If I actually express my personal opinion of the below person, his fellow travelers, who have already had several of my social media accounts silenced, attempted to ban my books and attempted to SWAT me will probably threaten my kids again.  So I'll be as moderate as I can.


Joe Walsh


I would vote for socialism over authoritarianism.



Imagine being so fucking pighead stupid that you donΓÇÖt realize itΓÇÖs the same thing.

As noted by these commenters:

Carmine Sabia


Feb 22

Replying to


Socialism is totalitarianism. You are not even you anymore. This is the worst case of grifting I have ever seen.



In Pursuit of Truth




Replying to


We know. Which is why things have turned out for you the way they have.


Yuri Pavlov




The funny thing is socialism is a euphemism for communism which is a euphemism for authoritarianism. ThatΓÇÖs ironic-ism.


To which this creature replied:

~Devon Welsh - Bernie Sanders 2020
Can you please read up on the terms "socialism" and "totalitarianism"? Even just the Wikipedia articles for each one would help you understand how different and even radically opposed those two ideas are.


 Yes, this says Socialists can be totalitarian, you lying, retarded, subhuman communist piece of shit.

It even provides a list. Most of them are socialist.


Gee. Even Wikipoo can't hide THAT truth in leftist weasel-wording.


Round Two:

Anyone reading me regularly knows I've been quite critical of Trump. He's managed to be not as bad as Hillary Clinton, the actual National Socialist, but it's a low bar.

But the "authoritarian" line, while accurate, fails at all to be scaled.  If you have anarchist me at 0% government, Trump is around 35%, Bloomberg is around 65%, and the Demorrhoid Party is pretending it's not already around 80%, cheering itself on to slide to 146%

There's the utterly ridiculous comparison to Hitler, which has been bandied about regarding almost every recent president, but in actuality is only accurate regarding FDR, who near as I can tell wanted Adolph to swing by and fuck him across the bed in an orgy of mutual anti-semitism, race hatred and eugenics.

Some things Hitler did:

Price fixing

Sanctions against LGBTs

Sanctions against Jews

Death Camps

Nationalized single payer health care

Nationalized industry

Started a world war

Banned gun ownership along racial lines

Universal gun licensing for citizens

Colluded with Russia

Instituted a military draft

Allied with Arab militants

Developed a national secret police

Banned political dissent

Sent thugs around to smash dissenters and their businesses


Donald Trump, for all his faults, has done none of these.



Though the Demorrhoid Party either has previously, has as its platform, or openly endorses:

Price fixing

Sanctions against Israel

Nationalized single payer health care

Started US involvement in two world wars

Banned gun ownership along racial lines

Universal gun licensing for citizens

Colluded with the USSR

Instituted AND re-instituted the draft

Openly courts Arab militants

Openly pushes for national secret police AND has de facto created them under the table

Uses its propaganda arm (the media) to stifle dissent.

Publicly endorses thugs who go around smashing dissenters and their businesses.

So, gee, which party has all the authoritarian trappings AND violence of both the Nazis and the Communists?

Yeah, the fucking Demorrhoid Party.

They are Literally Hitler, while accusing everyone else of being so.  (Including me. Apparently, actual anarchists who despise the existence of government secretly want A REPRESSIVE GOVERNMENT!  Paid for by ABSOLUTELY NO TAXES!  With the power to DO NOTHING! Except repress people by inaction!)

I'll probably get pre-banned from another convention for this, because two things Demorrhoids can't stand are redpill truth and public dissent.



Brad Smith <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
8:05 PM (42 minutes ago)
to me

The only racists are those in the GOP and Libertarian Party who fight to honor a regime whose goals were to uphold white supremacists and oppress blacks.
Fuck off.

Mike Williamson
8:47 PM (0 minutes ago)
to Brad

Um...what is this about, and whom was it intended for? Because I have no idea who you are.

You're also wrong, since no such set of parameters and people exists.  But obviously, deductive reasoning is not your strong suit.

If it was intended at me, I note that you're anti-immigrant, but that's a common issue I deal with from "liberals."


Let's deconstruct his utter ignorance here:

Republicans and Libertarians are not the same group.  They're vastly different groups. Anyone lumping them together has to be so far from the mainstream that their only discernment is "us" and "them."

The US has never had a "Regime."

No one is "fighting" to "Honor" said regime, even using the loosest definition of same.

I think he may vaguely be referencing the Confederacy (Not a "Regime"), which is long gone, and was run very much by elitist democrats, who can be typified by Mike Bloomberg (D--Wall Street), who believes poor people should have their lives controlled because they're too stupid to manage them themselves, and by Demorrhoids who insist that voter ID is racist because blacks are too stupid to get ID (which almost everyone of every demographic already has, and by omitting the poverty-stricken whites, Hispanics, Asians, and Native Americans make it clear they think ONLY blacks have this problem, thus demonstrating exactly the point that THEY are the racists).

If so, the LP would have nothing to do with the Confederacy due to slavery, et al.  And I've never once heard a Republican insist we need to bring back slavery. But damned if the Demorrhoids don't do everything they can to have an impoverished underclass they can order around, especially if they can keep them without immigration papers and working for a pittance (See: Much of the Hollywood elite and scads of politicians).

So all I'm getting is that this guy is ignorant and angry that his own side's racism and elitism are so blatant.  But rather than try to fix them, he wants to project them onto normal people.



28 Feb: near Nashville, at Oleg Volk's.

29 Feb: through Chattanooga and Atlanta, stopping in Tifton, GA.

1 Mar:  Through Jacksonville to Canaveral.

2 Mar: Early morning SpaceX launch, proceeding to Miami area.

3 Mar: Touring some USCG facilities, proceeding through swamp.

4 Mar: Signing books at Books at Park Place in St Petersburg, stopping in the Tampa area.

5 Mar: Tyndall Air Force Base.

6 Mar: Pensacola and hypothetically Mobile, AL.

I can meet up with people at actual stopping points--restaurants near my lodging, private homes, etc.  I can't make a lot of stops en route except for close friends.

Drop me an email, and I'm also creating a thread under this post on my official FB author page.


Bill's Politipalooza

Yesterday at 10:30 AM · 

There are very legitimate arguments against Medicare for All. I am against M4A and am very happy to explain why. However, new government expenses and taxes aren't really among the reasons. It's super hard to see a cancer patient holding a 6-figure bill and then complain about my taxes going up. It's super hard to see the $trillions spent on needless war and then complain about new government spending on its citizens. Lastly, when neither party gives a damn about debt and deficit, I simply cannot talk about the expense of M4A with a straight face. Fiscal sustainability is problematic with M4A, but it is a weak argument for most Americans given the current reality. I believe there are solutions far better than M4A, but let's debate them and stop thinking its a mic-drop moment when you ask to see the price tag. It's not!


Sure it is. I can hand you a million dollar bill for a dying kid every ten seconds. If you care about these people, you'll pay it, right?

Every person starts with a responsibility to themselves, their immediate family and friends, then their neighborhood, community, politic, and species in that order.

If you place the charity of random strangers above your own immediate circle, you are generous, but also a drain on on your own resources, and you will run out of them in short order.

Not every problem in the world is your problem or my problem. That is a harsh reality.

Is it reasonable to support your immediate circles? Yes, because you will gain similar benefit in response. Is it reasonable to offer some limited support further out, as available? Absolutely. Should you starve your own family to do so? Well, you can, but I won't.

Literally anyone can write a check to the Dept of Health and Human Services, or any other gov't agency, and it will be cashed. Demands for legislative force mean those people want SOMEONE ELSE to be made to donate, not themselves. You can find plenty of news stories about it, too. "I didn't think _my_ taxes would go up!" They voted for SOMEONE ELSE to get screwed out of resources.

If you go to the bank and say, "I need a loan for a new roof," you'll probably get it. The infrastructure helps your family and its economics. If you say, "I need to borrow $10,000 to give to some kid with cancer in Kansas," they're going to refuse, and they should. Taxes, especially deficits, should be going for critical societal needs such as infrastructure and defense. Charity is a luxury a wealthy nation can afford to a certain degree. The nation that mandates it as a non-discretionary entitlement, while considering infrastructure and defense to be discretionary, is on the slope to destruction.

Then there's the reality that the same government that spends $500 on hammers, denies painkillers to cancer patients, and negligently exposed at least 6000 veterans to HIV shouldn't be making ANY health care decisions.