"The Weapon", a book focusing on the struggle between an increasingly
restrictive world government and a colony based upon libertarian (some
might say anarchic) philosophy, was published in late 2005. It's author,
Michael Williamson, maintains that he thought he had been writing
fiction when he wrote this (emphasis mine):
"If it's not in your training, don't try to do anything in case you make
it worse." No one is allowed surgical tools, weapons or {b}fire
extinguishers{/b} in their homes or cars because "such things are best left
to professionals."
And yet here we are, a bit more than half a decade later, and this triumph
of the Nanny State now comes from Great Britain.
Fire extinguishers could be removed from communal areas in flats
throughout the country because they are a safety hazard, it has emerged.
The life-saving devices encourage untrained people to fight a fire
rather than leave the building, risk assessors in Bournemouth decided.
Mike Edwards, who lives in one of the blocks, said he was 'absolutely
staggered' that risk experts thought it a safe decision.
'They are worried we will point them in the wrong direction or use the
wrong extinguishers,' he said
Oh ... "The Weapon", published by Baen, may be found here
http://www.webscription.net/p-463-the-weapon.aspx but you should
probably read it's predecessor "Freehold"
(http://www.webscription.net/p-162-freehold.aspx) first.
Copying From One Of My Fans
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- Written by Michael Z Williamson