Same old ignorant rhetoric from AMMO-SEXUALS!  For them, NO efforts to control the proliferation of GUNs will be acceptable. They serve their lord and master, the NRA.  No matter that men, women, children are being slaughtered in the streets. Doesn't look like all those (any of those) 'good guys with guns' are stepping up to protect either!!!
If guns in Indiana are the cause of the problems in Shicago, why is crime lower in Indiana?
The rest of your bloody-shirt bleat is ignored. Especially the hilarious claim that the NRA does anything to stop gun control. They've endorsed every major federal gun control law in the last 80 years.
Dennis Mallory let's educate you again, public school grad:
Same old ignorant rhetoric from AMMO-SEXUALS! --no fact in evidence, ad hominem attack'
For them, NO efforts to control the proliferation of GUNs will be acceptable.--no fact in evidence, ad hominem attack. Also false dichotomy (either this or that, no nuance or multiple options accepted).
They serve their lord and master, the NRA. --no fact in evidence, ad hominem, boogeyman, no evidence provided that the NRA is involved in this debate, or that it opposes gun control (it doesn't. The NRA specifically ASKED for the bumpfire stock ban, for example, thus completely negating the claim).
No matter that men, women, children are being slaughtered in the streets.--"Waving the bloody shirt." No facts in evidence that changing the laws in Indiana will affect crime in Chicago. Especially since, as noted in the article you didn't read, existing gun control makes it ILLEGAL for a Chicago resident to buy a handgun in Indiana. Further, if Indiana's "weak" laws led to crime, then logically IN should have worse crime than Shicago. As it does not, logically the presence of guns is not the cause.
So to reiterate: Everything the socialist and his friend have said is provably incorrect, is unsupported hyperbole, is logically inconsistent, is ignorant of the facts, and is emotionally-charged ad hominem.
FYI, I'm an immigrant who was educated in a church-run school, though I'm no longer religious, and a veteran.
And who are you other than someone who hopes to be a leech on society?
Also, as far as our laws in Indiana, which come from our government, last I checked, you drive on roads. Since the government provides those roads, I don't see that you have any basis for argument. If you want to live in a society without laws and roads, why don't you move to Somalia?
Dennis Mallory
Pretty much EVERYTHING americans take for granted and benefit from, is based on Socialist Theory and implemented by Democratic Liberals -- all americans--all states. Here's a few things: social security, medicare, interstate highway system, most infrastructure (bridges, buildings, dams, tunnels etc), 40 hr work week, workman's compensation, unemployment insurance, city/county police and fire depts., public education/libraries/health.
Neighbor: "Crazy bitch just shot at one of my customers in the shop. She ran up into the woods. The police are looking."
Me: "Hold this." Hands pistol over.  Goes inside. Retrieves something more authoritative than 9mm, with more range, and shall we say, more fire control options. Goes back out.  "So next time, tell me the threat and I'll make the loadout decision."
Both: Watch the treeline while he talks to sheriff dept, who had already arrived in four minutes from his call, before he came over, with 15 officers and two drones.
Me: Calls wife who's napping. "Keep Small Person inside, just in case."
Both: Continue to watch treeline for armed, crazy woman while police report in.  Neighbor explains.  Guy came for some Jeep work. Ex wife drove up, shot at him, fled. Hilarity ensues. 5'1", 40ish, dark hair.
Cops: Report suspect in custody.
And that, boys and girls, is why I keep a few fucking guns on hand.
I've occasionally edited or commented on WP. Usually it's to fix some grammar, add a link, minor housekeeping stuff. I've occasionally opined on a talk page about a matter.
Recently I added content on two pages, and was amazed at the retardery I had to wade through.
First was on the page for John Illsley, former bassist for Dire Straits.  I saw a message to the effect of, "Before you add instruments to a musician's page we have to discuss it and get consensus."
Um, no. He played bass and sang backup for Dire Straits. On his solo albums, articled on Wikipedia, he plays bass, guitar, and sings.  He sings and plays on his Youtube channel (And he's very good: ).  The liner notes of his albums document these facts. "Consensus" is irrelevant when faced with facts.  Grow up.
Then on David Bowie's page, same message. Are you fucking kidding me?  Bowie played about 17 instruments, most of them live on stage and on film and noted in liner notes. That means he fucking played them. There's no "consensus."
This demonstrates the problem. Wikipedia is the plywood fort in the back yard where the unpopular kids go to look at each other's wangs and talk about how awesome they are.  You have to impress them, or they'll not take note of you!
And so we get to me.
Back in 2008, I argued a point on the 0bama election on that WP page. Now, ultimately, I was wrong* and the statement was corrected.  However, in response some asshole "article for deletion"ed my page, claiming I was "not notable, or his non-notable works."  He specifically stated in discussion he was doing this in revenge for daring to question the history of The One.
This was quickly shut down as "WTF are you talking about? Of course an author with a dozen books from major publishers is notable."
Some years back, I got hatemail in IM on Facebook.  Anonymous troll had already blocked me, so I have no idea who, but the gist was they were going to doxx me and get me fired (good luck, I've been self-employed since 1991. My boss is an asshole, but I understand him), and "You also have a Wikipedia page. Yeah that's gone.  It might take me a year or two, but say goodbye."
So, the threat was to remove the WP page about me, because?  Dunno. No reason given.
So Saturday night, a friend and antagonist (we disagree on several things, frequently where he's more libertarian than I am) (I am an anarchist, sort of) pings me that the WP page about me just speedy deleted.
And apparently, someone was claiming that none of the references on the page (after 15 years and at least two attempts to delete it) were "Credible" or some such.  Apparently, the books are not considered valid as evidence of relevance, for an author page,--wait, what?  It doesn't matter how many books an author has published, that doesn't make them relevant as an author?  Really?  I guess then it doesn't matter how many races a driver has run, or how many TV shows an actor has been on.
The page was reverted and protected for discussion, but despite that, some fat troll in Sweden kept deleting content if he couldn't "verify" it from "independent sources" (Um, google, you mouthbreathing ignoranus (sic)?)
In discussion, there's even some asshole claiming Baen is a "vanity publisher," (magically distributed by Simon and Schuster).  I suggest they delete that page, too, then.
Apparently my Year's Best Military SF award was "self-awarded."  Weird. I gave myself a plaque and $500 cash?  I guess I should do that more often.
They claim they somehow can't source my Locus or Bookscan bestsellers.
And apparently, I "claim" to be a veteran. What standards do they require for proving military service or bestseller status, and do they require this of other authors?
Someone on my side even linked to an article in Stars and Stripes about veteran writers. And apparently, that's not an official source.
This has happened a lot. I remember when they were complaining that Howard Tayler, "Couldn't have more than 100,000 readers," for his comic, and therefore wasn't "notable," despite numerous awards, interviews, GoH status, etc. Are you fucking kidding me?  100K readers is plenty big enough in this field.
They also went after Jim Rawles at Survivalblog, simultaneously insisting online references weren't good enough, and complaining that paper references from the 1980s weren't available online.
The error here is ignorance, or as the few honest people in that forum of failure call it, "WP:IDONTKNOWIT."  That YOU don't know who or what something is does not mean it is not relevant in that field and to people in that field.  One is supposed to assume good faith on an article's existence and ask for elaboration, not "speedy delete."
You see how this works? Nothing is credible unless they say it is.
And as a random aside, in the HELPDESK forum was this exchange, so you get an idea of the type of people who edit WP, usually without asking:
While Goodwin appears to be coming around as documented in the above "Generalization, corollaries, usage" what Goodwin originally pretended to fail to take into account when he created Goodwin's Law is that some ideologies, like Conservatism and Nazism require innocent people be murdered for the ideology to be even be implemented - THAT, not the racism of the Conservative base, or the Nationalism that American Conservatives use as a bludgeon is what makes Conservatives' vile evil murderous pro-pollution ideology no better than the Nazis' vile evil murderous race-purifying ideology.
It doesn't matter if an ideology requires 1,000 people to be murdered, or if an ideology requires 6,000,000 be murdered - crossing the line into murdering people is what makes these two ideologies no different from each other.
Without the murder of innocent civilians, Conservatism could not be implemented:
Other ideologies, like Democratic Socialism, or as it used to be called "a mixed market economy", aka Capitalism, does not require people to be murdered for those ideologies to be implemented. Even Socialism can be implemented without actually having to murder people - just incarcerate those who donΓÇÖt believe that private property is theft from humanity.
Conservatism requires that people be murdered or it's just another example of what the sociopaths call 'Radical Extremist Far Left Big Gubment Socialism.' ΓÇö Preceding unsigned comment added by Kuni Leml (talk ΓÇó contribs) 17:41, 20 July 2019 (UTC)
Not unless you can find a WP:Reliable source that makes that claim. Dbfirs 17:49, 20 July 2019 (UTC)
@Kuni Leml:No. You can only add an argument like this if you have found it in a reliable source, not if you propounded it first. Please read WP:OR and WP:SYNTH. Furthermore, you could only add this argument to that particular article if the source itself referred to Godwin's law. -Arch dude (talk) 18:38, 20 July 2019 (UTC)
Holy fuckballs, that's retarded.
Well, I don't need the bullshit. The deletion of the page ended my writing career, destroyed my awards, drained my bank account...
Oh, wait, no, it did nothing whatsoever. Utterly fucking irrelevant.
Which pretty much sums up the failures who've appointed themselves gatekeepers of what is "credible" or "notable."
Easy enough: go to google. There are 69,800 google hits for my name.  If only it was 70,000, they might care...
well, no. They've specifically claimed I'm all kinds of bad things for what I post. What relevance that has to notability, I'm at a loss.  I guess only certain orientations are allowed.
"It's not political! And have you seen the horrible out of context things he's posted?"
Ah, so it is political. Well, I knew that. Or at least, it's what shitheads think my politics are from out of context soundbites. 
This is like the time Mercedes Lackey got death threats, had to don body armor, and was accused at a convention of being a paranoid troublemaker for wearing body armor and refusing to be alone.
They then went Full Autism Retard on people commenting. Apparently, everyone is a "sock puppet."  One guy made an edit on a page about a small nation's military within a short time of me editing a different page about the same military! Aha! That proves collusion!
Or, it could be that we're both veterans (from different nations) and he's a writer I'm acquainted with. Duh.
What it comes down to is politics. These are largely fat, incel leftist failures (I've met a number of them), and I'm the diametric opposite.  They can hide in internet anonymity and pretend to have credentials, while denigrating my real, public ones.
The page is gone, and it's a relief. My fans shouldn't have to grovel, degrade, and humiliate themselves before a "consensus" of social failures to document that a best-selling, award-winning author with over 20 publications and 100 editions in 3 languages is more culturally relevant than a disgusting freak who was fucked to death by a horse.  
I think I last checked in on the page in 2015.  On my list of priorities, if #1 is sex with my wife and our girlfriend, and it is, taking my daughter to the museum is about #3, writing my current contracts is #5, showering and wiping my ass is about #12, pulling out the stove to scrape the congealed grease is #57, identifying that weird tree way up the hill on the fence line is #348, and giving a shit about some page argued over by fat, angry, pompous failures is approximately #4,762,051.
The fact is, Wikipee is irrelevant, and my sales and credentials do not depend on it for either existence or credibility. A simple google search finds me, and you can get direct info without "consensus."
So let them lovingly maintain the article about the guy who was fucked to death by a horse.  Because if that's the cost of notability, I'm happy not to be listed.  Call me a prude. It tells me all I need to know about their organization.
*I insisted he was the "President Designate" until after the (as of then not yet held) Electoral College vote. This was a term Reagan used.  I was shouted down that there would be no question of the EC vote, it was a done deal. Eight years later, the same fat, weeping failures even tried bribing the EC to keep Trump out.  So much for moral consistency. But then..."liberals."
ADDENDUM: Apparently it's back again. My attorney will be having words with someone.
And in the "discussion," everyone who supports the article is a "Sock puppet," only people who are uninvolved should discuss a page....huh?
Fan-voted awards are not credible, but the Hugo is credible, even though it's fan-voted.
My Hugo nomination was "fake."
ISBNs aren't credible sources, Amazon isn't, IMDB isn't, the publisher's site isn't, my site isn't, Publisher's Weekly isn't, Stars and Stripes isn't, Locus Magazine is too "niche," my site can't be used as a source of info about me, only third party sites, who aren't credible because they're fan sites...
You see where this is going. These are the same fat, festering fascists who spent last year trying to get "conservatives" banned from conventions with false allegations of rape and violence.
UPDATE: they are going after Tom Kratman's page, too. Purely by coincidence. No politics involved. Riiigght.
UPDATE: And now Sarah Hoyt's page. Entirely predictable that the racists would then start on the women of color who don't cling to their leftist bigotry.
Suppose you were Indiana Solicitor General Thomas Fisher, and suppose you'd made history by getting SCOTUS to LITERALLY FUCKING LAUGH AT YOU for standing by your position that the 8th Amendment magically doesn't apply to the states, and that it's hypothetically perfectly reasonable to seize a half million dollar car for a 5 MPH over speeding violation.
Now, in such case, you'd probably come back and say, "Well, guys, that's it. We tried."
But no! This complete cockgobbler doubles down and says, "That was only regarding CIVIL forfeiture! So as long as we can prove a tenuous connection between the property and the owner and some utterly unrelated crime, it's still valid!"
This is literally precedent for the state to impose a death penalty and seizure of your entire estate for speeding. And yes, I know a bunch of liberal retards just read that and claimed I'm an hysterical right-winger (for wanting a smaller government? That's the exact opposite of how a "right wing" works, shit for brains), except I keep making these predictions, and we keep following the curve. But they love sucking government cock so much they just can't quit it.
Digressing. It wasn't even the state that seized this vehicle. It was a third party who then seized the vehicle and transferred it to the state, who presumably sold it, since the plaintiff wants it back and they're fighting this hard to avoid doing so.
Institute for Justice lawyer Sam Gedge says in a statement to Reason that Indiana "has resorted to an increasingly dangerous view of governmental power" over the years it has been fighting to keep Timbs' car.
"In the State's view, it can constitutionally forfeit a Bugatti that goes five miles over the speed limit. And the State insists that it can take any property from any person who has ever struggled with drug addiction," Gedge says. "That boundless view of governmental power cannot be squared with the Constitution."
Yeah, no shit.
On the positive side, since SCOTUS laughed in his face once, they will hopefully do so again, and this asset forfeiture faggotry, which is government-sanctioned highway robbery, will come to an end. That means pig departments nationwide will have to do actual law enforcement, not theft by false warrant, and will weep and wail. We'll cover them in a future column.
In the meantime, Indiana Solicitor General Thomas Fisher, YOU are the Asshole of the Week.
I realize I'm being a pedantic pain, but I object to your use of the word '____'.I don't know this nitwit's sexual preference (nor do I want to) but IF he's gay, it has nothing to do with what he's an objectionable waste of air.
Nor is he, of course, a bundle of sticks used for fuel.
I do, however, have some suggestions of alternative terms;
Parasite. Vermin Statist Flunky Criminal Officeholder Fascist (and we're back to the bundle of sticks) Oxygen Thief Guillotine Bait ~~~
I may change the term just to get around Fecesbook blocks.
I use it in its presexual connotation of someone at the very bottom of consideration, usually forced into menial labor. I had a post on this a while back.
But it's probably easiest to adjust it to something else due to both concerned readers (you) and screeching assholes (most).
Nor is he, of course, a bundle of sticks used for fuel.
I do, however, have some suggestions of alternative terms;
Statist Flunky
Criminal Officeholder
Fascist (and we're back to the bundle of sticks)
Oxygen Thief
Guillotine Bait
I may change the term just to get around Fecesbook blocks.
I use it in its presexual connotation of someone at the very bottom of consideration, usually forced into menial labor. I had a post on this a while back.
But it's probably easiest to adjust it to something else due to both concerned readers (you) and screeching assholes (most).