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- Written by Michael Z Williamson
My governmentt sponsored life insurance managed to get my name wrong. They list me as Michael E. Williams (My name is Michael Z. Williamson)
So I call them. The polite but low level drone on the phone apologizes, and says I need to fax in my DL for the correction.
I tell them the correct information is on my DD214, Separation From Military Service papers, that I had to use to qualify for said insurance, that they already have on file.
No, it has to be the DL.
Of course, a secondary problem is that this letter they sent is for purposes of soliciting medical information from my doctors. Hopefully, they'll concur that it's meant to be me, and furnish the info. Otherwise, I'll have to have them re-request at once (since there's a 30 day deadline on this) and do it again.
I guess I'm glad my name isn't Archibald Tuttle.
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- Written by Michael Z Williamson
Oh, yes we did.
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- Written by Michael Z Williamson
The Herbal Blogger 1 hour ago
I do not even know where to begin with how horrifyingly stupid this is. This is why we will not survive this century (at this rate if we make it through this decade it will be a miracle). And for the idiots who make claims that it is about feeding the world, that has already been proven to be BS, organic farming does not that no frankenfood and all of those third world countries have rejected GMO's, even the farmers in Haiti refused it saying it would be worse than what they had just went through. GMO's is a recipe for disaster, it's suicidal, and make no mistakes about it, it is about absolutely nothing but money. And someone needs to put a stop to it NOW.
"Organic"* farming is for self-aggrandizing liberal trash who can afford to waste 30% of the crop to pests. If it worked so well, Africa wouldn't be in a constant state of famine. Corn has been "genetically modified" for 10,000 years, yet you eat it. All the cereal grains, identically sized fruits that ripen at the same time, chickens with oversized breasts, are all "genetically modified." We just have better science now rather than trial and error. The grapefruit, banana, corn and broccoli were created by humans from inedible precursors. And Haiti? Seriously? They manage to be poorer than Cuba while being friends with the US. They're the last people to take advice from on any subject.
*All food is "organic." We can't digest inorganic material. The theft of this word for new age pseudo-scientific BS is one of the things that actually will lead to our end.
That said: EWwwwwwww
I can see it being useful for kids, but it's rather icky from an adult POV. Also, most of the immunities are passed from mother to child. The milk is only a carrier, not the cause.
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- Written by Michael Z Williamson
I felt compelled to respond to the comment, but the article is interesting too.
You "home eded" your kids? I hope their spelling, grammar, punctuation and phrasing are better than yours.
Also, the lot rent they're paying exceeds what I pay for my mortgage on a house 5X that size. They don't actually "own" a home. They own a trailer on someone else's land.
Then, the new laws on child products may put their little business under. I disagree with these laws, but compliance is something all businesses have to deal with. They may be in a world of hurt shortly.
I also wouldn't allow the kid to stay up there for "2-3 days at a time." As someone else said, he's living like a squirrel. Also, fire code in almost every jurisdiction requires two escape routes from all sleeping areas. He seems to have one ladder entrance only, and that directly over an ignition source.
As a cabin for a summer camp, it's smaller than either of my tents. As a house, it's smaller than my garage and of questionable safety.
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