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- Written by Michael Z Williamson
Since it probably isn't visible, it says, "Remember when teachers, public employees, Planned Parenthood, NPR and PBS crashed the stock market, wiped out half of our 401Ks, took trillions in taxpapyer funded bailouts, spilled oil in the Gulf of Mexico, gave themselves billions in bonuses, and paid no taxes? Yeah, me neither...pass it on."
Alrighty, then. That's quite a laundry list. So, let's start at the beginning:
Remember when teachers
Paid by taxes.
public employees
Paid by taxes.
Planned Parenthood
Supported in part by taxes, and a 501(c)3 that pays no taxes.
Supported in part by taxes, and federal corporations that pay no taxes, but whine for tax-deductible donations.
crashed the stock market
I keep bearing from the left about how morally wrong the stock market is, and how it just leads to concentration of wealth and short-sighted marketing. So I sense hypocrisy.
wiped out half of our 401Ks
Aren't these the same groups that complain about 401Ks being unfair and elitist?
took trillions in taxpapyer funded bailouts
Well, it's taken years, but the above groups HAVE had at least billions if not trillions of taxpayer funds. So it seems to be the scale and efficiency of the business world they're complaining about, yet again.
spilled oil in the Gulf of Mexico
By passing ridiculous, unscientific "eco" and "green" laws that meant oil wells couldn't operate in shallow water using proven technology, but had to move to the edge of the continental shelf and push to the limits to get oil that these same people use in their SUVs, airliners and plastic packaging? Yes, I do.
gave themselves billions in bonuses, and paid no taxes?
As above, yes, I do.
Yeah, me neither...pass it on.
You know, maybe if you smoke a little less dope, your memory and reason will return.
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- Written by Michael Z Williamson
On Tue, Jun 21, 2011 at 11:00 AM, <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.> wrote:
I wanted to ask you a question about your business.
I did a little research and found that you may have an in-home business. I am working with people all across the country helping increase their in-home business 200%-400% as well as provide additional revenue streams.
How would you like to reach 1000's upon 1000's in minutes with your message? How would you like an endless supply of leads? How would you like to NEVER COLD CALL AGAIN?
If you sell any good or service and/or recruit qualified candidates to your business, then we should talk.
Reply to the email and I will send my contact info so that we can talk about your particular business to see if you qualify. This IS NOT for everyone, but there are incredible, verifiable results for those who qualify.
You may also visit the link listed below and see what it is that is changing the businesses and lives of in-home entrepreneurs all over the world. After you see the website, give me a call(contact info at the bottom of the webpage).
"Take just a few minutes. It could change your life...it did mine" - James P.
Matthew Pitts
matthew@stupidspammer url.co
I'm a best-selling author and I have people lined up for my services. My hobby business is likewise backlogged, and I hardly have time for it.
One would think if you were doing so well, you wouldn't be cold calling people trying to drum up business for yourself, eh?
Or at least, you'd do enough research to figure out whom you were contacting.
Please don't ever contact me again.
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- Written by Michael Z Williamson
Better than no guns at all.
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- Written by Michael Z Williamson
And they caused a .0000000000001% disturbance in the force of the global power supply.
Pity they didn't learn something useful in school, like say, engineering, that could be put to use developing cleaner energy.
Instead, they used spray paint (petrochemicals in a can), and caused delays that used more fuel. Kudos to you, rich white liberal trash. The industrial world is in your debt. Here's a quarter.
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