This came about over several PSAs that note fully automatic weapons are "effectively illegal" for Americans to own or "virtually banned" or similar phrasing, which was then challenged by pedants who wanted to argue for "highly restricted" or "complicated" to acquire.

Folks, no sound bite or PSA can ever be 100% accurate.

For example, the Earth is not a perfect sphere. There's both an oblation due to centrifugal force, and two other bulges that interrupt even that shape, to a ratio of .00005.

And of course, centrifugal force doesn't actually exist.

And no one cares. The Earth is a sphere, near enough not to matter to anyone.

As far as the fact that full auto are not totally illegal to everyone in every state:

I could cite NFA 34, GCA 68, NDA 1916, FOPA 86, define every term from pre-May to post-May to SOT, list the relevant state statutes, describe Form 1 and Form 4, explain the history behind the .00033% of firearms in this country it relates to, by which time I'd have written a fucking book, which would be outdated and in need of a second edition before it hit Kindle, and cause everyone's eyes to glaze over, and as you can see, even in THIS thread, people who want to know are confused and underinformed of the details. Then, as noted, I could mention the increasing price, which is a hindrance to probably 95% of the population off the bat.

Statistically, no one cares about details that fine. They don't fit in an infomercial, and full auto are effectively illegal for 99.99986% of the population.


Some figure came out of somewhere recently (eminently believable, but I don't know the source) that the US has passed 1.1 guns per capita.  This is cause for rending of clothes and gnashing of teeth among a certain segment, which is fantastic.

The correct minimum number of guns for the US is 1.25 billion.

Let us assume 250 million adults.

EVERY adult should have a shotgun.  They are cheap, reliable, the ammo is inexpensive, and with several different loads on hand it is versatile, able to hunt anything from quail and squirrel to deer and elk.  With the right loads, they stop home invaders dead in a puddle of goo. There are custom mods you can make so it can take any of the Big Five game in Africa. 

Next, one should acquire a sidearm of choice, for portability, use in close quarters, and personal defense. Along with this, you need a similar framed .22 for less expensive practice (and hopefully again soon, cheap practice, when idiots and greedy assholes stop hoarding).

A lot of urbanites likely don't need a rifle--the shotun will cover what they need.  Still, it's worth having one just in case.  And, to go with your primarly rifle, you need another .22 for additional practice.

That's five, per adult.  

There should be two bricks of .22, about 200 shotgun shells, and at least a crate (500-1000 rounds) for the sidearm and rifle.

Given that shooting should be taught as early as a child can understand the basic safety rules (typically between 4 and 8 ), then there's room for more, and of course, different types of shooting require different types of weapons.

350 million is a start, but only a start. Americans should possess at least 1.25 billion firearms, likely closer to 2 billion, and at least 1200 rounds of ammo on hand in between range trips.

Only a coward with a small penis would argue for less.


A delegation of human rights experts from Poland, the United Kingdom and Costa Rica spent 10 days this month touring the United States so they can prepare a report on the nation's overall treatment of women.
Then fucking go back there.
"Some states have introduced gun control laws regarding domestic violence, refusing to give perpetrators of domestic violence the right to possess firearms," Raday said. "This should be a national policy, not an isolated state policy."
Oh, there it is! Yeah, that IS a federal law, you ignorant twatwaffles.
The women's other recommendations for the U.S. include passing campaign finance reform that would allow more women to be elected into office, because the networks that raise money for political candidates are mostly dominated by men.
So, you want to pass a law to "level the playing field." So, you believe women are NOT equal to men. Misogynist much?
In most European countries, she explained, abortions are performed at general doctors' offices and hospitals that offer all kinds of other health services, so there aren't protesters waiting to heckle the women who enter.
"We were harassed. There were two vigilante men waiting to insult us," said Frances Raday, the delegate from the U.K. The men repeatedly shouted, "You're murdering children!" at them as soon as they neared the clinic, even though Raday said they are clearly past childbearing age.
"It's a kind of terrorism," added Eleonora Zielinska, the delegate from Poland. "To us, it was shocking."
Of course, in Germany, you need a doctor's permission. Funny how they missed that.  Abortion is incredibly restricted in Costa Rica, and illegal in Poland unless it's life of the mother, resulting from a criminal act, or due to a severely malformed fetus. But let's criticize the US.
And it's called FREE SPEECH, you whining twunt. They're on a public sidewalk, making non-threatening statements. I understand you don't like them. I don't like them much either. On the other hand, here you are telling us how we should live our lives, so I guess tit for twat.
The U.N. suggests that countries guarantee at least 14 weeks of paid parental leave. Some countries go further -- Iceland requires five months paid leave for each parent, and an additional two months to be shared between them.
Hey, that sounds great! And after the UN pays for that, I expect most mom and pop businesses will be happy to toss in $50 or so out of their own family income.
And of course, the US hasn't spent the last half millennia being passed back and forth between Germany and Russia like some roofied prom date. But don't let that fact get in the way, either.
We won't even discuss the relative GINI or GDP of those dumps to the US.

But I do wonder if we can find a comparative on immigrants from Poland to the US, vs emigrants from the US to Poland?

The gun haters are hysterical, and will make up any ridiculous claim possible. You probably recall Sarah Brady claiming "assault weapons" were designed to be "rapidly and accurately spray fired from the hip," which is like claiming a beer can is designed to be "rapidly and accurately consumed by shaking and popping."  For some reason, the Army still insisted on sights on M16s, and taught me how to use them, rather than this amazing accurate spray fire from the hip technique.


But onto the present day.  Someone has got their anti-intellectual moral corruption and cowardice into Amazon.

This is the note I received on an item I sell:

Hello from Amazon.

We are writing to let you know that the following detail pages have been removed from our catalog:

ASIN: B007FH65PA, SKU: 5F-B4TA-FPQS, Title: "factory original steyr m95 5 shot stripper clip"

This product has been identified as a speed loader designated for use on an assault weapon. Amazon policy prohibits the listing or sale of assault weapon parts and accessories. For more information, see the Seller Help Page related to weapons

For more information on our policies, search on "Restricted Products" and "Listing Restrictions" in Seller Help.
**Action Required: Within 48 hours of this notice, please review your remaining listings and make any changes necessary to ensure compliance with our policies.

Failure to comply with this request may result in the removal of your selling privileges.

We appreciate your cooperation and thank you for selling on

Amazon Services

Please note: this e-mail was sent from a notification-only address that cannot accept incoming e-mail.Please do not reply to this message.


I responded:


This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dec 07, 2015 04:16 PM
Information from the seller for ASIN:B007FH65PA:

Additional/other information from Seller:
See below

Other proofs attached:Hello from a firearms expert.

This en bloc clip is for a Steyr M95 straight pull bolt action rifle. It precedes "Assault weapons" by about 60 years. It is of historical interest and collectible, and I find no records of anyone using one in any kind of crime in the last 60 years--since WWII.

While I realize most Amazon employees are not versed in such matters, accepting complaints from every pants-wetting gun hater on the planet is ill advised.

Thanks for your attention to this matter.


 Their response, within the hour:



Dear Seller,

Thank you for contacting us at Amazon Seller Support.

I understand that you are concerned about the ASIN B007FH65PA not being active on the website.

This product has been identified as a speed loader designated for use on an assault weapon. Amazon policy prohibits the listing or sale of assault weapon parts and accessories.

Amazon has a very strict weapons policy and this ASIN has been removed as per this policy.

The restricted products policy also refers to antique firearms, collectible guns and their parts.

Please refer to the below help page for more information on prohibited listings: 

Please know that we strive to put in our best to help sellers make selling a better experience, however there are situations where we have to express our inability to meet your requirements and expectations wholeheartedly.

Have a nice day.

Please let us know how we did.

Were you satisfied with the support provided?


 I was not satisfied with the support, and responded so, with expanded documentation.

There was no reply.


One can contact Amazon directly at the CEO's office, which should then trickle down to the appropriate department.  I sent this: 


 Dec 9

Dear Jeff,

Customer service refused to reply to me.

Per the below message from Amazon, there are several problems.

1:  The Steyr M95 is a 120 year old, 5 shot, bolt action rifle. Some models are so old that ATF doesn't even consider them firearms.

2: While "assault weapon" is a political term that varies by jurisdiction, there are no jurisdictions in the world that would identify the Steyr M95 as an "assault weapon."  In fact it was out of service before the first assault rifle entered service.

3:  An en bloc clip is a MAGAZINE LOADER, specifically allowed per Amazon rules. It is also essential to the function of this weapon. The en bloc with five rounds goes into the internal magazine, and the weapon doesn't function properly without it.

4:  An en bloc clip is not a "Speedloader," which is a revolver accessory.

5:  "Assault weapons" don't take "speedloaders." They take "Detachable box magazines."

6: Whoever "identified" this is completely ignorant of how firearms function. If they are having input on other products, they are costing you lost sales.  If it's some random complaint by a respondent online, I would hope Amazon is wiser than to trust "the internet."

 I would appreciate a thoughtful response, rather than a repeated bleat that "this has been identified as a speedloader for an assault weapon," which I've had twice, and is akin to identifying a gas can as a shell loader for a tank.


I have still received no response.

I have just sent this query:


Per the description and the above link, this is a MAGAZINE LOADER, which is within Amazon's listing rules. It is also an essential functional part of this historical rifle. It cannot be properly operated without one.

 The rifle predates so-called "assault weapons" by a half century.

 "assault weapons" don't take "speed loaders." Revolvers take speed loaders, which, are in fact, also a magazine loader.

 Your previous response was snide, ignorant and unhelpful, and then there was no further response.  Please escalate to someone who is capable of grasping the above, capable of discussing the matter without resorting to copy/paste, and has decision making authority.

 For information purposes, I would like to know how this decision was reached.  Clearly, no one with any credentials in firearms was involved. So who made this decision, using what ludicrously flawed information? That response will be used for a professional article.



 I award Amazon a rating of "full retard and full diaper."


It is essential that we stop this sort of rampant assininity, and it proves the point that the neurotic gun haters will never be satisifed. Bans on full auto are not enough, bans on self-loading sporting rifles don't sate them, bans on 1930s military collectibles are only a waystop.  We've reached the point where a 19TH CENTURY RELIC is an "assault weapon."

DC has already ruled that a lead muzzle loader projectile, with neither rifle nor powder, is a felonious weapon.

We must fight the war with reason, rhetoric and the law now, or we will most certainly have to fight it later in the streets.