Email from "Organizing For Action" from the Racist in Chief (President 0bama, (D-Egypt)), with his official logo on it, pimping dead kids for "reasonable action to stop gun violence."
I don't recall Bush ever sending out email with HIS logo on it demanding action on abortion, marriage or any of the issues he was alleged to be pushing.  It may have happened, but I never saw it.
By "Reasonable action to stop gun violence," The Racist in Chief means he wants to make it harder for honest people to exercise their civil rights under the 2nd Amendment.
He doesn't mean he'll stop sending guns to Mexican drug cartels or F16s to Radical Islamic nutjobs in Egypt.
Closing background check loopholes to keep guns out of dangerous hands
Banning military-style assault weapons and high-capacity magazines and taking other common sense steps
Making schools safer
Increasing access to mental health services
He's invoking Columbine--14 years ago, WHICH DIDN'T INVOLVE ANY "ASSAULT WEAPONS" and did involve a background check for a third party, thus proving that all gun control laws are completely worthless bullshit, but don't let reality get in the way of your narrative.

Email from "Organizing For Action" from the Racist in Chief (President 0bama, (D-Egypt)), with his official logo on it, pimping dead kids for "reasonable action to stop gun violence."
I don't recall Bush ever sending out email with HIS logo on it demanding action on abortion, marriage or any of the issues he was alleged to be pushing.  It may have happened, but I never saw it.
By "Reasonable action to stop gun violence," The Racist in Chief means he wants to make it harder for honest people to exercise their civil rights under the 2nd Amendment.
He doesn't mean he'll stop sending guns to Mexican drug cartels or F16s to Radical Islamic nutjobs in Egypt.

Closing background check loopholes to keep guns out of dangerous hands

Banning military-style assault weapons and high-capacity magazines and taking other common sense steps

Making schools safer

Increasing access to mental health services

He's invoking Columbine--14 years ago, WHICH DIDN'T INVOLVE ANY "ASSAULT WEAPONS" and did involve a background check for a third party, thus proving that all gun control laws are completely worthless bullshit, but don't let reality get in the way of your narrative.

But at least he closed Guantanamo, as he promised in 2007.

Oh, wait...

There's one minority still not given proper respect in language: Left handers. The term "sinister" is still used as an epithet for evil, wrong, unpleasant. Likewise, "gauche" is a reference to rude behavior.  People are considered "dextrous" if they have good manual skills.

Why are the negative connotations expressed using references to left handedness, and positive connotations reserved for the right? 

Writers, especially in fantasy, usually right-handed, should stop using these prejudicial terms and find terms that are non-handed specific.

This is a worldwide issue.  Only about 15% of the population are left handed.  Most gadgets default or are exclusively right handed.  

Take scissors--sculpted grip scissors are unusable by a left-handed person.  Neutral grip are usable, but even so-called "left handed" scissors usually are just replacement handles on right handed blades, which cut with a bias that favors the right handed.  Hacksaws, metal shears, vernier calipers, can openers, are all right handed by default. Most modern locking pocket knives have a right-handed lock and pocket clip.  Historically, all swords with a swept hilt, shell guard or wire hilt are right handed and just don't work for someone using their left.  Most sheaths are right handed.  If you shoot rifle, forget shooting a bolt action--they're almost all right handed.  Anything left handed costs a premium, even in the modern day when it's easy to reverse the action of a digital milling machine.  Shooting jackets--right handed.  Telescopic and optical sight adjustments, as well as most adjustable iron sights--right handed.

Musical instruments--anything stringed is right handed, and to reconfigure the bridge as well as the strings, and perhaps even the pickups, not to mention any onboard controls, takes effort and money unless the company makes a left-handed variant (most classical instruments DO NOT).

Most computer mice are right handed--trackballs tend to be right handed only.  Until recently, even most jacks were configured to place the mouse on the right.  Putting it on the left took workarounds.  The numerical keypad is on the right.

 I'm sure most people have never thought of this.  They have right-handed privilege, in a world that caters to them.

I'm sure some will dismiss this as a non-issue.  I challenge them to go into a store and ask for every household good in a left-handed model.  If the store has any, they will have a token one or two of each, not the dozens or hundreds of right handed options.  Buy them.  Go home and use them in your right hand so you're using them backward. That's what it's like for left handed people every day of our lives.

Politically, I've seen conservatives refer to the political right being "correct" and the political left being "wrong."

Then crack open a book and find the bad guy is "sinister" and the clueless guy is "gauche."  Gee, thanks for that.

"Right" is an acknowledgment of correctness.  One gets "left behind."

I expect there are a number of fantasy writers who are major offenders on this.  But if they're taking steps with racially, culturally, gender and religiously sensitive terms, it would be fair to not use terms derogatory to the left handed minority as well.

I don't suffer as much as others--I'm largely ambidextrous.  But let's look at that word.  "Ambi" = "both."  "Dexter" = "Right."  The word defaults that someone with flexible manipulative skills is "both right," not "both left."  Since I DO have a slight favor to the left, I am correctly ambisinistrous.

It's not been long since it was a social crime to be left handed, with most cultures forcing right handedness on children.  We're past that in most of the world, but a number of cultures and subcultures do still enforce dexter dominance.

Let's start by not using "sinister" and "gauche" in our writing.  These words are archaic, insensitive and prejudicial.  If we can take this step, we can then work on neutralizing other orientation biased words.
ETA:  I'm informed gaming consoles are usually right handed, and keyboard game controls favor the right. And let's not forget that it's considered rude to shake hands with the left (the Boy Scouts have actually addressed this, with a left-handed handshake).

Look around, and you'll see the bias is everywhere.

Yup.  Last night I made a post on Debasebook. This morning, I got this message popup:


We Removed Something You Posted

We removed this from Facebook because it violates our Community Standards:
To be properly sensitive, in the future, I will not use the word "Chigger." I will refer to them either as "chegroes" or "arthropods of color."

You're Temporarily Blocked
You're temporarily blocked from posting on Facebook for the next 12 hours. Please review our Community Standards so you can understand what's allowed on Facebook and keep your account in good standing.


There are any number of "Kill (someone)" pages, any number of racial hate pages actually using the word "Nigger."  There are pages encouraging violence against women, against liberals, conservatives, blacks, Hispanics, whites, all good for FB, but God help you if you make a JOKE about those kinds of people.

 So, at my request, a few friends reposted the message on my wall, and others joined them.  By the count I have, I gained 30 friends and sold about 300 additional books, which will reflect in my May 2014 royalties.  Thanks for the support.

 So what can we take away from this:

Some people have no sense of humor.

 Some FB responders are not real bright.

 A few are downright niggardly.

 You can't stop the signal.

 The Streisand Effect is real.

 Sniggers are not Black Smurfs.  I stand corrected.

 Mel Brooks could make these people absolutely SHIT themselves.

 All kinds of other words that rhyme may be at risk—Bigger, Rigger, Trigger, Jigger (Wish I'd remembered THAT one when making the drink recipe for the Black Klansman), Digger, Vigor, Sligar.

 The Vikings may have created speed dating.

Cookie Monster should be targeted for a drone strike.

 Darth Vader does not wear a gimp suit.

To my new friends, welcome!  Thanks for stopping by. Enjoy the wall.  I can't promise you won't be offended.  If you're not offended, don't worry, I'll get to you.

Given the notoriety I received, I need to try for a week next time.

I'm known for disagreeing with all parts of the political spectrum.  Sometimes, though, the majority IS right.

There's a current discussion of sexual harassment at SF cons going on in various fora.  This one has some disturbing specifics:

I believe it.

There's news of an editor at a major house getting released due to allegations of sexual harassment on his part, against convention attendees.

I believe that, too.

I haven't commented on any of these fora, because I don't really have anything to add to their comments.  Mine are here. 

Yes.  This crap happens.  This crap should not happen.  Demonstrate some manners, and take no for an answer.  It's not hard.

Back in my youth, there were a couple of times someone had to tell me no.  When they did, I understood what it meant, and left them alone.

I've been fortunate enough not to encounter much of this, partly because I wouldn't hang out with that kind of asshole.  I have seen rudeness and drunken silliness, but nothing that was apparent as sexual harassment, at a con in my presence.  Be assured if I do, I'll ask you to take the crap elsewhere.  Expect that quite a few of us will.

The only significant event I recall was some clown doctoring a woman's drink at one of our parties back in the early 90s.  We showed him the door (which is also an in-joke and worth telling), and invited him not to return.

But, I've seen someone try to "accidentally" feel my wife up at a concert.  He was drunk and "tripped" and fell over our seats, and put his hand out for "support" and "just happened" to catch one of her breasts.  He didn't try again, so there wasn't a lot we could do, but we made sure he was aware that he needed to moderate his intake and actions. (Which is code for saying she offered to settle the matter herself, and I backed her up.)

On the other end, my wife has also been on a field exercise featuring multiple agencies, where a female coworker told high ranking execs that, "She's here because she's a friend of [the male public affairs person]."  There are obvious inappropriate connotations to this.  And in fact, she was there as the only trained combat photographer.  That we've both been friends of that gentleman for two decades isn't relevant.

The annoying part of this incident was that most of the men present didn’t see why this statement was a problem.

Let's see: 

1:  it's untrue

B) it implies unprofessional and inappropriate romantic or sexual involvement between two people

Iii} it demeans the professional abilities and credibility of both parties.


Awareness is part of the solution.

If you see it, offer a polite reminder that the behavior is unacceptable, ungentlemanly and unladylike, and crass to all around.

If someone reminds you of this, be aware your behavior is reaching a level that others don't find acceptable, and moderate your actions.  Stop drinking would be first, followed by going to your room and re-assessing your interactive skills.  There is a line between free expression and asocial behavior. When others don't feel safe around you, you've crossed the line.

If the problem persists, either contact convention management to have them address it.  If this happens, be ready to support the victim as witnesses.  The staff can't do much without evidence.

If getting the staff to do anything is infeasible or impractical, acquire several allies, and deal with it diplomatically.  Accompany the culprit, and politely remind him his (or her) behavior is unacceptable and they should leave.  Repeat this reminder until they return to their room or leave the convention.  It generally takes less than 30 minutes and you can even work in shifts.

Also be aware that there are child predators at conventions. I know of one because at 22 I was just within his range of youthfulness for a doctored drink and a moderately forceful come-on. Fortunately, I am not small, nor weak.  I informed the two conventions he frequented as to his antics, as did at least two other people. I haven't seen him since.

We like a variety of politics, faiths, genres, costumes, presentations, hobbies and acts. 

As Wil Wheaton puts it: "Don't be a dick."

As I put it to younger troops in the military: Ask yourself, "Would I want my grandmother to see photos of this?"

Simple guideline, eh?