
The Constitution gives one the right to a speedy trial, by jury of peers, with representation. If one is indigent, an attorney will be appointed for you.

Well and good, but what about people who are not quite indigent, but lack the resources to keep a lawyer on retainer?  Surveys show that 50 million Americans lack adequate legal representation.  At $200 per hour or more, it's simply out of reach of many Americans.

It seems only reasonable that we should pool resources to protect people against errors in justice, and to support them in time of need for resolving disputes.  Legal representation is a right, and in the modern world, a necessity.

We could simply require attorneys to take clients on account.  We could think of this as insurance (And this is already done).  But by making it mandatory for all Americans, the cost is spread among everyone.

We could have different levels of plan, though all should cover criminal defense, child protection, divorce and bankruptcy protection at a minimum.  This would apply even to those who are single without kids, because only by pooling people do we gain benefit.  Other people's divorces have an effect on your life, even if you don't see it--police responses to disputes, unemployment and child care issues.

Ultimately, we should find some way to make the government the single payer for legal needs, with set rates for set processes.

Legal representation is a right.  It's time to stop treating it as a for-profit business.