So, even though some murderous little punk wore the flags of two defunct nations on his jacket, it inevitably became about the Confederate battle banner. Which doesn't fly over the SC capital, but what do facts matter?
Several major retailers stopped selling merchandise with that image, and, under pressure, eBay and Amazon folded, too. They'll still sell Swastikas, SS death's heads, The Turner Diaries, etc, but those are okay, I guess.
So it started with me telling Amazon, CHALLENGE ACCEPTED!:
And I figured this one would have a nice cognitive dissonance, too, though someone pointed out Tennessee might actually do it:
And there's this variation, which definitely belongs on a wife beater:
To which someone responded with this:
And someone actually questioned the orientation of the Swastika, as if it isn't free to live the orientation it feels itself to be.
Well, we're up to THIS:
And at some point, one of these is going on a shirt.
But what if you "Enjoy Tasty Bacon"?
And it's going viral, and seems to have started a meme.
Someone just sent me these: