Oh, those poor Syrian refugees, whom we must all take pity on and welcome into someone else's community.
Last week, a 15 year old boy died during an Ebola resurgence. Name him.
In the last decade, a million Rwandans and Angolans were butchered or killed with machetes. Do you know why? Name three.
Why do you suddenly care about this particular batch of refugees who somehow can't find anyone closer in location or similar in culture to take them?
I see naive leftists (which is half of all leftists, the other half being conniving and evil) trying to compare them to the Jews turned away from the US in the 1930s.
Here's the problem with your narrative:
A: The Jews had no Jewish nations to go to. There are plenty of Muslim and ethnic Arabic nations the Syrians can go to.
2) The Jews didn't have a history of extremists who blew up schools and shopping malls, decapitated journalists and Christians on camera, gang-raped schoolgirls and murdered or disfigured the ones who argued.
But if you really want, I'm sure we can arrange to deliver a 22-40 year old Syrian male to your house for your safe keeping. Thanks for your generosity.