I want to start this sporadic segment off right.

All Hail Trump, the NYC Demorrhoid turned Republican of Convenience.  After all, had he admitted to being a Demorrhoid, he'd have lost the election.

Instead, his narcissism impacted like the Chicxulub Meteorite and wiped out every possible actual Republican, thus freeing Hillary, the National-Socialist Witch of the Northeast By Way of the Toothless South, to focus her corruption on eliminating Bernie. 

I guess in a three-way race between Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini, Mussolini is the slightly lesser evil. But he sure as hell isn't good.

The terrifying thing is the Demorrhoids are masturbating over Russian Birth Certificates and "emoluments," which most of them can't even spell without copy/paste, when they should be objecting to massive Executive power grabs, like redefining random bits of plastic as "machine guns" and endorsing asset forfeiture without trial.  But since they're all in on that themselves, they'll give him free reign, while refusing to acknowledge he's one of theirs.

The man's doing everything the DNC claims to want, while they object to him doing it, and the Republitards endorse his "brilliance" with statements like, "No one cares about bumpstocks, you RINO."  Shitheads on both sides have forgotten that he's pro-choice, anti-gun, anti-4th Amendment, anti-just about everything else except profit, and easily distracted. All they see is his charisma, while he proceeds to lay the groundwork for a complete police state, admittedly about four years slower than Hillary. She'd have had the Death Camps™ already.  Not that I expect him to open any Death Camps.™  But he's made it trivially easy for whichever "Liberal" Demorrhoid Nazi follows him.

Meanwhile, his opponents ignore that and his supporters masturbate to it.

What does he actually stand for?  Profit, a wall, and more profit.  Which I'm perfectly cool with, as long as he takes care of other things as well.  But he won't, and none of you will do anything about it.  He doesn't give a shit about the Constitution. 

Donald J. Trump, you are the first Cockbag of the Week.