Apparently, some group or other has put together a blacklist for some reason unknown to some event unknown of people involved with Comicsgate, and I'm on the list.

I'm flattered.  Seriously.  Most authors have a fan club. I actually have a hate club, who spend a lot of mental capital hating me, instead of finding something else to do.  So in actuality, they're a fan club composed of passive-aggressive failures.  But hey, it's still attention. So this is either an expansion of the hate club or a SECOND hate club!  That's pretty fucking cool.

I guess I'd be more flattered if I knew what "Comicsgate" is, and what association I have with it.  I mean, I can mostly guess whether a superhero is Marvel or DC from the movie ads I occasionally see on Fecesbook.  I'm aware there are stores that sell comics.  I'm aware there are collectible comics.  I know who the Justice League are from kid's TV. I know the guy who builds the officially licensed Batmobiles.

That's about it.

I don't read comics, write comics, write about comics, collect comics or notice comics. So it's a bit of a surprise to find out I apparently have a political opinion about comics that is unpopular enough and visible enough to get me pre-banned from something or other comic related, which I'm still not aware of any details about.

As far as attending whatever event this is, the rules would be the same as for any other event.  There's Category A, which are a handful of cons I pay to go to, and have since the 1980s, when I have the time, to hang out with friends and do nothing, though I'm happy to sign books if people ask me to.  Then there's Section 2, which means you're either letting me show up as a vendor, and have a market I can derive income from thereby, or you're paying my gas/airfare, hotel and per diem, to cover the loss of professional writing time I'm losing for those 3-5 days. As the famous advice says, "Fuck You, Pay Me."

Oh, and there's Division c: DragonCon, which I pay to attend as guest and vendor because it's a huge fucking orgy of profit, Scotch tasting, cosplaying, paneling, and evenings with my wife and our girlfriend.

So banning me from whatever you think you're banning me from is about like telling me I'm not welcome at the Live Agenda Studies Poetry Night at the Local Liberal Arts College Coffee Shop In Seattle. (I live in Indiana.)

Bitch, I'll be fine.

One favor, though, please: Let me know ahead of time that you're blacklisting me so I can share it, because that's marketing fucking gold to the people who are actually capable of, and actually do, read my BOOKS. Not comics.

Not that I have anything against comics, you understand.  I just don't move in that circle.

This K-11 arrived with a shattered stock. It appears there was a twig pin burl halfway through the wrist, and eventually, it let go, in a splintered mess.

My friend's cabinetmaker friend told him it was unrepairable, so he slapped on some epoxy, aluminum bar, and bandage.

Well, with all due respect to his friend, he's a cabinetmaker, not a graduate of WECSOG!

I had not repaired something like this before.

First, I just cut out all the bad wood.  No reason to attempt to glue shreds together.

Then I made a template from a good stock, and had to cut a shim to fit in three dimensions. I could have chopped more wood out, but I wanted to replace as little as possible. The stock is numbered to the gun, so a repair is better than a replacement, from a collectible point of view.

Once the shim was shaped, I drilled through both ways to insert a 1" dowel for reinforcement inside the wrist.

Then dremeled and chiseled new inlets for the tangs, drilled the tang screw hole, sanded and assembled. Vaseline and Break Free are close enough in color to match cosmoline.

It's ugly, but should be functional, it's less ugly than it was, and it saves as much original wood as possible.

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Mexico has national health care, just like Canada.

Mexico has even stricter gun control than Canada.

Mexico has easier access to abortion than Canada.

Mexico has readily available pot.

Mexico has a low cost of living.

Mexico has an economy that would benefit from their financial input (Assuming any.  Canada's better if you're a welfare leech, IF you can persuade them to take you. They're not as lenient as the US).

But, no.  Liberals who whine about elections always threaten they'll move to Canada because they're fucking racists.

Liberals are innately more logical and sciencey than conservatives, as liberals inform me all the time. So it's wonder they can't see the logical flaws in this claim:

"The US is very right wing. If you compare it to Europe, the most left wing American politician is still only center right."

A: This assumes Europe is the baseline, not the US.  Looked at the other way, every nation* in Europe is extremely left wing, which is obviously a far more reasonable conclusion (Because I say it is).

2: This confuses mean and median.  Do you even statistic, bro?

c} Why do you assume the US and Europe are even on the same scale? You're comparing apples and rutabagas here, given the cultural backgrounds of most of Europe--civic minded subjects of monarchies, vs the background of the history of the US--rebels, refugees, transportees, slaves and their descendents, and adventurers.

IV) Europe is a continent of smaller nations, with actually quite a variety of political orientations. Are you claiming Russia is left wing these days? Do you even know what Poland's politics are? Or are you focusing on Scandinavia--several very small nations, France, Germany and the UK to the exclusion of the rest?  Using that logic, California, New York and Illinois prove the US is actually quite a bit further left than your own claims.

E] What about all the other nations in the world? Why aren't they counted?  You're choosing majority-white Europe out of deep-seated, inherent racism.

A liberal can ALWAYS choose the postulates he wants to prove he's correct, even when he's talking out of his ass.

And will usually be racist in the process.

*The nations the liberal deems relevant, not those inconvenient non-liberal nations.