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- Written by Michael Z Williamson
From the drivel:
Massachusetts Democratic Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren isn't backing down from her claim of Native American ancestry, despite the apparent lack of primary documents proving that she's 1/32nd Cherokee.
The controversy surrounding Warren's heritage led us to wonder ΓÇö how much of a racial or ethnic heritage constitutes minority status? Should percentages of a bloodline matter at all?
But many people's self-identification remains limited by their skin color, which influences the perceptions of others.
If only there were some way to compare people against a background to determine if they're dark enough to be "ethnic."  Maybe a brown paper bag?
From the comments:
"Gage Hutchens ΓÇó 2 years ago
As a statement of opinion, I believe the cultural bias to favor certain people for admissions to undergrad and graduate school should be based on parental income, not on ethnicity or "race."
And as a Cherokee, I hope that I am able to add a unique perspective to this conversation. What appears most challenging for White America to grasp, is that concepts of one's relationship to the dominate anglo-germanic-celtic culture are not uniform even within ethnicities. Opinions are shaped both by a complex interaction of how one is perceived, and also how one's family, clan and tribe perceives AND the culture stories within the "minority" or subordinate culture as to their role enveloped by the dominate society."
Wow. As an immigrant from the "dominate Anglo-Germanic-Celtic culture" (Please show me the respect of capitalizing my ethnicity), let me inform you that it works both ways. My English ancestors spent centuries trying to exterminate my Celtic ancestors, and both of them created the nation of Belgium just so they'd have a place to settle their differences with the Germans. But I guess all us white people look the same to you.
Once again, "liberals" prove they are the most racist fucks on the planet.
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- Written by Michael Z Williamson
The anti-gun freaks who promote "SWATting" are stating they intend for people carrying guns to die from their lies and hysteria. To me, this constitutes a legitimate threat. If someone were to pre-emptively kill one of them, I'd regard it as self defense.
Also, it fits the legal definition of conspiracy--discussion of intent to commit an illegal act, followed by at least one overt act (that need not be criminal itself, merely supportive) (BUT, has been felonious, removing all doubt).
So every member of their group who has made a post or statement to that effect is a felon, conspiring to commit murder.
And until they are arrested for such, it would be completely reasonable to kill them on contact.
This is called "escalation." It's also called "Responding to a credible threat."
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- Written by Michael Z Williamson
A white guy pretending to be an Iroquoisan dressed as a Siouxan doing a Kansa dance? How does anyone think this can possibly have any dignity whatsoever?
Though apparently some chick at U of I who's likely Shoshoni, Comanche or Aztec in background (Uto-Aztecan name) found it so offensive 7 years later she says she feels suicidal:
In April 2014, an indigenous student, Xochitl Sandoval, sent a letter to the university administration (which she also posted on her Facebook page) describing her thoughts of suicide resulting from the daily insults she felt due to the continued presence of "The Chief" on campus, including other students wearing the old image and name on sweatshirts and the continued "unofficial" performances the current "Chief", Ivan A. Dozier at some events. 
Man, that's a negative dignity rating there.
That would be like having a Chinese guy put on a kilt and horned helmet, dance a polka, and someone in Spain getting offended.
But hell, we're talking about a school that thinks orange and blue are complementary colors.
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- Written by Michael Z Williamson
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