Teh stupid, it burns
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- Written by Michael Z Williamson
These are in no particular order. There's just too much stupidity to track.
COVID is not the flu, it's one of several variants of cold. The shrieking idiots that "it's just the flu" didn't help. And they were wrong.
The very initial lockdown made a certain amount of sense. No one knew what the actual threat level was, because not a single report from China regarding anything can be trusted.  It looked to be 200X as lethal as your average flu. It's not. It's on par with a really bad flu, like the 1957 Hong Kong Flu, and 1968 Asian Flu. Bad, but survivable. We also now know we have treatment.
So about that:  The drugs in question are tested and safe, and doctors prescribe variant uses all the time. This should not require the FDA to do any kind of lengthy study, and is proof we need to gut that agency. Between "Will die" and "this isn't entirely tested but will probably save you, maybe with some side effects," the choice is obvious.
I previously touched on how herd immunity works--after enough people develop antibodies, the rate of infection slows and for certain strains may go almost dormant. Viruses of this type are constantly evolving. There may already be 8 variants of this strain.
So, to get herd immunity, PEOPLE HAVE TO GET THE DISEASE. You can't develop immunity by not being exposed. See: First Contact with the New World. (and see my preceding blog post.)  We'll be back to that in a moment.
Since we know the elderly and immune compromised and especially both, and with underlying health issues are at risk, those people should be staying inside. EVERYONE ELSE needs to get outside and get exposed, most with zero symptoms, recover, and be immune, so as to minimize transference later.
YOU CANNOT STOP THIS TYPE OF VIRUS. The shrieking Karens screaming "GOVERNOR, SHUT THIS STATE DOWN!" are complete idiots.  Back to the New World:  63 days across the ocean is long enough for an entire crew to have a viral infection (cold or flu) and get over it, and have antibodies and not get sick again.
So, why did the natives get sick?  Because it was a virgin field with no antibodies and the slightest infection was enough.
If you all come out now, a bunch of you are going to get sick.  If you hold off until May 1, even more of you are going to get sick, and we'll be in the worst economic depression the world has ever known due to a complete lack of engaging in economy.
If you all hide until September, you're STILL going to get sick, and at the worst time of year for it--October-December, just like the flu and other colds. More people will die on top of everyone who's starving to death because we will have literally no economy left. (And I realize idiots don't believe this is true, even though in just two weeks we've gone from 3% unemployment to 10%. It'll be 20% by next week, and likely hit 40% by the end of April, if we don't stop the stupidity right now.)
If you believe you can just hide out long enough for it to go away, you are an idiot. This apparently applies to most state governors.
Closing playgrounds--stupid. Young kids are very resilient to this and will shrug it off, and help develop herd immunity. Just keep them away from Grandma for a few weeks.
Attacking people for daring to gather in small groups--prevents herd immunity. Stupid.
Buying PPE from China...didn't you actually pay attention? Stupid.
Demanding only one customer at a time put groceries on the checkout belt, but not sterilizing it in between--stupid.  All you did was slow commerce down.
Banning people from numerous activities--stupid. See above. It also leads to more domestic violence, obesity, and suicide.
Closing farmers markets, with lots of UV and fresh air, while leaving stores open.  Stupid.
Insisting we stand 6' apart at the Post Office when the windows are 3' apart. Stupid.
Releasing criminals from jail, a controlled environment where you can actually have good odds of preventing transmission, so they're now outside committing crimes and exposed. Stupid.
Banning fishing, which produces food and keeps people 6' apart. Stupid.
Vermont--declaring VEGETABLE SEEDS AND GARDENING TOOLS that people use to RAISE FOOD so they can AVOID PEOPLE MORE (which they shouldn't be, but you want them to do) is freaking retarded.  You need to recall that governor right now. She's stupid.
Smashing the economy with illegal orders to stay inside and do nothing--stupid, and criminal.
Governors issuing executive orders:  The response to these needs to be "or what?"  Executive orders by definition apply to the executive and the cabinet--work on this project, prosecute more of this, make this available. They have ZERO legal binding on citizens. Claiming so and threatening police violence against people who refuse your illegal order is actually constitutional grounds for someone to exercise an Italian Recall. Though I recommend doing your best to be low key, because given that your average cop is stupid, ignorant, trigger happy, and "just following orders," until they actually start up the box cars (they've already been designating hotels as camps), your survival is better to comply.
A county banning the sale of books as "non-essential." This is such a blatant First Amendment violation the three members of that county board should already be recalled by ropes and lampposts. Ditto with banning church services. Also, what are we supposed to use to teach our kids?
Closing schools, playgrounds, museums, theaters, libraries, literally everything we would use to educate or entertain our kids. Stupid AND criminal and you should be defying those illegal orders.
Shortening store hours--this packs more people into the store in a shorter timeframe, which is actually good for herd immunity, but accomplishes exactly the opposite of what you're trying to do. You're so stupid, you're even doing stupid stupid.
Sending 32 cops to raid a 1 year old's birthday party. Stupid. And proves yet again that cops are mindless thugs with no respect for the Constitution.
The mayor of Knoxville demanding Yet Moar Fascism, and having 9 suicides in 48 hours, far existing the city's death toll from COVID--stupid.
Same mayor admitting she may have to "reconsider" some of the policies, but not immediately removing failed policies that made the situation multiply worse than it was--so stupid you should recall her right now.
Shrieking the ridiculous lie that "The Constitution is not a suicide pact!" Stupid. The Feds LOST both cases where they claimed that, all the way to the Supreme Court. The Constitution does, however, provide for the execution of tyrants. NEWSFLASH: They had epidemics in colonial times, without modern medicine. We've had at least four worse epidemics. We didn't turn into Nazi fucking Germany complete to "papers, please!" to go about your daily business. Further, if "emergency" can suspend the Constitution, there's already some leftist whore demanding it for "Climate emergency."  No, we will not surrender our Constitution because of a cold. If you're scared, stay home. The rest of us have a nation and economy to run.
Allowing governors to GIVE you illegal orders and demanding more--this is your own fault, you are stupid, you should not vote, you should not reproduce, and in fact, I'll buy you a one-way ticket to North Korea where you can live exactly that lifestyle. You are scum. And stupid.
At this point, if you're expecting me to care if a million of you die, you're stupid for the final time. I'm hoping for 10-15 million.
Sadly, as of 7 Apr, it's just barely cracked 11,000 deaths (and now 10 apr, 17,000), half what either the flu or the common cold have done this season.  Meanwhile, Malaria kills 15X that many every month in Africa and India, but because those are brown people and leftists are inherently racist, they won't even unban DDT to help address that problem.
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- Written by Michael Z Williamson
Brad Smith <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
8:05 PM (42 minutes ago)
to me
The only racists are those in the GOP and Libertarian Party who fight to honor a regime whose goals were to uphold white supremacists and oppress blacks.
Fuck off.
Mike Williamson
8:47 PM (0 minutes ago)
to Brad
Um...what is this about, and whom was it intended for? Because I have no idea who you are.
You're also wrong, since no such set of parameters and people exists.  But obviously, deductive reasoning is not your strong suit.
If it was intended at me, I note that you're anti-immigrant, but that's a common issue I deal with from "liberals."
Let's deconstruct his utter ignorance here:
Republicans and Libertarians are not the same group.  They're vastly different groups. Anyone lumping them together has to be so far from the mainstream that their only discernment is "us" and "them."
The US has never had a "Regime."
No one is "fighting" to "Honor" said regime, even using the loosest definition of same.
I think he may vaguely be referencing the Confederacy (Not a "Regime"), which is long gone, and was run very much by elitist democrats, who can be typified by Mike Bloomberg (D--Wall Street), who believes poor people should have their lives controlled because they're too stupid to manage them themselves, and by Demorrhoids who insist that voter ID is racist because blacks are too stupid to get ID (which almost everyone of every demographic already has, and by omitting the poverty-stricken whites, Hispanics, Asians, and Native Americans make it clear they think ONLY blacks have this problem, thus demonstrating exactly the point that THEY are the racists).
If so, the LP would have nothing to do with the Confederacy due to slavery, et al.  And I've never once heard a Republican insist we need to bring back slavery. But damned if the Demorrhoids don't do everything they can to have an impoverished underclass they can order around, especially if they can keep them without immigration papers and working for a pittance (See: Much of the Hollywood elite and scads of politicians).
So all I'm getting is that this guy is ignorant and angry that his own side's racism and elitism are so blatant.  But rather than try to fix them, he wants to project them onto normal people.
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- Written by Michael Z Williamson
Just caught a bunch of pages and videos on this.
You can buy these from me, too, but Amazon carries them at the same price.
Here's the idiot myth on every single page:
"The back isn't a good saw."
"The primary use of that knife, the reason it was designed, was as a general purpose escape tool from the wreckage of an aircraft. You could punch a hole in the fairly thin skin of the craft and saw your way out. ItΓÇÖs a fairly specialised knife that can work as a field knife but itΓÇÖs not the best choice for a general purpose knife."
No, it fucking isn't.  If the plane is that fucked up, you're not getting out. That's a load of bullshit up there with the myth of, "You can't legally use a .50 cal against troops, but you can use it to shoot their web gear," and "Mattel made M-16s." The knife is stowed in a kit under the seat. You're not getting it out in time to do any cutting. If it's a fighter, you're ejecting. If it's a cargo/transport/bomber, there's a half dozen different ways out of the plane-every hatch, ramp, window, port and door is an egress.
"Hey, the guys need a tool to cut through the fuselage."
"How about a metal shear and a springloaded punch?"
"I guess, but I was thinking of giving them a knife."
"A knife?"
"Yeah, to punch a hole in the plane and saw their way out."
"Like you'd do with a spring-loaded punch and a metal shear?"
"Yeah, but a knife!"
I'm waiting for someone to insist what it really needs is a launchable spring loaded blade "like the Spetznaz used" as a "last ditch weapon."
And the CQC6 "Quartermaster" knife wasn't used for "prying open crates and hammering the lids," either. As dumb as the Army can sometimes be, they DO know what hammers and prybars are.
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- Written by Michael Z Williamson
There's a an Op-Ed, or maybe a Pre-Op-Ed at the WaPoo about how to address people who refuse to use the gender norms human languages have had literally forever.
I think I was 13 the first time I was called "ma'am" on the phone. I didn't bother correcting the business because I understood as a young male youth my voice could be mistaken. It didn't break my emotional well-being, and I lived through the experience.
The entire article is drivel, and...well, here: https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/please-stop-making-jokes-about-gender-pronouns-when-people-tell-you-theirs/2019/12/11/
First of all, fuck you, I'll make any fucking jokes I like about any fucking thing I want, any time I fucking feel like it. Don't like it? Fuck off.
In a serious note, I will address you as you present. If you're at an historical re-enactment wearing 10th Century Norse female garb, I'll assume you are "miss," "damen," "my lady," or "ma'am," accordingly.  If for some reason you want to dress and present as a female, but not be called one...then you need deeper therapy.
If I am not sure (and this applies to status, rank, sex presentation, class, etc), and it's relevant, I may ask, "How should I address you?"
And then we will get on with our lives.
If you have to start with, "My pronouns are she and hers," I'm going to tell you, Our pronoun is "The Shitlord," and We are only addressed in the third person. Also, you will have to do it in this language I just made up that changes every week. Or in my native Gaelic. Or you can just fuck off.
What you don't get to do is dictate how other people talk.  Here's a relevant excerpt:
The backlash was instantaneous. By the end of the night, Cuomo had apologized on Twitter, noting his sorrow as ΓÇ£an ally of the LGBTQ communityΓÇ¥ ΓÇö but still not managing to state his pronouns. And I wondered, not for the first time: Why canΓÇÖt cisgender people be semi-normal about this?
Why does he have to play your game and "State his pronouns"?
Why do you display the bigotry of accusing him and us of being abnormal? "Cisgender" is an external, false euphemism you have assigned to NORMAL PEOPLE, identified as the 99.995% of the population who are male or female (whether or not they accept that is another issue). One can be straight, gay, bi, asexual. One is male, female, or has a chromosome or physiological mismatch (rare). Those latter are the only non-"cis" people. Claiming you're with them actually denigrates them.
Why do you assign us the identity "cisgender" over OUR protests, but expect us to kowtow to your preferences?
This is the fascism of a minority culture, full of hatred, intolerance, and refusal to accept the norms of the majority.
The first big step toward terrorism.
And anyone who doesn't believe it borders on terrorism is invited to "misgender" some high-profile freak on TWITter and wait for the screaming backlash and attempts to dox you.
There was even wailing about someone being called "it," except there IS a high profile freak of some sort who has publicly stated their pronoun is "it."  
You see how this game is played?  Worthless failures who can't get attention any other way are demanding that everyone address them in a clever, unique fashion known only to them, changing at whim, with no set rules.  There was also another article that people who DO use these terms are "patronizing."
So, no, Kat, you're a fucking freak, and an obnoxious one, and you need to grow the fuck up and grow some balls, or boobs, or something, or else take some tequila and sleeping-pill therapy. You not only have issues, you have entire subscriptions that make Publisher's Clearinghouse look sedate. But they are not my subscriptions and I'm not buying any.
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