

Behold, Jason Sanford, who’s huge on Patreon. Well, he had 144 subscribers. Maybe he has a few more now.  His Amazon sales rank is in the 2 million to 4 million range, so he’s sold maybe 50 books, ever. He’s not even a wannabe, he’s a nevergonnabe.

          He claims and pretends to be a journalist, and went into a lengthy “investigation” of Baen’s Bar, to find something to be offended by.

He was actually able to find someone being called…The Swarthy Menace!
This, he claims, is an indication of racism.

Well, I’ve known the person in question for 15 years, so let’s give some “context,” so beloved of “liberals,” to this name.

The nickname came about when Arun waded into spacebattlesforums (which most of us call “spacebabies,” because it’s a cesspit of ignorant, immature, basement-dwelling poseurs and wannabes), and textually destroyed someone who was criticizing Kratman’s military expertise with snide comments about his “alleged” career. Which is all real.  The incelcucks love to go after Tom, and to a lesser extent myself and John Ringo, stating we “claim” to have been in the military, when there are plenty of pics of all three of us in the field, and Krat even has professional papers on file with the War College.

He emerged victorious, and someone even tried throwing the “white privilege” epithet at him, which is hilarious, him being neither white nor liberal.  Kratman dubbed him, and he wears the name with pride. 

Oh, Arun also uses the name “Swarth Vader.” 

Arun is in fact from India, which makes him:


An Asian

A South Asian

An educated technical professional

A minority religion by US rules (Hindu, even though there are 700 million of them).


So I’m not sure where a pasty white liberal racist American of privilege gets off questioning how the man likes to be addressed. But Arun is pissed as hell at this racist twat using him as a poster child.



I saw Jason Sanford’s post.

As you may know and as the Colonel and our fellow flies and the attached email evidence will no doubt confirm, I’m The Swarthy Menace. The Colonel gave me that name after someone from spacebattles who had registered on the bar to argue the merits of the Colonel’s Legio Del Cid got into an argument with me thinking I’m a caucasian and a racist and I stripped their hide. I have never, ever felt that the term was racist as used by our fellow flies. I wear it proudly and my post history (see attached Swarthxx.pdf files) for evidence.

Here are some of the relevant posts from May 25, 2011 - June 1, 2011 where I got the name. Files are: Swarth 2011-1.pdf, Swarth 2011 - 2.pdf, Swarth 2011 -3.pdf, Swarth 2011 - 4.pdf, Swarth -2011 5.pdf

And here are the ones where I and the Colonel agreed upon that nickname. Files are: "Swarth - how the name came about.pdf” and "Swarth the name.pdf"

Rather than remaining silent, I would prefer that Toni went John Rambo on Jason Sanford’s ass. Hopefully, what I’ve shared is enough evidence to sue that asshole to penury.


And, the thread in question is from 2011.


So Jason Sanford has literally nothing better to do than wade through over a decade of forum posts looking for stuff to offend him, and with all that, he came up with a half dozen out of context comments.  He needs a girlfriend. Or a boyfriend. I’m not one to judge. Hell, he’d be more productive masturbating to My Little Pony porn. 

One of the “threats” he cites from the Bar is basically “white males should boycott America.”

Newsflash, idjit: You can’t force people to work for you. We fought a war over that a century back. Your side lost. You’re still trying to get them back, too. Though good luck getting tens of millions of Americans to refuse to work and get paid. I can’t even motivate them to stop wearing face panties as a symbol of their submission to the governor. Besides which, there’s been boycott days by blacks, Hispanics, unionists, even a threat of leftist women to not sleep with men until their aims were achieved. (Wait, is not being able to screw a leftist actually a threat? Or a generous offer?)


As far as “What happens if there’s another civil war?” This is a valid question for anyone to ask, especially in a forum of writers who write speculative fiction about wars.  He claims to write speculative fiction, but he seems a bit lacking in imagination.


FULL DISCLOSURE: I’ve written at least two fictional books with detailed scenes on HOW TO DESTROY ENTIRE CITIES using available materials.  I’m also Editor-At-Large for Survivalblog, where “What do we do if society collapses in any of a dozen fashions?” is a regular discussion.


And back in the real world, if that sort of thing happens, wouldn’t you like to be able to survive it with your family? Or if you don’t have a family, your dog? Discussing “What if” doesn’t have to include, “Hey, let’s kill people.” As someone with professional training in that aspect, most of you would suck at it and should just stay out of the way.  But knowing how to stay out of the way is a critical skill.


But with all that, his concern is that Toni, who by the way is the single mother of a special needs child, of Jewish heritage, who made none of these statements (that aren’t even actually violent), might attend a convention! Not the people who made these “Threats,” nor the guy who uses a nickname that offends his white liberal sensibilities (They hate when POCs dare to have dissenting opinions).  No, the publisher who spends her time publishing books must be scourged because somebody else said something he doesn’t approve of.


Here’s the key point:  If Incelboi was "investigating" "right wing violence," why didn't he either take the info to the FBI, or confront Baen directly? Why be a passive-agressive little bitch and ask people to harass a convention about guest status for one editor? He's perfectly okay with the alleged violence, as long as Toni doesn't go to a con? “Yeah, they blew up a federal building, but I’m the hero who wouldn’t let the forum owner attend a convention! Go me!”

If that were to happen, the FBI would have very valid questions as to why he hadn’t reported his suspicions. They might even include the term, “Accessory before the fact.”


But in reality, had he reported it to them, they’d have scanned over it, filed it because they had to, and politely hinted that “People still have free speech and we didn’t see anything meriting further investigation.  But we’ll keep an eye out.” The latter being code for “Little boy, don’t bother us again.”


There’s a reason no one pays this clown for his “investigative reporting.”  It’s neither. It’s self-aggrandizing wankery by an angry white male of privilege against minorities, women, and veterans, for the sin of having the success he doesn’t and never will.

        Oh, yes, he was also previously involved with the scandal around "Requires Hate," a batshit insane bigot who the lefticles endorsed while she was "punching up" (which term confesses they feel inferior by their own standards), but who rapidly turned on them and caused legal issues, threats, and complete insanity (as I recall.  I knew enough to completely avoid the matter). So he's perfectly cool with literal death threats, as long as they're from the "correct" end of the spectrum.


Oh, and as far as what Twitter “thinks”—no one with a brain wastes time on Twitter.  It’s the Two Minute Hate given form by Twits, and any entity that pays attention to them winds up getting slimed with their filth.  The sooner everyone with any intellectual ability deletes their account, the better off civilization will be.

And the so-called “Worldcon” has been a playground for bigoted leftist scum since at least 1990. There’s a reason fewer pros attend every year.