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- Written by Michael Z Williamson
As a vendor, sales were amazing. While I do have some competition on cosplay grade swords, I'm the only one with both functional replicas and actual antiques. There are, in fact buyers for such at an event of this magnitude.
As a writer, I saw an upcoming anthology that listed my name right below David Drake's, and I was on a panel about "Real SF for Writers" that involved me, Timothy Zahn, Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle.  I can only hope that some day all of this will pay off to being a "real" writer who can dare to hope to be invited to literary conventions.
Both girlfriends were with me, and someone not clear on what that meant asked me, "Isn't that dangerous if they meet?" No, not at all, since we were all in the same room. How does that work, you ask?  Wonderfully. Thanks for asking.
There were some amazing cosplays, including Teenage Mutant Stormtrooper Turtles with kilts, a Deadpool/Assassin's Creed/Jedi mashup, and someone doing a great Randy Savage outfit.
I tried some new to me Scotches.
Off site, I got to show off my cape gun and a Lefaucheux 12mm pinfire to several writers who also share an interest in firearms.
There was a mass signing for Black Tide Rising, AND for Forged in Blood. The latter with myself, Larry Correia, Mike Massa, Chris Smith an Kacey Ezell.
I may have a paid interview gig on SF for another outlet.
The drive back wasn't too bad on top of that.
No food poisoning this year.
Already booked for next year.
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- Written by Michael Z Williamson
Someone just proved that yet another "smart" gun is crap:
Look, let's go over this again:
When I need a gun, a half second to unlock it is three seconds too long.
I've watched a clerk take 15 tries to authenticate a fingerprint on a cash register, inside in dry conditions. Emergencies are less forgiving.
For liability reasons, the mfr wants this to fail into "lock" mode. For my safety, I want it to fail into "fire" mode. Because I know when I need a gun, the mfr does not.
If there is a lock on the very simple mechanism, it can be removed mechanically.
And this has zero effect on over a third of a billion weapons currently in existence.
The entire concept is crap, and if believe otherwise, you don't know enough about the subject. Do not argue. You're just wrong.
Here's an example with another piece of equipment: A fire alarm pull box.
You know, the kind where you yank a lever to activate a fire alarm.  This type had a small glass bar with a score mark to hold the lever in place.
At the training base I supported, some recruit managed to "Accidentally" pull the alarm. He was identified by the UV dye from the lever on his fingers.  It was an "accident," he insisted.
The pull station was replaced with another one with a striker you hit to break the glass, then you'd pull the lever.
A few weeks later, another recruit "accidentally" broke the glass. He didn't pull the box, so no one knows who it was.
You see where this is going.
By the time a few months had passed, every pull station in that barracks required you to:
Pull off a plastic cover that sounded an audible alarm at the box.
Open a wire mesh door that sounded a different tone and flashed a light.
Break the glass.
Pull the lever.
To actually send a call to the fire department.
To avoid "accidents."
Training and discipline avoid accidents.  Gadgets do not.
If you can't comprehend this, you have no business expressing an opinion in a technical field you're not trained in.
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- Written by Michael Z Williamson
Meanwhile, let's review what the liberal, ignorant, retard, hypocrite, hoplophobe, statist cocksucker (but I repeat myself) said:
Circuit Judge Karen Henderson dissented, arguing in a footnote that:
Although I assume that the Second Amendment extends to some extent beyond the home, I am certain the core Second Amendment right does not. The application of strict scrutinyΓÇölet alone my colleaguesΓÇÖ application of a categorical banΓÇöis, in my view, patently off-base.
Wait, you "Assume"? Based on what evidence or precedent? In other words, you admit you couldn't be fucking bothered to actually familiarize yourself with the subject.
So how are you "certain" of anything, you festering cunt?
"Although I assume that the First Amendment extends to some extent beyond the home, I am certain the core First Amendment right does not."
"Although I assume that the Fourth Amendment extends to some extent beyond the home, I am certain the core Fourth Amendment right does not. "
"Although I assume that the Fifth Amendment extends to some extent beyond the home, I am certain the core Fifth Amendment right does not. "
Get the fuck off the bench, you are a worthless piece of shit.
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- Written by Michael Z Williamson
I've been digging a bit more into the I-65 Bridge between Jeffersonville, IN and Louisville, KY.
Fourth most expensive public works project in US history. More expensive than Verazzano Narrows, the Golden Gate, or an entire freeway from Evansville to Indianapolis, and it crosses a few hundred yards of muddy Ohio river. There are bridges out there 5 miles, 10 miles, 100 miles long that didn't cost as much.
To be fair, it does include overhaul of some other bridges.
But, they've already admitted the toll system, supposed to be in place until 2051, will have to run to 2069.  Want to bet on the bridge still being around then? And of course, those tolls will go up every year. They started at $2 each way if you have their transponder, or $4 if they have to mail it to you, because it's so hard to actually compare a license plate to a database and automate a bill.
Yes, I support toll roads IN LIEU OF FEDERAL AND STATE TAX MONEY.  This cost both, and a lot of it.
And I really have to question how they're spending that much on so little.
In the meantime, I detour.  There's simply nothing in Lousyville that requires my attention that badly.
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