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- Written by Michael Z Williamson
On Wed, Aug 24, 2011 at 3:01 PM, Stevewrote:
Hi John "the Blacksmith",
The D.C. earthquake must have rattled some consumer pockets loose -- we have a large amount of open jobs and inquiries waiting to be met. If you want to gain access to the largest online resource for consumer supplied custom jobs then there is only one week left in our end of summer special!
On Wed, Aug 24, 2011 at 3:15 PM, Mike Williamson <> wrote:
no, I wouldn't like to know, and don't care. Fuck off.
Mike,If you really don't care you can tell me nicely. It is just an email and I sent it to you because I thought we could enhance your custom blade and sheath business. It is just a footnote on your site and deserves more attention than it is getting. We would also be a new channel of knife collectors for you. You should give it a bit of thought before you just tell me to fuck off. At least as much thought as I gave you.
On Tues, Sep 6, 2011 at 11:19 PM, Mike Williamson <> wrote:
And yet you have sent me yet another spam after this. Doesn't seem like you're giving it any thought at all.
My record is 3 minutes from posting to sale. I have no need of more traffic. I can't keep up with the orders I have. I also don't need help with my best-selling novels, nor my product reviews and evaluations of firearms. What I do need help with is getting less unsolicited email that doesn't put money in my pocket. Can you help with that?
- Details
- Written by Michael Z Williamson
Title: Year Two
Time: Fri 02:30 pm Location: Atlanta GH - Westin (Length: 1)
Description: You've survived the first year of the "apocalypse". Now what? Our experts discuss the practicalities, and reality, of long-term survival.
Title: Beans, Bullets, Band Aids: Bring On The Apocalypse
Time: Fri 05:30 pm Location: Atlanta GH - Westin (Length: 1)
Description: Gear-up and get ready for the coming apocalypse. We show how you too can survive, and thrive, through the chaos!
Title: Writer's Roundtable
Time: Sat 01:00 pm Location: Atlanta CDEF - Westin (Length: 1)
Description: What do you get when you combine authors and improv? Come find out as we take audience ideas and work to create apocalyptic-themed stories... live!
Title: Libertarians in Space
Time: Sat 04:00 pm Location: Fairlie - Hyatt (Length: 1)
Description: From "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress" to "Freehold" the concept of how the libertarian philosophy may work in the future has been popular in the genre.
Title: Global Insurgency
Time: Sun 01:00 pm Location: Atlanta GH - Westin (Length: 1)
Description: Discussion on the effects of terror strikes, including medical, sociological, and financial effects on the public, military and the infrastructure.
Title: Inside The Mall: Urban Survivalism
Time: Sun 05:30 pm Location: Atlanta GH - Westin (Length: 1)
Description: Will that shopping habit pay off if it has you in a mall when the zombies come? We discuss survival in this and other urban environments.
I will be signing books at The Missing Volume in the Exhibit Hall, Saturday at 2. So will Larry Correia. The Baen slide show is at 2:30 pm. I will be filling in on a science panel on Monday at 1. I may be helping out on a panel with Larry Friday night.
I will have some of my books with me, if you can't find them at The Missing Volume, and I'll have some of my sick T shirts with me http://www.sharppointythings.com/tshirts.php if you are looking for those.
See you there.
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- Written by Michael Z Williamson
(8:54:07 PM) EvlPenguin: hmm, interesting question. if the US military had a time traveling military unit, what service would it belong to?
(8:55:07 PM) OnyxHawke: you'd want the airstrip for getting the Delorean up to 88mph
(8:56:16 PM) mzmadmike: yeah, AF takes everything tech, and I'll explain why:
(8:56:44 PM) mzmadmike: The Navy has to assign everything to "Surface" or "Sub." Surface wouldn't know how to deal with it, and would never let sub have it.
(8:56:52 PM) OnyxHawke: because they can convince people they pay $5000 for toilet seats.
(8:56:55 PM) Monika: we're smart enough to A/C the comps?
(8:56:58 PM) mzmadmike: The Marines wouldn't know where Mickey's hand was.
(8:57:38 PM) mzmadmike: And the Army can manage to take brilliantly designed rifles and trucks and destroy them. They'd try to fix a time machine with a hammer.
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- Written by Michael Z Williamson
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