It's hilarious when Demorrhoids and complete shitheads (But I repeat myself) attempt to claim that libertarians (Which I'm not) are somehow magically fascist or Nazi, which they claim are the same thing, while totally not being the same as their own fetishized version of a totalitarian police state.
A like-minded fellow vet and I were kicking around what we'd do if ever elected president (I'm an immigrant, so I'd have to be Benevolent Dictator).
Day 1:  Vacation of federal sentences with full pardons:
Anyone in jail on a drug charge that doesn't involve selling to minors.  Your sentence is vacated. You are pardoned.  Go engage in free market economics. This also applies to bootleggers, distillers, and anyone with a liquor license violation.
Anyone in jail on a non-violent firearm charge.  Your sentence is vacated. You are pardoned.  
Anyone in jail for a crime involving consenting adults (strippers, prostitutes, etc).  Your sentence is vacated. You are pardoned.  
Anyone who accepted a plea deal in lieu of a bunch of intimidating bullshit by the government's official jack-booted death squad and its legal apparatus:  Pardoned for the pled crime. If the Feds, State or Locals want to try again on an actual charge they think they can prove, that's up to them. Though if it's a drug or firearm charge, they may want to save their time and money.  
Tax evaders:  Sentences commuted.  IRS can hire collection agents like every other debt.
Every government agency will be instructed to continue Trump's policy of removing two regulations for every new regulation. In addition, they will be ordered to commence an immediate 10% reduction in personnel via attrition--retirement, dismissal, resignation, etc. If they need to fire additional drones to make it happen, fine. Last hired, first fired. If this means some department heads have to move back into customer service and deal with actual people, good. Oh, that's 10% per year. I want them 2/3 their current size within four years. That puts them at 43% in 8 years. Though I'd consider upping the rate to 20% for a second term. DoD and the Judiciary can petition for exceptions on a case by case basis. We would probably say no.
Only three federal agencies get to be armed:  FBI, ICE, and the Marshals.  Any agency that believes it needs armed force can call the ever-decreasing number of Marshals and request to be on the waiting list.  ICE actually needs armed guards at the border.  The FBI can arm agents who actually deal with actual criminals--terrorists, kidnappers, traffickers.
The Civilian Marksmanship Program would be immediately budgeted and instructed to update from M-1 Garands and sell AR-15s at cost to the American public.  Some of the money saved elsewhere would be used to expand shooting range access in every county. Congress would be instructed to repeal the NFA if they know what's good for them.
I'm sure some "liberal" will be along momentarily to tardsplain how this is actually racist and fascist and I should be hanged from a gas station for dismantling the bureaucracy that makes us free.
Which is why I pretty much stopped bothering listening to anything from the American left.