Boris Karpa says: Trump's life experience is - so far, this is what Trump knows from his actual personal life - that you can do all of the things that for many years people have told us you cannot do if you want to have a career in business, much less be President.

 can party with cocaine and have threesomes with barely-legal supermodels. You can cheat on your supermodel wife with another supermodel and then marry another supermodel.

You can make a cameo in a porn film. Your wife can be an erotic model [and some say possibly an escort].

Again - none of these things I hold against Trump. I THINK THEY ARE AWESOME. If it is proven tomorrow that Trump's wife was really an Escort *I WILL ONLY RESPECT HER MORE*.

But for many years the media taught us doing these things will destroy anyone's job, much less career. 

Then Trump insulted the media - not just 'said controversial things,'  he deliberately trolled, insulted, and humiliated most of the nation's mainstream reporters.

He also said things that he knew would be seen and portrayed - by a media he deliberately made hostile - as being racist.

And now not only did he not suffer any consequences - he is, in terms of personal success [I'm not passing any judgement on his policies] THE MOST SUCCESSFUL HUMAN BEING ALIVE.

He is a wrestler, TV star, billionaire President with a supermodel wife.

And as he looks out upon his enemies, he sees they're not just defeated, they're having epic breakdowns. Some leftist pundit has actually DIED of heart issues due to his winning. Thousands of his enemies are literally requiring therapy right now due to him merely being elected.

How the hell are you going to take a man who ha ascended to the highest level of personal success experienced by any person alive, while breaking all the rules of politics - and now INTIMIDATE him into being scared of people who are literally CRYING AND NEEDING THERAPY due to the sheer shock of him defeating them?

The ongoing epic meltdown over Trump's election, BLM, pipeline rioters, etc, simply proves that large numbers of people are, in fact, inferior, a dredge on our society, and that we'd be better off without them.

An emotional part of me would welcome them being scooped up, a la Soylent Green, shoved into camps, and exterminated. Just so they SHUT THE FUCK UP and stop wasting things we need, like tax money, food and air.

The rational part of me understands that once that line is crossed, it never ends--there's always someone else "unfit" who needs eliminated.

So if such righteous justice were instigated, I'd be put into the position of opposing it.

And thus I'd be forced to defend those "liberals."  

And I have zero desire to defend the most degenerate, worthless shit the human genome has ever produced.

They are bringing it on themselves, and they have made it our problem.

David Mott Michael, we've talked about why posts that depict, encourage, or incite harm (including self-harm) are inappropriate. 

This is your second notice.
1 · 2 hrs
Benjamin Blatt
Benjamin Blatt I can't tell if you're being serious, but, and you may take this as legal advice if you are, in fact, serious, you should go away, like right now.
Benjamin Blatt's photo.
Like · 1 · 1 hr
Darryl AE Hadfield
Darryl AE Hadfield David, this is the first time that I've had to tell you that you're a whiny pussy, and how your attempts to control (either directly or indirectly) are inappropriate.

Do not transgress again.
Like · 1 hr
David Mott
David Mott My notices on these posts are a courtesy to Mike, whom I respect, and who I'm sure understands the possible impact that they may have on his status as a speaker and vendor at various conventions.

It's really up to him if the entertainment value here i
s worth the impact on those other hobbies. 

Also, you haven't been paying attention. He took down the first post for which I put him on notice. I presume it's because he's actually a decent human being.
Darryl AE Hadfield
Darryl AE Hadfield I... "haven't been paying attention" Because I didn't see a post that was taken down?

Your logic game needs to be stepped up a notch or 12.

As for your other comments... It's one thing to send someone a note privately - which, if we're going to talk "status as a speaker and vendor at various conventions" is probably a far better way of communicating with him.

I'ts another thing entirely to post a publicly condescending comment with an SJW-styled recrimination.
Like · 23 mins
David Mott
David Mott I did privately ask if he'd like to receive input in a different manner; his response did not indicate a preference. In this way, I can collect screenshots that these issues have been brought to his attention. 

SWJ-style? Shit, I haven't reported this
 post to FB yet. SWJ (often) leaves no room for conversation. That's not who I am. I know that Mike has a full plate at the moment, so this can sit here until he has bandwidth to address it. 

Also, perhaps, there can be some civil discourse in the meantime.
Darryl AE Hadfield
Darryl AE Hadfield "I can collect screenshots"

Why, pray tell, would you need to track your commentary to him?

"I haven't reported this post to FB yet."

I'm certainly not enjoying the tone of your commentary.

"SWJ (often) leaves no room for conversation. That's not who I am."

Ohhhhh... so you're a MODERATE sjw who will condescend and try to publicly shame someone in order to coerce them to do as you feel is appropriate.

Yeah, gonna go with... you're one of the types of people I shall not engage in discussion with, moving forward. The mentality you display is alarming at best, and sinister at worst.
Like · 12 mins
Michael Z. Williamson
Michael Z. Williamson David Mott I have no idea what other post you're referring to, but if my posts offend you, you're welcome to ignore them. That's a hint. Please take it.

Also, I have no idea who you are other than someone on FB and one of the thousands of people I r
ecognize from the hundreds of thousands I meet.

And he's your president in 64 more days, and mine, whether we voted for him or not.

And as for "Not reporting it yet," that's all I need to know. Bye.
Like · 2 · 2 mins
Seriously, I don't give a fuck who the fuck you think you are online, I don't take fucking orders on what I fucking say.  Go read something less offensive, like Dick and Jane books.

The first problem in the post-election meltdown I'd like to address is one of baseline rationality.  In any debate, there are two extreme poles, and in between, the middle. Now, the middle can weigh to one side of the graph or the other based on ratios of supporters, or extremity of position.

The problem the so-called "left" faces is that when you talk to them, they make it clear they consider Bernie's Stalinistic state to be "acceptable," and themselves "moderate," by which we are supposed to interpret, "Slightly right."

And anyone to the right of them is extreme, super-extreme, ultra-extreme, hyper-mega-extreme.

Then they go to their Fecesbook echo chamber and block any dissenting view.

They're not only unable to accept a dissenting view. At another level, they can't even fathom it exists.

This is intellectually and morally dishonest, and these people are idiots.

I keep seeing comparisons of "white voters with degrees" vs exit polls for whom voted for whom.

It's an article of faith amongst "liberals" that one cannot be educated without some sort of precious paper, and only that precious paper matters.

They try very hard not to attack black voters without degrees...a majority of whom voted for Hillary.

Apparently, education works differently for blacks and whites.

That sounds racist, and creates a dichotomy for them, except it is a proven fact, and even the Dept Education says so.  But point that out, and it's racist.

Except when it shows at election time, then it's not racist, except blacks and whites are different, except the same.

This is idiotic.

To show how educated these "liberals" are, they circulate a petition to have the electors not vote the way their states dictate, because "Hillary got more votes." You want them to "vote their conscience."

You should have been taught how the Electoral College worked in 5th grade or so. If you believe a petition can change it, you're an idiot. The Electoral College has been in existence for 220ish years, and there have been conflicts between EC and popular vote four previous times, most recently 16 years ago.  If you're not aware of this, or how the Electoral College votes, please don't humiliate yourself by pretending you're "educated."  You're ignorant. And an idiot.

My state's elector's conscience is that of my state.  Neither I, nor they, nor anyone else cares, nor should, what a bunch of burned out hippies and limpwrists in the Bay Area think.  Further, if the EC were to vote based on the bleats of petulant children instead of the electoral process, it would instantly lead to a civil war, which your side would lose.  You're an idiot. You're also assuming that their conscience would agree with yours. That's conceited, shallow and ignorant. You're an idiot.

They bleat about the popular vote, as if it's ever mattered. If you look at say, sports tournaments and find both final teams won the same number of games, but certain games carry more weight.  How about that?

Or Chess, where it doesn't matter how many pieces you still have once your king is checkmated.

Or what about college itself, where exams and papers count more than quizzes? You can have the same number of good grades, but certain grades will give you a higher score. How about that?

You're an idiot.

"More than half the protesters arrested in Portland either were not registered to vote or had not submited a ballot."

They are idiots.

"Most Trump voters aren't educated."  They'll sometimes say "college educated," by which the mean, "Has some sort of degree from somewhere."

I'm going to address this at length.  I know of one who's a retired laser engineer. He has no degree because there was no degree in such when he started in the field in 1971. He went to college, was drafted for Vietnam, came back and went to work for Lumonics/Laserdyne.  When he retired he owned his own shop that did work for Harley, several medical firms, Pratt and Whitney Canada, and others.  It ran three shifts, and he also consulted at $1000/day. He owned a half million dollar house in the Tucson Mountains, an $800,000 Dolphin Catamaran, and a $1 million dollar house on the side of a volcano in Hawaii. But he's "not educated" because he never wrote a paper about his inner struggle of the anima.

You're an idiot.

One is female (ZOMG! How could a female not vote for Hillary? They both have vaginas!) with degrees in International Relations from Johns Hopkins (BA), and American Military University (MA), and is a senior investigator for the Treasury Dept on terorrist money laundering.  But despite that, she's stupid for not voting for Hillary, and has "white male privilege" for voting third party.

You're an idiot.

Another is also female (ZOMG!HCAFNVFH?TBHV!) with degrees in biology (BS) and Information Security (MS), and voted third party, dropping all her...Native American, black and white privilege.

Don't try to libsplain anything to her. She's a certified genius, and you're an idiot.

One barely graduated high school, and is now a senior systems engineer who builds server farms for Nokia, The Weather Channel, etc.  No college. Obviously not educated.

You're an idiot.

Several others have "certificates" in technical trades and crunch calculus for breakfast while analyzing pipelines, steel extrusions, machined componenents undergoing heat treat, etc. But they've not graduated college, so they're not educated.

You're an idiot.

A black gentleman who works at a major government agency in administration, degreed in business.  He voted third party. A white liberal woman accused him of "privilege."

You're an idiot.

One got a degree in philosophy, hacked around as an Industrial DJ for a couple of decades on the brink of starvation, didn't even have music selections for older people at his marriage because, "Blues and rock and oldies are boring and not real music," got divorced, wound up with nothing, finally got bailed out when his father paid for a law degree, and now works overseas as an ESL teacher, insisting that "It's wrong that rich people get better health care than poor people!", which is true in every nation in the world. And then told us about his personal trainer. He voted for Hillary.

He is an idiot.

One wrote an article about how poor people in red states are neglected, and he's correct, and the attitude of the blue cities angers them, and he's correct. But then he went on that to understand them, you have to consider they came from areas that used to own slaves...

More than half the red states never had slaves, and none of them have since 1865.  He's an idiot.

And what do you have to say?

"I can't believe you'd vote for Trump. You must be racist, inbred redneck trash."

If you believe ad homimen is a useful persuasive tactic, you're not only stupid, you're not actually educated, no matter how many crayon sketches you did in college.

"They voted for Trump, who is a racist, sexist, homophobic bigot, instead of a woman."

So, her only value to you is being female? You're a sexist. And an idiot.

"You uneducated rednecks have destroyed the country."

So, not having persuaded anyone with ad hominem, you're doubling down on ad hominem? You're an idiot.

"Exit polls overwhelmingly showed we're smarter than you!"

A: You mean "Better educated" by "Having a degree in the History of French Phaggottry." 2) As we've discussed, that of itself does not make you educated. c} What, you think after you threaten to fire, burn, rape, kill people for not voting correctly, they're going to give an honest answer, or any answer, to someone outside the polls? You're an idiot.  IV] they don't award Voting Points based on education, and if they did, black people would tend to be at a disadvantage, which would be a repeat of the "literacy tests" you Democrats gave to blacks in previous decades. So you're continuing your party's racist roots. And an idiot.

Think about it: If you were actually smarter, you should have been able to form a strategy to beat those poor, benighted, rural white males (who, btw, are a small minority of the population. They couldn't have done it without sizeable chunks of the female, black, Hispanic and Asian vote).  So your argument is poorly thought out, unsupportable, and the mark of an idiot.

Also, there are universities and degrees in the red states, including Texas A&M, Purdue, Notre Dame, Ohio State, U Michigan, Rolla, etc.  Most of them teach much more useful subjects than the crap in the Poison Ivy League.

Someone complained that, "University precincts overwhelmingly voted for Hillary." 

Why would that matter?  You tell me people disconnected from reality voted for her, and I agree.  If only there were people with degrees (or other education) not in those precincts...

You're an idiot.

"Trump's anti-Muslim statements prove he's a racist." 

What "anti-Muslim" statements vs "Anti-terorist" statements? If you see no difference, then you're indicating you're what you claim to be against, and a hypocritical bigot. Also, "Muslim" is a religion, not a race. You're an idiot.

ΓÇ£Sexual aggressiveness with women by an elected official ΓÇö if people have that experience in their own life, thatΓÇÖs upsetting,ΓÇ¥ Michael Reading, director of crisis services at a Seattle-area 24-hour hotline, told the Seattle Times.

Unless it's Bill Clinton doing it, and then it's just awesome, right?  
You're an idiot.

"Trump won a bunch of poor, rural counties that don't matter. "

Excuse me, but I thought caring about poor people was a liberal tenet?  You're a hypocritical bigot, and an idiot.

"I'm strongly considering moving to South America." 

You don't speak Spanish, you have few marketable skills, and most countries in South America ban abortion and expect "Traditional" roles for women.  You're an idiot.

"We're holding a cry-in."

If you think crying will accomplish anything positive, and not make you look like a petulant crybaby, you're an idiot. You should be left to starve in the street, because you are worthless, as an individual.

"We'll block the freeway and complain when someone gets hit by a car!"

I guess your education didn't include not playing in traffic.

You are a fucking idiot.

"I'll move to Canada!"

Mexico has everything you want. Gun control. National health care. Pot. So do Cuba and Venezuela. Yet you always pick Canada. Are you racist?  Or just an idiot times an idiot?

Also, Canada has standards of admission for visas, which you probably don't meet.  And you've threatened this in previous elections and didn't follow through.  You're lying. And an idiot.

So, how was it possible that Hillary didn't win?

Because her supporters are overwhelmingly bigoted idiots.

And if that wasn't obvious to you...

You're an idiot.