I want to start this sporadic segment off right.

All Hail Trump, the NYC Demorrhoid turned Republican of Convenience.  After all, had he admitted to being a Demorrhoid, he'd have lost the election.

Instead, his narcissism impacted like the Chicxulub Meteorite and wiped out every possible actual Republican, thus freeing Hillary, the National-Socialist Witch of the Northeast By Way of the Toothless South, to focus her corruption on eliminating Bernie. 

I guess in a three-way race between Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini, Mussolini is the slightly lesser evil. But he sure as hell isn't good.

The terrifying thing is the Demorrhoids are masturbating over Russian Birth Certificates and "emoluments," which most of them can't even spell without copy/paste, when they should be objecting to massive Executive power grabs, like redefining random bits of plastic as "machine guns" and endorsing asset forfeiture without trial.  But since they're all in on that themselves, they'll give him free reign, while refusing to acknowledge he's one of theirs.

The man's doing everything the DNC claims to want, while they object to him doing it, and the Republitards endorse his "brilliance" with statements like, "No one cares about bumpstocks, you RINO."  Shitheads on both sides have forgotten that he's pro-choice, anti-gun, anti-4th Amendment, anti-just about everything else except profit, and easily distracted. All they see is his charisma, while he proceeds to lay the groundwork for a complete police state, admittedly about four years slower than Hillary. She'd have had the Death Camps™ already.  Not that I expect him to open any Death Camps.™  But he's made it trivially easy for whichever "Liberal" Demorrhoid Nazi follows him.

Meanwhile, his opponents ignore that and his supporters masturbate to it.

What does he actually stand for?  Profit, a wall, and more profit.  Which I'm perfectly cool with, as long as he takes care of other things as well.  But he won't, and none of you will do anything about it.  He doesn't give a shit about the Constitution. 

Donald J. Trump, you are the first Cockbag of the Week.

So, Dept Ag is relocating some of its operation to Kansas City. You know, that city in Flyover Country, away from the Beltway country clubs and buffets, where real people live and work. And, coincidentally, closer to the people who'd need to talk to a Dept Ag, if the Dept Ag actually did anything for farmers, other than hinder them with regulations dreamed up by leftwing-leaning bunny-fucking ecosimps who don't actually work the land.

So these poor fucking bureaucrats are being treated like (GASP!) normal people!  

This is an example of the comments I'm getting on Fecesbook:

Do you understand that this move has not been discussed with employees in advance? In order to keep their jobs they will have to sell their homes, pull their kids out of school, find a new place to live and if their spouse has a job, that person will have to relocate as well. Most people are not prepared to make that kind of change, on a whim.

OH, BOODY FUCKING HOO!  They may have to relocate for their jobs! That's never happened to ANYONE before!

Dear bleating phaggottes:  Relocation is a fact of life.

Now, let's discuss why what you said there is complete bullshit.

First, it will be months before the move can take place. Offices have to be built or leased, fitted out, set up, other infrastructure transferred. Bitch, they'll have PLENTY of work and plenty of lead time.

If they are tenured civil servants, they have a choice: Relocate to the new office, find another federal job in the DC area and do a lateral transfer, accept some other federal job somewhere else, or quit. So that's two more choices than a normal civilian employee is guaranteed by law. Talk about your fucking privilege. They're like a North Korean missile: They won't work and you can't fire them.

But even if it were true, THAT'S HOW NORMAL PEOPLE ARE TREATED EVERY DAY.  Why do you feel public employees, many of them leeches, are entitled to special treatment?

In fact, my then-wife had her civil service position eliminated back in 2010 or so. She had a few days notice, had to scramble for a contractor position to fill in, before finding another civil service slot.  She wasn't tenured, so she had the same rights as any other human being, and no federal privilege.  Of course, that was under 0bama, so not a single liberal racist POS is going to acknowledge the event, because no one is allowed to question that man's administration.

And it's not a "whim."  It's THE NEEDS OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. Are you seriously fucking suggesting the taxpayers serve at the whim of the bureaucrats? Because if so, you're complete fucking sheep of the state, and the best thing you can do is never vote again.

Real case: some retire, some take other positions, some relocate and likely negotiate some money to do so, being far better off than your average employee.  

Worst case: They're being treated like average employees.

Though as someone else noted, I feel sorry for Kansas City. It already has scorching heat, tornados, and urban crime. Now it's going to get bureaucrats as well?

Chalk this up to more Trump Derangement Syndrome. And he probably had nothing to do with it.  It's just the cool thing to do (among a certain set) to shriek, shit pants, and shout, "TRRUUUMMMPP!"

They're more retarded than the fucking Birthers.






Note he's been charged with two counts of assault, but denied bail. There is no universe in which this is reasonable. Even most murderers get bail.  So that has to be fixed first. It also really makes one question the judge.

Now, I've known Joe for over 20 years, and dated Denise before they married. He's a degreed engineer. He's a very stable, very thoughtful guy, and not someone who'd succumb to road rage, ever. His online commentary is always about caution, fully cognizant of the law.  If he shot, it's because he felt life was in danger.

Let's look at the article, and consider how it might have played out vs what we're told.

If the other guy was driving slow, it's not unreasonable to hold close but not tailgating, waiting for a chance to pass. I've had encounters where, when you try to pass, the other party then nails the gas to cut you off, just to be that kind of asshole. This is far more likely to me than him passing someone and slamming on the brakes to wreck them.

Furthermore, the default assumption in ANY rear end collision is that the rearmost party is at fault.

So let's interpret this as the other guy being the road rager. Especially as they admit he punched Joe first.

(UPDATE from court docs: Per court docs, the other party admits to being intoxicated on post surgical painkillers, and throwing the first two punches. But he's not being charged.)

Joe's a little guy, about a head shorter than me.  If some big guy creates a wreck, gets out of the car and instead of swapping info and calling the cops, starts getting pushy, and Joe has his three minor children in the back (he did), it very well might meet the standard of "fear for my life or that of my children."

I'm willing to bet money on that.

Now, let me dispose of a rumor that some assholes in the area have been spreading.  "Joe shot the guy for banging his wife."

First, he is a widower and his wife has been dead for 6 years. Try not to be that kind of asshole.

Second, he probably has a girlfriend or two at present.  He usually does.  He and Denise were openly poly, and there'd be no issue whatsoever about discussing it and having other partners.

Third, they're strangers who met on a random highway.  Trying to chase someone down with your kids in the car is so far outside the realm of rational we're not going to consider it.

So with that information, please donate what you can to help him first get released on some reasonable level of bond, and then prove his innocence, which no one should be forced to do in an innocent until proven guilty society.

He has been held without bail for 17 months so far, under the insane argument that he "turned a fistfight into a gunfight."  Apparently, you're supposed to let a drugged out freak beat you to death in front of your kids.

And they're in no hurry to hold a trial. The process is the punishment.

You can donate here. https://www.gofundme.com/joseph-brown-charged-for-act-of-self-defense