FACT:  Kavanaugh and Christine Blowme Ford were minors.

FACT:  The crime of "sexual assault" did not cover groping in that place and time.  "Simple assault" or "battery" are the only credible legal claims.

FACT:  As they were minors, any such charge would have vacated by now.

FACT: Even if he was 18, statute of limitations is DECADES past.*

FACT: Per her own reports, they were both intoxicated.  We have no evidence to support her claim he was, but she has confessed to a criminal act.

FACT: 6 of her 4 witnesses call bullshit.

FACT: Without something more substantial than "somewhere, sometime, and I have no idea how I got there," no charges are possible.

FACT: She admits she went to a "party" with two or four, she's not sure, males and no females, to get intoxicated and...do what?  At a place with no chaperonage.

FACT: The FBI only investigates federal or interstate crime, and this would have been neither. They cannot investigate it.

FACT: Regardless of what may have happened, the claim is unsupportable bullshit.

FACT: We've now reached a point only seen in bad satirical movies of the 1990s (The Running Man: "She had sex with three, sometimes FOUR men in the same YEAR!") for condemnation of men.

FACT: If you believe any of her bullshit, you cannot possibly claim to be logical or deductive.

FACT: If you're "literally made ill" by this lying drunken slut's bullshit, you better be petitioning for Keith Ellison to be deposed on the ACTUAL POLICE REPORTS and ACTUAL HOSPITAL RECORDS of his ex girlfriend, and of the several women who have accused Bill Clinton of not groping, but FORCIBLE RAPE, and open the records on Teddy Kennedy's "forgetting" there was a woman drowning in his car when he crashed it in a river while intoxicated, and somehow was never punished, and ask your party WHY they re-elected Klansman Robert Byrd for life, and tolerated his utter racism to the end (he voted against EVERY black judiciary candidate, even when his party endorsed them).  Because if not, you're a vile, rape-endorsing, domestic violence-endorsing, fucking RACIST.

You are not logical, you are not deductive, you are not even human fucking beings.  You are utter fucking filth, and we really do need to invest in Caterpillar D9 bulldozers.




*FACT: In America, we don't retcon crimes to suit the modern day. Ex Post Facto.  It's covered in the Constitution, and you subhuman, anti-American, anti-intellectual, worm-ridden pieces of cholera-infected maggot shit need to read it. Ask an educated 12 year old (HINT: their parents didn't vote for the D) explain the big words to you.