This is why you pat liberals on the head, say, "That's nice," and send them off to make some modern art, or write a poem, or some crap, while real men deal with relatively simple problems.
Anyone who's dealt with Arab culture can tell you that apologizing gets you nowhere.  It's seen as weak, submissive, "feminine."  You show up strong and polite, demand 300% of what you wish for and settle for 125%.  If not, you smack them, smack them again, kick them in the teeth on the way down, and tell them you're taking 200%.  That is how their culture works, and has worked, since Biblical times and since The March of the Ten Thousand.
You don't argue with 2500 years of culture.  You simply bomb it into the 21st century, or the stone age, their choice.

The latest crap I hear is that the video Islamists find offensive was made by a "Romney supporter" and "Free speech doesn't extend to deliberately angering people."

Yes, liberals are all for free speech, BUT!

And failures of policy are never their fault, even when it's their policy.

This is why you pat liberals on the head, say, "That's nice," and send them off to make some modern art, or write a poem, or some crap, while real men deal with relatively simple problems.

Anyone who's dealt with Arab culture can tell you that apologizing gets you nowhere.  It's seen as weak, submissive, "feminine."  You show up strong and polite, demand 300% of what you wish for and settle for 125%.  If not, you smack them, smack them again, kick them in the teeth on the way down, and tell them you're taking 200%.  That is how their culture works, and has worked, since Biblical times and since The March of the Ten Thousand.

You don't argue with 2500 years of culture.  You simply bomb it into the 21st century, or the stone age, their choice.