
Over here:

"Conservatives are still outraged over a same-sex kiss."

No, not really, liberal boy. Few of them ever were.

Either the character, having the memories of all previous hosts, is completely bisexual and relaxed about it. Or there's some hormonal/chemical factor in the host that makes them monosexual. Either way it should have been a nonissue as of the 3rd episode. It was you liberals who milked it for ad dollars.

DS9 did not start becoming anything even remotely approximating Good until the staff writers looked at the path Joe Straczynski was blazing, and said: "Hey -- Star Trek has never tried Actual Continuity before; let's give it a shot."  Until then, all the show was known for was having a species whose defining features were "short; big ears; crooked teeth; odd headgear; obsessed with money", in accordance with The Protocols Of The Elders Of Science Fiction...

You beat us about the head with every "marginalized" group, in a universe where allegedly these things don't matter.

This is yet another reason why "liberals" should refrain from science fiction.  They really can't envision a universe outside their narrow little shell of hatred and prejudice.