I always start these by noting that I didn't vote for Trump, and I don't like Trump. He's been lackluster. Like the guy before him, he's done a couple of things I support, several I'm ambivalent about, and a bunch that are very disturbing in their unwarranted expansion of Executive power.

And it's really hard to make that point when self-proclaimed "liberals" are shitting their pants in tantrums daily, for over two years now, about bullshit like Russian birth certificates and mythical impeachments that will never happen.

The latest as everyone knows is some kids at the Right to Life March wearing MAGA hats. Now, any cursory read of this blog will show I support unrestricted access to abortion. I also support the right of people to peacefully protest. So they have the fucking right to peacefully protest. Yeah, I disagree with them. That's the point. Protest is so people are aware you exist, and possibly listen to your point, and possibly take it into consideration.

Into this protest, which has been held every year since 1974, comes Nathan Philips, who claims to be a tribal elder, but as far as I can tell, two major regional nations have disavowed all association with him, so I guess he's Chief Smokablunt of the Stoner Confederation. (He's not hard to find, begging around Ypsilanti. Several people have pics and have reported this.)  He also claims to have been a marine veteran of "The Vietnam Times" which doesn't seem to refer to www.VietnamTimes.info, but seems to be a deceitful way of admitting he never actually went to Vietnam but wants people to think he did. Though at least twice he HAS claimed to be a Vietnam veteran, and to have been "spit on" when he came back.  BTW, the spitting on of vets DID happen...once or twice. Because even pathetic hippies have other things to do than wait around at airports where eventually there was security to get rid of them. But when a vetflake wants attention, damn betcha they're one of the ones that got spit on.  Of course, it would have been other "liberals" doing the spitting, not conservatives.

Oh, yes--a quick study of his DD-214 and understanding of the culture shows that he was told by a judge to go in the military or  to jail. He couldn't possibly qualify for the AF or Navy. The Army just might barely have sent him to Vietnam, but the Marines had already withdrawn and Reserve duty just barely met the judge's order. Of course, he screwed that up by getting arrested for drunk and disorderly and jailed. He also claims to have been a "recon ranger," which doesn't exist in the Marines, and in fact, he was trained as a Basic Electrician.  He missed drill by being in jail, during a time when that mattered, and either due to that or being homeless got put on active duty, where he went AWOL several times, attempted to fix air conditioning equipment badly, and finally got booted ETS. (THIS, BTW is your "Dodging the draft" in the Reserves, not volunteering to fly an aircraft meant for one-way intercepts of Soviet bombers, or actual bombing runs over North Vietnam.)



IOW, he's a worthless sack of shit and trying to milk the vet and Indian angles for a buck, like every other homeless failure you'll ever meet.  At least he does meet them by token, I'll concede. But he pathologically lies about them.  So knowing that, anything he says should be looked at in the context of a scam to score some weed.

He's a Retcon Ranger.  His story changes every time it's convenient for a quarter or a bag of weed.

And if you're some white liberal self-loathing snowflake in a quiver about "Raaaaaacism!" you should be aware my Choctaw and Cherokee wife has far worse to say, and criticizing an individual is not criticizing a group, even though you're mentally incapable of grasping that due to the socialist fallacy. (Those are fancy words that mean your culture is retarded.)

Anyway, Chief Homeless Pothead walked into the middle of their peaceful presence, and started banging the drum really loudly, which confused them. So they smiled, hoping the homeless lunatic would decide they were uninteresting and leave.

Whereupon they got accused of "smirk rape" or whatever else liberal faggots fabricate to be offended by when they have a need to be offended (which is always). So ol' Nathan popped a massive attention boner, went on to tell the tabloid media how he was trying to prevent two groups who were both doing nothing physical from attacking each other.

But then, The Liberal Butthurt Attention Brigade dialed the faggotry up to 11 and insisted the kids were being violent with those smiles, had attacked the Indians, had attacked the black racists behind them (who admitted afterward to being black racists and saying racist things while claiming to be "Israelites," because they believe Jews are fake Israelites, and Israelites were really blacks from West Africa they're descended from.  I can't make this up) and somehow conjured up some Jews to be present, who weren't, and claimed the kids were chanting "Build the Wall" and "much worse things."  None of which happened, but if you expect CNN to be more reliable than the Weekly World News you're a fucking retard and should be institutionalized and not allowed to vote.

Let us note that the Black Israelite group actually manned up and said it was all bullshit, they were the racists, no one mentioned a wall, and the kids were peaceful. Oh, yes, and there's video to support all this, but "liberals" won't watch it because (and some faggot actually said this), "It's gaslighting, because you're trying to persuade me I didn't see what I actually saw," when in fact it shows what you saw, and the CONTEXT to it.

Also, if you think "build the wall" is so horrible you piss your panties, you're just a fucking genetic failure and should probably kill yourself.

So then Twitter got involved. Now let's start with the fact that everyone on Twitter has an IQ under 85 and should likewise be institutionalized.  But the retardation isn't the issue here.  The issue is that "tolerant" "liberals" started literally offering blowjobs, record albums, and cash, for anyone who'd punch, beat the shit out of, shoot or otherwise murder, including feed into a logchipper (That's _MY_ schtick as World Dictator, fuckers), these TEENAGE BOYS for the crime of SMILING AT SOME HOMELESS, SCAMMING PIECE OF SHIT.

Here's my concern.  Not only were none of them arrested for communicating actual incitements to violence, Twitter actually started blocking people complaining about this.

You know why these people fear the myth of a Trump Death Camp™?  Because they know they belong in one. They also know that's their ultimate goal to do to others.

Now let's be clear. This isn't all liberals.  It's at most 95% of liberals.  But the other 5% don't actually call them out on it.

Eventually, one of these incidents is going to cause the virtue signaling to reach a point where they frenzy like sharks, and rather than just playing in traffic, beating on cars, setting shit on fire, faking "racist" attacks against minorities, they're actually going to escalate to killing children.

At that point, I fully expect someone is going to respond in kind.  It's going to be someone who knows how to engage in violence.  And they're going to, in the words of Gunnery Sergeant Hartman, "Keep Heaven filled with fresh souls."  At which point, Liberaldom is going to squawk and start trashing civilization, and a bunch of you are going to be stuck in the middle.

Now, I do not advocate violence, and I cannot pre-judge the circumstances and responses.  But you may be put in a position where you have to kill.  And being civilized, this possibility probably scares and offends you. This is normal. The worry about killing another human being is one of the hallmarks of civilization.

It's not, however, one that "liberals" seem concerned about. They already cheer harassment, violence, vandalism, arson.  It's only a short step to cheering murder. Their only enjoyment comes from destroying civilization and all it stands for.

When you find yourself wondering how much force is necessary,  if it's all a misunderstanding and you just have to explain what was meant, realize it's probably worthless and get ready to run or fight.

They've already said they want it to be them or us.


"The 11-year-old boy who changed his last name from "Trump" after he was bullied at school was recognized over the weekend by an anti-bullying organization for his courage."

Joshua, who lives in Clayton, Delaware, began going by his father's last name, rather than his mother's, due to the relentless bullying he experienced after President Donald Trump began campaigning in the 2016 presidential election."


"The bullying got so bad the school district agreed to change Joshua's name in the system when he began at Talley Middle School in the fall, WPVI reported."

"This little boy has been victim to relentless bullying simply over his last name that is associated with our 45th President of the United States," the organization wrote on Facebook after the ceremony. "Glad we cold [sic] bring a smile back to his wonderful face."

You harassed him over his NAME to the point where he wasn't safe.

You rewarded him for GIVING IN to your vile behavior. 

You told him it took "courage" to give in to your cowardly attacks.

"Tolerant" "liberals", you are DISGUSTING, SUBHUMAN NAZIS, and at some point you will be dealt with the same way the original Nazis were.

And I will fucking cheer.


And I don't want to hear any "We don't endorse that, but!" because the "But" is that you DO fucking endorse it. You've destroyed statues, edited literature, and acted EXACTLY like the Taliban and the Nazis and similar filth. And there's no excuse of, "Well, that's only some of us."

Because if you continue to belong to a group that acts like this, you ENDORSE it.  It's like the "non-violent" members of the Mafia who don't break legs, only run the numbers. No, they're still fucking Mafioso, and you are still fucking Nazis. 

Right now I'm sure some pathetic piece of shit is wailing on Twitter that, "I wouldn't feel SAFE with this person at a convention!"

NO ONE feels safe around YOU.  Because you are a vile, disgusting mob of subhuman Nazi shit. YOU have committed the violence, the harassment, the lies, the fake victimhood "attacks," the erasure of history, the false narratives.

Everything you claim non-liberals are (because you call all of us "right wingers" regardless of our particular philosophies, because we're "not aryan"), is a projection of your own worthlessness and inhumanity.

You are fucking FILTH. 

Apparently, some readers are failing to read for content and ad homineming that I'm a "Sensationalist right winger."

I'm an immigrant. I'm a 25 year veteran of the US military. I supported marriage equality and gays in the military as far back as the mid 1980s. (I was a minor before that.)  I'm an active supporter of the trans community with references to prove it.  I'm pro-free speech, pro-reproductive choice.  I'm anti-big government.  I'm non-religious.

That's actually the EXACT OPPOSITE of a right winger.

Also, I own several real submachine guns and stuff that feeds ammo from belts.  So I have zero interest or need for an inferior bumpfire stock.

Now, please read for content and actually think.


Some people think they love it. Some people hate it. Some people think it's just a bit of political maneuvering.

I'm here to explain why, regardless of your feelings about firearms, this little item should utterly terrify you.

Here's the official statement:  https://www.justice.gov/opa/press-release/file/1046006/download

First, notice the statement is from Jeff Sessions. Now, if you believe (as all rational people do) that pretty much everything that man did was a disaster, you shouldn't be deluded into thinking this was magically better than anything else he did in his crusade to eliminate pain killers, pot and everything except actual criminals.

I draw your attention to the phrase and the claim that a bumpfire stock, "Harnesses the recoil energy."

It does nothing of the kind.  Put a firearm equipped with a bumpfire stock in a block on a bench, pull the trigger, it will fire a single shot only. One. Then it will do nothing. There is no "Harnessed energy." An ACTUAL machine gun will continue to fire until you release or run out of ammo. The bumpfire stock-equipped rifle will, again, fire one. single. shot. And stop.

An earlier device with a spring (The Akins Accelerator) was in fact ruled to be a machine gun, by ATF, who ruled that removing the spring made it not a machine gun.  There was much outcry from the users that their $1000 (!) accessory was no longer usable.  But I wrote about that elsewhere. It's also referenced in the letter above, and the two are conflated, because Sessions is either stupid or evil or both.

The bumpfire stock is a stock. If you are experienced and well trained, it is possible with CERTAIN weapons to slightly increase the rate at which you pull the trigger, by shoving with the other hand while pulling the trigger.  If you're a guitarist, think of a hammer-pull combination.  It's not something a noob does to any good effect.

Sessions' description is literally as inaccurate as saying "Alcohol is a narcotic."

The second claim is that, just like a machine gun, it allows firing multiple rounds with a single function of the trigger.  This is also provably false.  Again: Place it on a bench, pull the trigger, it fires one shot.  The trigger must be released before it can shoot again.

This cannot possibly be defined as a "machine gun" that fires more than one shot per pull of the trigger.  Yet, that is what Sessions has done, via a false statement--a lie.

The manufacture of machine guns has been illegal since 1986. Real ones command a high price. The finding of the Firearm Technology Branch was not only that these devices were not machine guns, but that in fact, they are not even firearms.

Sessions has falsely declared it to be a machine gun, and therefore contraband ex post facto, with absolutely no compensation for the "contraband," in complete contradiction to the experts' findings.

ATFE estimates the device and related industry are worth $200 million, which is tiny in business terms. However, every owner, seller, maker has money invested that is being stolen from them. No due process.  No legislative process.

This is an EX POST FACTO TAKING of private property via a false declaration.  You should be afraid. You should be VERY VERY afraid.

Look above again. This decision is precedent for ANY Cabinet head to declare anything...or anyone, illegal, and subject to theft or imprisonment with no due process.

And worse, it was put in place by President Trump. If this stands, then President Trump has precedent to overrule any bureau, any law, just by instructing his cabinet to draft a false statement.

"Alcohol is a narcotic. Therefore, all alcoholic beverages are contraband and the selling of them is illegal. Shut all the liquor stores at the end of the month. No one gets compensated."

Didn't we walk that path already?

"Pot is a narcotic." 

Oh, wait. The government already says pretty much that.  Great idea to have more of it, eh?

"This house is a narcotic. Therefore, it is contraband and we will seize it.  No compensation. Also, you're going to jail." 

You thought asset forfeiture was bad before?

What about when the NEXT president takes office?  What if President Mike Pence says, "All fetuses are people"?  And then after talking to someone who knows what they're talking about says, "All embryos and blastocysts are, too."

What if President Bernie Sanders says, "All income belongs to the collective"?

I bet at least one of those gives you nightmares, right?

If the courts don't utterly destroy this "ruling" at once, it is very literally the end of the legislative authority.  President Falwell will be able to order that, "Any non-Christian church is a political entity, not a religion." 

Still think it's a great idea, or even a not-terrible idea?


EDIT: and apparently a lot of so-called "liberals" do think it's a great idea, because "guns are bad m'kay?"

Due process?  Separation of powers? Constitution?  Hey, this is about guns!

That's exactly the attitude that got us the War on (some) Drugs.

The Federalist agrees with me. http://thefederalist.com/2018/12/19/trump-administrations-new-bump-stock-ban-legal-abomination/ 



I got a "Thank you for contacting me regarding poor Mr Khashoggi" letter.


I actually hadn't contacted you on this matter, or any other matter recently.  I'm not sure how this came about.  However. 

Khashoggi was a paid member of the Muslim Brotherhood, a supporter of ISIS, wrote a tear-jerking eulogy of Usama bin Laden, and was generally a terrorist supporting POS.
He was a blogger, not a journalist.
He wasn't American, he was Saudi.
Since they're actually fighting terrorism now, we shouldn't be hindering them, and certainly not crying tears over a terrorist sympathizer.
In every correspondence, you simply prove you're utterly unfit for your position and completely unelectable. I'd rather vote for a Dem.

This would also beg the question of why so many allegedly "tolerant" "liberals" support that terrorist cocksucker.
If there was any question as to why liberal cocksuckers would support a terrorist cocksucker.