
It’s time to talk to some of the bizarrely non-conservative conservatives, who for unfathomable reasons are fans of Putin’s Russia. We call these people “Brosheviks.”

The simple background is that Kiev is far older than Moscow, and various groups controlled both territories. Ukraine was independent as a nation, then captured by the USSR. The USSR spent seventy plus years abusing and starving Ukraine to the tune of more than 30 million people. After the USSR collapsed it became independent, and the poorest country in Europe, looted and raped by its occupiers.

Ukraine had a lot of corruption because it was a former Soviet state. They all do. It has far less corruption than Russia. Remember the Clinton Foundation washing $650 mil through Russia? And Uranium deals? Etc? That’s just the stuff we know about large scale.

The USSR, though, and now Russia has the greatest propaganda organ the world has ever seen. Witness:

Literally every Russian military development—tank, aircraft, everything, led to wails of, “Oooh! The Russians have got us this time! ZOMG! State of the art! We’ll be catching up for generations! Panic! Gloom, despair, and agony on me!”

Then we’d capture or acquire one and it would be shit tier garbage. Every fucking time. The MiG25: Shit that couldn’t dogfight or maneuver and had no loiter time. The T72: Shit armor, shit fire control, overall shit. The T90: Such shit a Bradley can take it out with 25mm. The vaunted AK47: If you’ve ever shot one you understand it’s a weapon for illiterate peasants and yes, jams like you wouldn’t believe if you haven’t handled one. That long stroke gas piston loves corrosion, debris, and mud and turns into an unergonomic club.

The USSR persuaded the Western world, especially the left, that they were some sort of victims, not a larger, less-effective murder machine as the Nazis, but still a mass murder machine with a higher body count. Hanging a Swastika banner will get you excoriated (and should), but hang up the Hammer and Sickle, and well, we have to be tolerant of divergent viewpoints.

We really fucking don’t. Commies are just as much subhuman shit as the Nazis. But that propaganda.

The USSR only wanted a “buffer zone” which was “understandable” given its history and the “NATO threat,” of a co-op that has never invaded them. And then a buffer zone around the buffer zone. But don’t worry, all those nations lost to the Nazis or were supported by them*, so they deserve it.

Yes, to lefticles, losing to the Nazis means getting raped at the national level by the commies is a fair and reasonable Round Two.

*Quite a few nations were supported by the Nazis because in the WWII subplot of saving the USSR and Stalinism, all the groups and nations daring to split from it were told they could get fucked to death for all anyone cared, but Germany found it advantageous to use them to bleed Stalin. When there’s a boot on your throat, and the guy with a boot on someone else’s throat tosses you a knife, you use it. He may be an asshole, but he’s not the asshole murdering you at that exact moment.

Then in a surprise move the USSR collapsed (It wasn’t surprising that it happened, just that it took that long), and Ukraine again became independent, and found itself in possession of some nukes, and a bunch of environmental disasters caused by socialism, which is pretty much the outcome of socialism every time, but retards will keep insisting it’s not real socialism, but I digress.

Russia and the US both guaranteed Ukraine’s borders and sanctity in exchange for letting those nukes get removed and dismantled. Now, think for a moment: What is the only nation that would be placed and have an interest in conquering Ukraine?

            Vladimir Putin is a former low-level KGB thug whose intellect doesn’t rise above “punch the dissident until he complies.” He’s arranged to be in charge of the neo-USSR for decades, and leads its corruption, child-trafficking, international butchery, brutality, and failure.

            That propaganda, though. See Vlad on horseback. See him in a gym benching a whopping 30 lbs. See his book on Judo that actual Judoka will tell you is a sad joke. Vlad has made Russia great!

            He should have stopped there and taken the laurels.


            Sevastapol, Ukraine, was home to the Soviet Black Sea Fleet, and their only significant warm water port. Ukraine was allowing Russia free access, as good neighbors. But Vlad decided they needed complete control. Now, there are perfectly legitimate ways to effect such a claim. Arbitration. Offer a chunk of cash to the poorest nation in Europe, cut a long term lease deal, etc.

            So he invaded.

            And the gamma cuck pussified 0bama administration did nothing to stop it, despite our agreement to protect Ukraine’s borders.

            The ongoing lesson here is never trust a treaty or agreement with the US, because the US is a pussified failed state that will abandon you when convenient, and certainly when soicuck shitlib propaganda wails “Quagmire like Vietnam!”

            Vladimir Sputum then proceeded to write a bunch of articles about how basically all of Asia is Russia, and any nation daring to have national sovereignty are ungrateful wretches who need to be taught a lesson and made Russian again. He’s fantasized about this in publications for a decade, that he’d consolidate all of the former Glorious Russian Empire (which was a shit tier, dirt poor feudal state long after feudalism was surpassed) AND the former USSR (a shit tier socialist state, as if there’s any other kind), to create a huge, continent-spanning gloriousness.

            Then he invaded the rest of Ukraine.

            The propaganda arm went into overdrive.

            And alleged conservatives slurped it up like Putin’s jizz that they crave for some reason.


            “Ukraine has corruption! Vlad is saving us from the New World Order!”

            Name a single nation we’ve ever assisted in war that wasn’t corrupt. Including our own.

            Also, if you’ve paid attention the last decade (you obviously haven’t paid attention the last decade), Ukraine was in the process of flushing the corrupt leaders, most of whom were…friends of Vladimir Sputum.

            “Ukraine has Nazis!”

            Probably a few. So does the US. So does Russia, since the head of Wagner Group, named after Hitler’s favorite composer, LITERALLY HAS SS INSIGNIA TATTOOED ON HIS CHEST, COLLARS AND SHOULDERS. Are you that fucking gullible and retarded? Apparently.

            Also, the POWs from the alleged Nazi Azov Battalion were exchanged for Russian POWs, no issue.  So no (alleged) Nazis were actually stopped or tried.

            Also, those "Nazis" are taking orders from a Jewish comedian. Vlad explains this as "They're a special kind of Nazi that isn't necessarily anti-semitic, but still Nazis." So, National yourself, Vlad?


            “Putin is the only man making sense!”

            So, you haven’t actually read what he’s written.


            “Russia warned Ukraine not to join NATO! They can’t be aggressive like that.”

            Ukraine has not joined NATO, and your ex doesn’t get to tell you who to date.

            “Russia is rightfully afraid of NATO aggression!”

            THIS Cold War bullshit again? Are you liberal, or retarded?

            “Why won’t anyone stand with Russia against the New World Order? Vlad is a hero!”

            Such a hero his allies are Lil Kim in North Korea, and the Assahola in Iran. That’s who you’re supporting here, dipshit.


            “You’re going to find out that Ukraine is carefully making it look like they’re winning! There’s this huge push in March/April 2023/2024 that’s going to end it. After Ukraine is worn out fighting Russian garbage, the A-team is going to wreck them!”

            It’s been 2.5 years. The Russian Airborne died the first day. The vaunted Spaznutz met Ukrainian reservists and got slaughtered like the shit tier, third world, all-show-and-no-dick bitches they actually are. It’s getting worse. Russians have been seen on scooters (the step on kind that populate cities like cockroaches) and Chinese golf carts. They’re losing T54s on a recurring basis, having run out of modern (1960s) tanks. It’s become a joke at this point.


            “The T64 is actually better than the Abrams!
            “US missile launchers take a special vehicle to reload. Behold the efficiency of Russians reloading theirs by hand!”

            This shit was reported unironically. Meanwhile, the US missile system evaporated an entire zip code of Russians while they were still hand carrying reloads.


            “American children are starving to support the corrupt Ukrainians!”

            No, they fucking aren’t. $113 billion out of a GDP of $27 TRILLION, with an annual DoD budget of around $800 billion, of a total budget of $6.4 TRILLION (The important part here is ¼ of your productivity is federal budget, 2/3 of which is handouts to nonproductive people (Social Security, Welfare, etc)). Be mad about those. The Ukraine outlay is irrelevant, and, it’s utterly gutting Russia, which is still a threat and competitor, without a single American military life at stake. Win/win/win.


            “All the money going to Ukraine is just being laundered right back to Joe Biden!”

            Look, I hate the racist, rapist, child-molesting, anti-semitic, retarded Nazi with Alzheimer’s in the White House at least as much as you do, but even if he’s getting a kickback, which is not impossible, there are plenty of videos on r/combatfootage and of entire battalions of Russians being vaporized. You can see the photo documented slaughterfest at The money is being used to kill Russians. Also: You can’t describe how money is laundered because you don’t know. You’re just regurgitating the jizz you swallowed and blowing bubbles in the process. Yes, I’m being crass and condescending. (That means I’m being rude and talking down to you as if you’re stupid, because you are.) You sound like the Film Actors Guild talking about corporations in their corporation buildings being all corporationy. 


“Russia just offered a ceasefire agreement and the horrible, evil, New World Order of every nation except Russia, Iran and North Korea wouldn’t even let Ukraine look at it and just rejected it!”

Yes, because the “agreement” was “Give me all the territory I already claim even though I don’t control it, and some other territory here and there, and I’ll pull back until I feel like coming round again.”

            “Ukraine has invaded Russia! They’re just not taking the hint!”

            The hint that either they let Vlad destroy their nation, culture, and gang rape their women and children (and about 20,000 kids have reportedly been stolen and taken to Russia), or he’d do it by force? Or, they fight to the last Russian.


            “What you fail to understand is Russia is done negotiating!”

            What negotiation? See above. RUSSIA IS THE AGGRESSOR HERE, RETARD.

            “Ukraine is now planning to use a dirty bomb! We heard this from Russian Scientists who are totally neutral and reliable and have no reason to fabricate anything!”

            Jesus Tittyfucking Christ. Jim Hoft at Gateway Pundit must be seriously queer for Putin. He never stops about how Ukraine will fail any day, is terrible, horrible, no good awful bad, and how saintly Vlad is for offering to fix their nation.  Hey, Jim: Vlad is straight and married. He’s not going to let you slurp his knob, even if you offer to gargle and swallow.

            Also, if Ukraine was planning it, they would probably use leftover Corium from the Chernobyl meltdown, and it would be long overdue payback to Moscow.

            From a perspective of military intelligence, ANYTHING Russia says has a low level of confidence from an unreliable, non-credible source. It might occasionally be right, but only if verified by a dozen other non-Russian sources. They have no ability to be honest.

            FACT: Russia invaded Ukraine because it wanted to seize territory it’s not entitled to, and is getting its incompetent shit tier military ass kicked by a third world nation. Even if they “win” a few counties of utter wasteland that are wrecked more than No Man’s Land in WWI, they’ve lost their credibility and military footprint for decades to come.

            Now stop being their propaganda bitch.