I wrote this last year, but it was a little late to be relevant.  Well, it is again:

"ZOMG! Sandy Hook was a conspiracy!"

Okay, I will try logic before a ball bat.  Here goes:

Utterly Idiotic Insane Nutjob Tantrum #1:  "No one actually died at Sandy Hook!"

If someone faked 26 people dying in your town, don't you think a few people would say, "Huh…I've never heard of any of them.  Did you know any of them, son?"  A few…or a few hundred.

UIINT #2: "See, the FB tribute page to this teacher is dated THREE DAYS earlier in this screen cap!"

1:  FB glitches, as anyone who's used it will tell you.

B} People change names on their page to get a bunch of followers to spam later, and because it's "clever" to screw with idiots.  Someone even demonstrated this by backdating a forum post to a year before the event.

III] Why would anyone setting this up make a mistake like that?  Wouldn't they double check?  After all, this is a conspiracy so competent they've got dozens of people who have all played their part so well.
d)  In fact, why would you bother setting up a page at all, when someone else will certainly put up a tribute page?  And why on FB specifically, not a dedicated website?

V| Since there are plenty of computer experts who CAN find out who did this and when, it would be stupid. 

F. Why would they do so ahead of time?  Wait until a few hours later.  There's no rush.

Seven~  Why should I believe your claim is real?  Photoshop, anyone?  It's not like it's a birth certificate or something.

Hey, you could ask who set it up and see if that person actually lives in town and is real.  Eh?

UIINT #3:  "There was only one ambulance there!"

At what time?  Says who?  So what?  "We need an ambulance."  If they knew to send 26, THAT would be evidence of something.  Sending one just proves there was only one in that general area who got the call at that time.  How many came later?  THINK.

UIINT #4: "This guy in this video looks like some other guy in some other video!"

So what?  There's an entire internet meme based on this.

UIINT #5:  "See, this guy is laughing before he's crying!"

Yes.  People in shock often want to pretend nothing is wrong ("Denial" stage of grief).  They do it at funerals, before surgery, when injured, during loss.  Any health care professional will tell you this…if you believe in health care professionals.  If not, we may have found part of your problem.

As to "Getting into character," people in duress want to appear affable and friendly.  It would be a shame if the doc let them die on the table.  It would be terrible if the detective didn't devote a hundred hours to recovering their stuff. 

Age 18, in the ER, I was cracking jokes while they peeled my burned hands like gloves.  Obviously, I wasn't really in pain, right?

And yes, people get excited and nervous about being on TV (having been on national networks a dozen times, I know this) and can react oddly.

Does this person match up with a real person?  Is that person the father of a child?

If not, why aren't the REAL parents, and friends, and relatives, and neighbors, and acquaintances, screaming fucking murder?

If there is no such dead child, why aren't the friends, neighbors, classmates, all going, "Huh?  WHO????"

It does not make ANY kind of sense for an "actor" to be doing it.  Nor would it make sense for that smiling footage to be shot, much less released, unless it was completely innocent.

He may have been too shocky to do anything, and had to TRY to look upset, because he knows it's expected.

Or maybe he hated the little brat his wife burdened him with and is happy.  Unlikely?  More likely than being an "Actor" of a child who doesn't exist, or replacing a parent who does.

UIINT #6:  "They interviewed one of the kids, but they didn't ask him for a detailed breakdown of the incident!"

You know what, you're right.  They should totally have waterboarded that kid to get you the answers you want.  Fuck his shock, loss and terror. THIS IS ABOUT THE TRUTH!

UIINT #7:  "FEMA/DHS had ROLE PLAYERS in the area for an exercise.  What do you think of THAT?"

I think I know of at least two groups of same within 100 miles of me, just based on community information.  Regardless of the legion of problems both agencies have, they do actually get paid to study scenarios and practice, not just post drivel on Facebook.  Sorry, was that close to home?

UIINT #8:  "These two/three/four cops all gave slightly different accounts!"

So, like typical eyewitnesses, then?

If they all read from the same script, THEN I'd be concerned.

UIINT #9:  "Why haven't we seen all the video/audio/reports?"

Compiling information for an incident like this takes weeks.  Once it's done, there will be a copy available through FOIA.  Though since you're not going to believe it anyway, why do you care?

UIINT #10:  "We already know they set this guy up to kill!"

Waaaaaait, whaaaattttt?  Based on what information do we "know" this?  Who is "they"? How would they "Set him up"?  And if you really believe there are groups of people in this country who'd do that for some kind of political point, you should already have gone and shot them, even if it means sacrificing yourself, to save others.  PS:  please don't.

UIINT #11: "Isn't the timing suspicious?"

For what?  Politicians will always exploit an event for political gain.  When is a non-suspicious time for a killing spree?  Or a good time?

UIINT #12:  "What about the bus driver who dropped 6 kids off somewhere else?" (or something.  I really stopped listening by then.)

If someone was doing something stupid or questionable at that moment, as people often do, they'd DEFINITELY be in denial and damage control.

New stuff:

UIINT #13:  "Isn't it suspicious that no one survived?"

Other than the survivors you mean?

UUINT #14:  "Isn't it suspicious that they demolished the school immediately afterward to hide the evidence?"

In October 2013, a year later, after the FBI, the police, several other agencies went through it, and the school board and city council took a vote and agreed to pay $57 million for a new school?  And all those actors, and fake parents, and...man, there must be 3000 people in this conspiracy. Who knew the 0bama administration was so competent?  Oh, wait:  They didn't get any relevant new gun control out of this.  Oops.


What really happened:  Some mentally ill individual, with poor grasp of reality, decided the only way to relieve his own pain was to kill a bunch of others for some reason that makes sense only to someone mentally ill in that fashion.  May God, if he exists, have mercy on all their souls.

Not convinced?  Then please go commit seppuku with a chainsaw. 

You are free to comment as you wish, as always.  I won't be wasting my time reading any conspiracy crap, so any "See this proof!!!!" BS will be ignored.  Have fun.


Hosted here, and on my site.

Stop being a little pussy.

What was that?

Stop being a little pussy.

Oh, right.  Profanity.  That's good.

Stop being a little pussy.

It's also sexist. You're genderizing negativity as female.

Stop being a little pussy.

This isn't funny.  You're a misogynistic troglodyte.

Stop being a little pussy.

I get it.  Don't you have anything intellectual to say?

Stop being a little pussy.

You know, I'm just going to copy this to everyone I know so they can see what kind of person you are.

Stop being a little pussy.

Would you stop repeating yourself?

As soon as you stop being a little pussy.

Behavior like yours is what's wrong with America.

Stop being a little pussy.

Fuck you.  I'm just going to block you so I don't have to listen to this.

That won't help you stop being a little pussy.

You're a racist!

Stop being a little pussy.

You probably have a small penis, too.

Stop being a little pussy.

I'm going to find some tolerant people to talk to, who agree with me.

Stop being a little pussy.

Musa Jallow:  How are you doing>\
Me: working generally
Musa Jallow:  Okay I can see well How are you doing
Musa Jallow:  Hello
Me: Greetings
Musa Jallow:  How are you doing it is great pleasure to read from you?
Me: Doing better now. I was sick earlier in the week.
Musa Jallow:  Okay i can see and i am so sorry to here that you was ill but i hope is getting better now?
Me: yes, just spices that didn't agree with me
Musa Jallow:  Okay i can see well where are you from and do you have Family?
Me: I was born in Scotland. I live in Indianapolis. Yes, have family.
Musa Jallow:  Hello Michael
Me: evening
Musa Jallow:  Evenning too and how are you doing?
Me:  Good. And you?
Musa Jallow:  Ah Michael i am feeling concerned at the moment?
today is the three days we don't eat food at home is because our situation is not Good and i am leaving with my mother and father and brothers and sister and no one love us all of our neighboring people don't like us because we are Christians
Me: You are in Ghana?  That's too bad. I just baked chicken, and had potatoes with mint sauce and a nice Thai lager.
Musa Jallow:  No i am from the Gambia and our president said eat what you grow and me my family backgranod is very poor Michael this make me cry Michael
Me: I can imagine.  We grow quite a few vegetables, and have so much we have to dry and pickle some.  I'm having ice cream now.
Musa Jallow:  Belief it Michael if you can kindly help me for me to have food and my family because we are living in starvation there is no one who feel us in Gambia Michael and sibling use to cry everyday and night and that make me suck as well?
Me: It does suck.  Can you sell your body for money or food in a town somewhere?
Musa Jallow:  We are far from that places Michael very far and we have small church and that church is not strong as well anytime it can fall down?\
Me: Perhaps prayer will help the church stay standing?  If not, maybe get some boards and nails.
Musa Jallow:  Please Michael we are living in starvation please you have the feel me and help me so that we can have food as our neighboring people don't like us because we are Christians
Me: Don't you know how to eat grubs and bark?  Lots of nutrition in those.  And maybe not tell everyone you're Christians?
Musa Jallow:  Okay then can i give you the address of Rice Man shops
You can contact him and ask the price of Rice in the Gambia?
Me:  Sure.  It would be interesting to know how the price compares to here.
Musa Jallow:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
This is the Man who sell Rice in the Gambia Michael
Me: Is there a site link?
Musa Jallow:  No there Is no site Link but they would like to have the website Link because that is trustful
Me: I'll take a look.  Do they ship?  I'd be interested in trying some Gambian rice to see what it's like.