developed alongside them.
Imagine them at Bronze Age levels of technology, 5 million years ago when the Mediterranean flooded.
When the felinoid mrem must fight the saurian liskash for territory, pitting tribal dance magic against psionics, and tactics against mass.
So when you come across the cheerleading tigers with spears, that's mine.
Specifically, bagpiping, jazz breakdancing, cheerleading six foot tigers with javelins, spears and fighting claws.
Lizard. It's what's for dinner.