Well, both.

God, what a dumpster fire.

Greta is home-schooled, so the BS claim that "she turned her parents around on the climate" is BS.  They had to allow it, feed it, and encourage it. Though of course, they taught her a lot of propaganda. No actual science like the chemistry of carbon sequestration, thermodynamics, electromagnetic frequency absorption, etc.

They claim she's Asperger's, but apparently that's her younger sister. Greta looks more like a victim of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.  Just how many wild parties did her "opera singer" mother go to?

Then, she's vegan, which in children is provably damaging to brain development and drops your IQ. Add that to the above, and this teenager is credibly an idiot studying to be a moron.

And what is her message?

"You have to do something."

Sure, kid. This is important to you. You're smart, right? So I assume you've studied something useful and have a proposal on how to reduce consumption? Or increase efficiency? Or reduce waste? Even a fraction of a percent will matter. So, whatchya got?  Nothing?  Well, then shut the fuck up, the adults are talking.

You see, lots of teenagers HAVE done credible research, into decay processes, efficiencies, even curves and trends. All you've done is whine.  And as far as your "stolen childhood," you can go back to it any time you choose.  Unlike children who are sex slaves in the third world, forced to fight in tribal conflicts, or work grueling hours in sweatshops to help feed their family. You're just about the single most white-privileged little bitch on the planet. Shut the fuck up, and go to your room. You're not getting dinner.

Of course, that would be a vegan dinner, so there's not much to miss.

I'll point out here that that attitude is TEXTBOOK "liberal."  "X is a problem, do something!" "We're doing Y." "Y is all wrong! YOU RUINED MY LIFE!" "Okay, we're doing Z." "CAN'T YOU EVER GET IT RIGHT? DO SOMETHING ELSE!"

And the predictable response is:

"Shame on you for attacking a child."

Well, were people attacking a child, it is true that would be wrong.   But that's not what is happening here.

First, if you stick yourself into an adult conversation, as a young adult, you should be expected to be treated like an adult. This means you should have education, presentation, a description of a problem, and a proposed solution. Otherwise, yes, you may get treated like a child.

If a child kicks my leg, they get disciplined. This is not an "attack." It is a response.

The things subhuman "liberal" shitbags did to comedian Mini-AOC, complete to death threats, is shameful.  Fabricating an attack on a teenage boy at an abortion protest (And I'm on the opposite side from him), and trying to claim he was the aggressor, and to destroy his future is shameful. 

Pointing and laughing at an ignorant, underage troll, who was so carefully imported, scripted, and propped in front of cameras is just normal politics.

Now, Greta and her whole presentation are carefully crafted. I want you to consider this parallel:

There is a short video that shows an Israeli man revving his engine through a group of presumably Palestinian teenagers. What a monster!

Of course, if you view the five seconds before the "Attack," it turns out they were throwing really big rocks at his car and trying to jam the undercarriage with a bigger rock.

If you find the two minutes of video before THAT, you see where they're being coached by an adult, provided with a pile of rocks, and cameras set up to capture this "hate crime."

You can find the same in the former Irish Troubles, in Iraq, Afghanistan, other places.  Behind the "hate crime," you find manipulated terrorism, using children as the actors because they're more easily manipulated, and you get to play victim cards for them.

Greta's parents, her handlers, indeed the entire liberal apparatus are terrorists. They are willing to use a child to do their dirty work, attack you for responding to the child, and insist you're the bad guy for not giving them what they want. (And in that latter way, liberals are pretty much like children themselves. "But I waaaaant it! It's not faaiiir! Give it to meeee!")

A smart polity does not deal with terrorists. It exterminates them. It is far past time that civilized society stops tolerating liberal terrorism and ends it.

And it starts by telling Greta Goebbels to shut her face, and her abusive parents to be the ones who are ashamed, and then take her away for her own safety. She deserves better than to be the puppet of terrorists.

And we're going to need a bigger helicopter.


On Medium (so called because its contents are neither rare nor well done) last year, some clown bleats that Paw Patrol, the kids' show, is an authoritarian metaphor for the Trump administration!
It was created by a CANADIAN in 2013.  And in fact, the authoritarian statism and eco-fascism within are more typical of the so-called "left."

This type of Demorrhoid is a hypocritical shithead.


Back in early 2002, with a war on, I get told, "Oh, yes, it's hard with gas prices so high. Crazy Republicans. What can you do?"
Me: "Um, gas doubled in 1998, when Clinton was president."
Demorrhoid: "I don't remember that. All I know it, gas is expensive because Bush has oil interests."

Bush doesn't control OPEC, nor did he pass hindering legislation on the refineries. That was Clinton and the Demorrhoids.  No memory whatsoever that they did this. Just blame the other party three years later.

This type of Demorrhoid is an ignorant shithead.


"ZOMG! Trump's restrictions on illegal aliens are LITERALLY HITLER!"

They are the same restrictions the 0bama administration had for 8 years, that you had no issues with at all.

This type of Demorrhoid is a hypocritical shithead, and a racist, because they refuse to hold 0bama to the same standard as the white presidents before and after.  They don't really expect him to be up to speed, because he's black.  You have to treat races differently in order to be fair, or so they say.


"I want medical pot! And medicine is too expensive! And Europe can get stuff we can't! Fix it!

Trump proposes to reduce the scope of the FDA, which has created the miasma of regulations that hinder approval of medicine, and drive up costs.

"ZOMG! He wants people to die! The bureaucracy is the only thing that keeps us free!"

This type of liberal is a pagan shithead, who worships the government as god. The only way to be free is to have more government! Bigger government! Taking care of everything! But only the way I want it!

These are the shitheads who promote "The government's legitimate authority to tax" and then complain when Eric Garner gets chokeholded to death selling untaxed cigarettes.


"Real socialism has never been tried! And socialism works great in Sweden!"

It does? I thought it had never been tried?  And the Swedes have a whole bunch of private corporations for an alleged socialist nation.

This type of Demorrhoid is a hypocritical shithead.


"Muh roads! Roads are socialism! If you don't like socialism, GET OFF MUH ROAD!"

Well, so in your opinion, only those who endorse and pay for the road can use it? That's not how socialism "Works," sweetie. Further, paved roads were invented during the Palace Economy of the Bronze Age, in order to bring TAXES to the GOVERNMENT. That commoners benefited was a plus, because it meant MORE WEALTH TO TAX.  Also, a single collective endeavor would not necessarily justify all others. Or you wouldn't be complaining about all the things you hate about the government.

This type of Demorrhoid is by definition a shithead, because they think they're socialist. They're also a fucking thief who thinks they're entitled to any amount of your productivity they deem reasonable, because of the magic of roads...which predate socialism.  Once again, shitheads claim credit for something they didn't do, and attempt to pass the blame for their own failure onto others.

Socially, and possibly evolutionarily, the typical Demorrhoid ranks somewhere between a dung beetle and a leech. They survive off the waste of actual productivity, and complain about how much effort it takes, so if you could just pull them out of the muck and attach them to a vein, that would be great.  They're literally incapable of comprehending they'd be sucking productivity out of a healthy economy, while poisoning it with their filth.


"You red staters consume more than you pay in taxes!  You are scum!"

I see. So why did you BLUE STATERS vote for the tax?  You insist on a government agency to run things, force us under it, then complain about the cost.  If you had just gone fucked yourself to start with, you wouldn't be paying for it (actually, you're wrong on a per capita basis), we wouldn't be stuck with it, and you'd have to find something else to bitch about.

"If it weren't for we urbanites on our VALUABLE REAL ESTATE IN NYC, you'd be starving! We don't need you.  Your votes shouldn't count. Your land is worthless and you are contemptible."

Excuse me, but MY LAND PRODUCES FOOD. Yours merely houses morally degenerate, ignorant, stupid, failures of human evolution. When the power goes out for a few hours in your area, people riot and die. When the power goes out for a few days around here, we just shrug and work around it.

This type of Demorrhoid is a conceited, elitist, urban shithead, and piece of subhuman garbage.  


If you can find an ACTUAL socialist, you can sometimes have a reasonable philosophical discussion with them.  They might even admit they're dealing with a guiding principle that can't succeed alone in the real world. If you find an OLD SCHOOL LIBERAL, you'll find they support civil freedom, and a mutually supportive state. You will probably disagree with them on how much state intrusion is beneficial. History shows they tend to be a bit idealistic, but idealism tempered with caution yields a healthy society.

The modern Demorrhoid is just an ignorant, stupid, whining, greedy failure seeking to leech off civilization while professing their hatred for it.

More will be added later.  And the question:

Are there any Demorrhoids left who are NOT complete government cocksucking shitheads?  I ask rhetorically. 


Because the answer is no.



From the article:

"As it relates to economics, the oft-used median household income seems like a good place to start. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the median household income of non-Hispanic whites in 2017 was $68,145. While this is higher than the national median of $59,039, it is considerably lower than the incomes of several ethnic groups. Indian Americans, Pakistani Americans, Filipino Americans, and Taiwanese Americans each out-earned whites in 2017, boasting median household incomes of $110,716, $83,956, $83,256, and $81,903, respectively. Lebanese Americans ($76,805), Sri Lankan Americans ($73,856), Chinese Americans ($72,927), and Iranian Americans ($72,733) also out-earned whites.

In general, the U.S. Census Bureau reports that Asians have had a higher median household income than whites since the mid-1980s. In fact, figures from the Bureau of Labor Statistics indicate that white men earned 80 percent of what Asian men earned in 2017.

In 2000, data from the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights showed that 44.6 percent of black applicants were turned down for mortgage loans. In comparison, 22.3 percent of white applicants were turned down. In spite of data indicating that black-owned banks had turned down black applicants at rates higher than white-owned banks, accusations of discrimination within the banking sector were widespread. However, the same report from the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights revealed another interesting statistic: the mortgage rejection rate for Asian Americans was 12.4 percent. In other words, Asian Americans were approved at a higher rate than whites. This data point never saw the light of day in most newspapers or television news programs.

For neo-Nazis and alt-righters, their supposed superiority lies in their genetics. For those on the far-left, the unjust supremacy of whites is based on systemic discrimination."~~~

Incorrect. For racist liberals (statistically all of them), white privilege is a code word for white supremacy. They believe white people are superior in all ways and need to be taxed to provide equality to those lesser beings who can't possibly hope to compete, not being white.

It allows them to be smug in their perceived racial superiority, explain away their own bigotry as some magical innateness that isn't genetic, while still being inheritable, and of course, "the rich" should pay for it, thus conveniently absolving any non-rich liberal (Which is none of them, in their POV) from guilt, as long as they virtue signal about how horrible it is.

The textbook example is the bleat that voter ID is racist because "black people" might have trouble getting ID.

There are more white people living in poverty than black people, but somehow, liberals forget to mention them, because of their "privilege."

TRANSLATION: They think white people are smart enough to handle this mythical problem, but black people aren't.

Your average liberal is so fucking racist he can't see his own racism through his virtue signal.

Customer Review

July 9, 2019
This turned out to be just a collection of short stories & rants. I briefly scanned the story titles and the first one I read dealt with the M1 Garand rifle, which Williamson considers junk -- he loves AR's, which I consider junk. So far just a difference of opinion BUT: My bullshit meter hit max when MZ claimed that the sights on an M1 only go out to 460 yards. Now that's just a lie, he knows better. As a Marine officer I shot quite a bit of military rifle competition back in the early 1970's, with both the M1 Garand in 30.06 and the M-14 in 7.62, using the mil-spec standard iron sights. The course used was a national match course fired at 200, 300, and 600 METERS. That's 660 yards for the math-challenged Williamson. Both match-conditioned rifles shot quite accurately at that range and I would not have hesitated to fire the M1 on the 1000-yard range. Silly rants are OK but don't lie to support a questionable case.

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Michael Z. Williamson 1 second ago
First, there is a difference between a "lie" and an "Error."

Second, per FM 23-5, the stated maximum effective range is given as 500 yards. Now, what I saw was 460 METERS, but in publications using both Imperial and Metric. I transposed. BFD. AND, the newer M16s exceed that range.

Also, just because a weapon is mechanically limited to a given range, does not mean it's impossible to shoot further. It's entirely possible. It's just that accuracy lacks.

The M1 was accepted for service at 3 MOA accuracy. That's 18" at 600 yards plus wind drift, plus rotation of the earth (And yes, that is a factor). Then, flight time is approximately 1 second, so sure, hitting paper at that range is doable, but inaccurate, and hitting a moving enemy...only by sheer luck.

Also, I own and shoot an original, complete, M1-D.

So it's your math that's challenged, as well as your reading comprehension. And if you're such an over-sensitive snowflake that a single questionable error removes 4 stars from the book and causes a meltdown of "LIAR LIAR PANTS ON FIRE!" it doesn't speak well for Marine officers. Luckily, I'm aware you're not typical.

Also, the AR platforms have been demolishing the archaic platforms at National Match for about 30 years now. 1970 was a long time ago. About the time I was 5. Technology has advanced in a half century. Witness this computer we're using.

You should probably look up an article entitled, "The M14, Not Much For Fighting ( A Case Against The M14 Legend)"

If you're that upset about my comments on the Garand, this one will cause apoplexy. But facts remain facts.

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