Brad Smith <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
8:05 PM (42 minutes ago)
to me

The only racists are those in the GOP and Libertarian Party who fight to honor a regime whose goals were to uphold white supremacists and oppress blacks.
Fuck off.

Mike Williamson
8:47 PM (0 minutes ago)
to Brad

Um...what is this about, and whom was it intended for? Because I have no idea who you are.

You're also wrong, since no such set of parameters and people exists.  But obviously, deductive reasoning is not your strong suit.

If it was intended at me, I note that you're anti-immigrant, but that's a common issue I deal with from "liberals."


Let's deconstruct his utter ignorance here:

Republicans and Libertarians are not the same group.  They're vastly different groups. Anyone lumping them together has to be so far from the mainstream that their only discernment is "us" and "them."

The US has never had a "Regime."

No one is "fighting" to "Honor" said regime, even using the loosest definition of same.

I think he may vaguely be referencing the Confederacy (Not a "Regime"), which is long gone, and was run very much by elitist democrats, who can be typified by Mike Bloomberg (D--Wall Street), who believes poor people should have their lives controlled because they're too stupid to manage them themselves, and by Demorrhoids who insist that voter ID is racist because blacks are too stupid to get ID (which almost everyone of every demographic already has, and by omitting the poverty-stricken whites, Hispanics, Asians, and Native Americans make it clear they think ONLY blacks have this problem, thus demonstrating exactly the point that THEY are the racists).

If so, the LP would have nothing to do with the Confederacy due to slavery, et al.  And I've never once heard a Republican insist we need to bring back slavery. But damned if the Demorrhoids don't do everything they can to have an impoverished underclass they can order around, especially if they can keep them without immigration papers and working for a pittance (See: Much of the Hollywood elite and scads of politicians).

So all I'm getting is that this guy is ignorant and angry that his own side's racism and elitism are so blatant.  But rather than try to fix them, he wants to project them onto normal people.