- Details
- Written by Michael Z Williamson
Here's some actual science:
We know that wearing a mask outside health care facilities offers little, if any, protection from infection... "It is also clear that masks serve symbolic roles. Masks are not only tools, they are also talismans that may help increase health care workers’ perceived sense of safety, well-being, and trust in their hospitals. "
And cloth masks are even less effective https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4420971/?fbclid=IwAR1xBSypYCVXHlTXlCLQumiOciiWL6qchK0mK-OXv3AyITOPtFmNtoB9iPo and may in fact INCREASE your odds of infection by slowing air exchange.
And yet another: https://aapsonline.org/mask-facts/?fbclid=IwAR0VpDD0wrEL1NDPZ-6GmDmz2jq7YUtEVdLo2cAh2y8WJC1oxcHGX07NqR0 Conclusion: Wearing masks will not reduce SARS-CoV-2.
Here's more on slower air exchange, which causes sufficient O2 deprivation to be on par with COPD (90% saturation)
Even the CDC only goes as far as "may" help. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prevent-getting-sick/cloth-face-cover-guidance.html?fbclid=IwAR0yNIMS0IlJPRdLLnQDIdcYQ1T_9G4UAhBdquw52uYfsw9KSr4JMMdg-Nc#recent-studies then you look at their sources and see that one says you need at least two layers, another says you don't, yet another is not peer reviewed and only mentions "droplets," but not PARTICLES. Yet another "simulated" infected people (couldn't they find enough actual COVID patients?). Just like every other pro-mask statement, they all admit, "Well, it couldn't hurt." But no one has ANY evidence that it actually does anything, and again, the complete lack of any standards whatsoever means it's cosplay.
One elsewhere used a smoke machine, with azeotropic droplets as simulation. Only about a million times larger than a virus.
The Science is Conclusive: Masks and Respirators do NOT Prevent Transmission of Viruses
Masks and respirators do not work. There have been extensive randomized controlled trial (RCT) studies, and meta-analysis reviews of RCT studies, which all show that masks and respirators do not work to prevent respiratory influenza-like illnesses, or respiratory illnesses believed to be transmitted by droplets and aerosol particles.
Furthermore, the relevant known physics and biology, which I review, are such that masks and respirators should not work. It would be a paradox if masks and respirators worked, given what we know about viral respiratory diseases: The main transmission path is long-residence-time aerosol particles (< 2.5 μm), which are too fine to be blocked, and the minimum-infective-dose is smaller than one aerosol particle.
The present paper about masks illustrates the degree to which governments, the mainstream media, and institutional propagandists can decide to operate in a science vacuum, or select only incomplete science that serves their interests. Such recklessness is also certainly the case with the current global lockdown of over 1 billion people, an unprecedented experiment in medical and political history.
https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/741245_1 If you don't have one particular type of N95, it's a complete waste of time. If you have that one particular type, it's only partially a waste of time.
And a Canadian scientist posted this: https://twitter.com/dockaurG/status/1277958552657825792/photo/1
This article claims they help, https://www.ucsf.edu/news/2020/06/417906/still-confused-about-masks-heres-science-behind-how-face-masks-prevent?fbclid=IwAR2xIurtHhNzopEbTKQqVH_T_vpZ_q4XEq_6jvl-RWzNTpZJg6r4m-6hF-I
but let's deconstruct it:
Part 1: "compared the COVID-19 growth rate before and after mask mandates in 15 states and the District of Columbia. It found that mask mandates led to a slowdown in daily COVID-19 growth rate, which became more apparent over time."
Please explain how they accounted for population density, movement methods, all the other various mandated lockdowns that varied by state, city, and business. I'll wait.
Part 2: "The first five days after a mandate, the daily growth rate slowed by 0.9 percentage-points compared to the five days prior to the mandate; at three weeks, the daily growth rate had slowed by 2 percentage-points."
But herd immunity REQUIRES transmission. So if you're spreading it slower, and not achieving herd immunity, at what point do the curves cross and you're causing MORE infections than if the disease died out faster? This is YOUR field, doc, so please answer the question. Oh, you don't have an answer?
PART BOTH: Are you seriously claiming that with all variables accounted for you can RELIABLY claim .9% and 2% are outside your margin of error?
BTW, even their .9% claim is destroyed by actual statistical analysis.
"Another study looked at coronavirus deaths across 198 countries and found that those with cultural norms or government policies favoring mask-wearing had lower death rates."
Once again: Population density, social norms for touching, other health factors affecting general immunity, UV influx and other climate effects. You accounted for all those, yes? Yes?
So, it's as effective as a chain link fence is against black flies.
"Even now, some Americans are choosing to ignore CDC guidance and local mandates on masks, a hesitation that Chin-Hong says is “foolhardy.”"
"Some"? At least 70% around here. And at no point does he mention herd immunity. So, either eventually everyone gets it anyway, in which case you're possibly slowing WHEN you get it, but not changing the fact that you will, OR, he's expecting the virus to magically go away. He offers no mechanism for this (though there are some). He just leaves the question complete unasked and unanswered.
Two compelling case reports also suggest that masks can prevent transmission in high-risk scenarios, said Chin-Hong and Rutherford. In one case, a man flew from China to Toronto and subsequently tested positive for COVID-19. He had a dry cough and wore a mask on the flight, and all 25 people closest to him on the flight tested negative for COVID-19. In another case, in late May, two hair stylists in Missouri had close contact with 140 clients while sick with COVID-19. Everyone wore a mask and none of the clients tested positive.
So, two anecdotes. Do you have even 50 more?
Especially since the tests are massively prone to false positives and negatives, and they're now finding both T cell and antibody factors in resistance, and that about 40-80% of cases are asymptomatic. So it's entirely possible people were "infected" but not affected in any fashion. Or maybe they weren't infected. But you have two cherry-picked examples that tell us nothing.
"“I think there’s enough evidence to say that the best benefit is for people who have COVID-19 to protect them from giving COVID-19 (sic) to other people, but you’re still going to get a benefit from wearing a mask if you don’t have COVID-19,” said Chin-Hong."
"Evidence"? You keep using that word...
"Masks may be more effective as a “source control” because they can prevent larger expelled droplets from evaporating into smaller droplets that can travel farther."
"May be." So, you have some evidence to support that possibility? This is science.
"Another factor to remember, noted Rutherford, is that you could still catch the virus through the membranes in your eyes, a risk that masking does not eliminate."
HAH! That's why I always wear a pair of the shooter glasses I got issued when I deployed! We should require everyone wear at minimum a face mask AND glasses, or better yet, a military respirator!
"The latest forecast from the Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation suggests that 33,000 deaths could be avoided by October 1 if 95 percent of people wore masks in public."
Okay...but...when do we get herd immunity, so those deaths don't just occur in Nov-March? You know, the worst time of year for respiratory viruses?
Also, at 30% mask wearing, that means you're getting fuck all.
But we might actually achieve herd immunity and deaths will drop to near zero.
Assuming the masks were actually stopping the virus, which nothing indicates is happening.
"Studies have compared various mask materials, but for the general public, the most important consideration may be comfort. The best mask is one you can wear comfortably and consistently, said Chin-Hong. N95 respirators are only necessary in medical situations such as intubation. Surgical masks are generally more protective than cloth masks, and some people find them lighter and more comfortable to wear."
TRANSLATION: "As long as it's comfortable, it doesn't matter if it works. They'll feel like they're doing something."
And N95 respirators DO NOT stop exhalation, they only filter INHALATION. So those won't do anything. The Mayo Clinic references that in THEIR pro-mask propaganda. So you're not even being consistent.
Especially masks made here: https://www.facebook.com/blueactionfigure/videos/10219286417965098/
By the way, the CDC "approved" masks keep failing FDA certifications. And if your mask isn't even CDC approved, then even by those lax standards it's worthless. So it's a worthless copy of something worthless.
They don't do anything.
Any requirement for a mask in a work environment specifies the type of mask, sometimes the tested brands, the requirements to be met. No clinic, contractor, or company anywhere says, "Just wear anything over your face, it's all good." Really, are you gullible enough to think that there's no difference between coverings? That something that filters down to 100 microns (which is still hundreds of times larger than the COVID virus) is the same as something that filters 0.1 mm?
When I go shooting, I recommend people wear 28dB or better reduction earmuffs. I don't say, "Oh, a scarf is fine. It all helps, because science." Because a scarf over the ears won't do anything. Nor does cotton stuffed in the ears, or any other improvisation. Around jet aircraft, there's a specified combination of plugs and muffs. No airline or military says, "Just fold your hat flap down. It will offer some protection against 170dB noise."
Military commanders don't say, "If you don't have body armor, just wear your poncho. It'll help a little against bullets."
Because this meets the legal standard everywhere a "face covering" is required:
Go ahead. I want someone to defend Hanes underwear over the head as worthwhile against The Covids. (The Cooties?)
And just as an add-on:
Closures of schools and day-care centres have little effect on coronavirus cases diagnosed among children and young people
Coronavirii were first identified in the early 1960s. In 60 years, we've not developed a vaccine. There's no reason to expect one in the next few months. And of course, Fauci was predicting an AIDS vaccine in a "few months" in 1984. How's that working out? He also claimed it was spread via casual contact, and 10% of heterosexuals would get it, which should make it clear he's an ignoranus (sic) and should be ignored.
They're racist and classist. Here's yet another scientific paper:
"No direct evidence indicates that public mask wearing protects either the wearer or others. Given the severity of this pandemic and the difficulty of control, we suggest that the possible benefit of a modest reduction in transmission likely outweighs the possibility of harm. Reduced outward transmission and reduced contamination of the environment are the major proposed mechanisms, and we suggest appealing to altruism and the need to protect others. We recognize the potential for unintended consequences, such as use of formal personal protective equipment by the general public, incorrect use of cloth masks, or reduced hand hygiene because of a false sense of security; these can be mitigated by controlling the distribution of personal protective equipment, clear messaging, public education, and social pressure. Advocating that the public make and wear cloth masks shifts the cost of a public health intervention from society to the individual. In low-resource areas and for persons living in poverty, this is unacceptable."
So the virtue signal summary is: "It doesn't do anything, but do it anyway just in case. Oh, and buy them for poor people."
If they did anything, they'd hinder herd immunity, which, barring a magic vaccine, is the only immunity we're going to get. And because we haven't developed a coronavirus vaccine since we discovered coronavirii in the early 1960s, there's no reason to expect one in the next few months. Yes, yes, "Dr" Fauci said so. He also said AIDS could be transmitted by shaking hands (which took an entire ad campaign to stop the resultant homophobia), that 10% of heterosexuals would get it, and we'd have a vaccine in 18 months...from 1984. Do we want to keep listening to a charlatan?
Either way, if you believe a mask makes any difference, for the fastest herd immunity and GREATER GOOD, you should not wear one.
See all those people wearing the mask under their nose, under their chin? Of course you do, because that's you. Useless. And mask used more than two hours, or washed more than 20 times is useless (that's from the first round of studies linked above. Even the mask proponents admit they're nonfunctional. Which is why I refer to it as a fetish).
https://news.yahoo.com/turn-off-air-conditioning-experts-095902933.html And if you believe the "Science" of masks being effective, you must also turn off your AC to reduce the spread. Go ahead. I'll wait. (BTW, the article, and apparently the research, are ludicrously technically incorrect and decades out of date. Almost all extant commercial AC has both outside air intake/exhaust, good filtering, even HEPA filters that CA stop some virii, and frequently UV sterilization as well, that kill virii dead.)
If masks work, then used ones are all potentially HAZMAT. Where are the biohazard disposal bags? We're just tossing virus-contaminated masks and gloves in the trash or on the ground? If they're not HAZMAT, then you're admitting they don't work.
Over 200 BILLION masks are being trashed every month. The ecosystem is being destroyed by garbage that didn't do anything when in use anyway. This alone is sufficient reason to make wearing masks illegal. https://www.greenmatters.com/p/face-masks-gloves-litter-coronavirus Remember when you complained about plastic straws? Apparently it's A-OK to contaminate the environment now that YOU want an item, rather than children wanting an item.
As far as wearing a mask for other people, there are more reasons not to do that. There are people who are hard of hearing or who have auditory processing disorders. They have to be able to see your lips to understand you. You're engaging in ableism. Interestingly, "tolerant" "liberals" will suddenly snicker that it isn't really ableism when they do it, because such things are a myth, even though I frequently have people at panels ask the presenters to move hands away from their faces for this exact reason. Once again, the "liberals" pick and choose which criteria fit their narrative.
In addition, non-verbal cues and expressions aid communication. In this case, a mask can be ableism against autism spectrum people especially, who mentally process differently from neurotypical people.
Children rarely contract the disease and are not generally spreaders. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/07/200710100934.htm?fbclid=IwAR2IINWUMnHOqCCSL4Ts1OyGW_WY92GOM7SSmHvncf-XubB_eTTiS8ZNfWQ "A commentary published in the journal Pediatrics concludes that children infrequently transmit COVID-19 to each other or to adults."
Masks enable increase in contact crime. "What did he look like?" "Well, his mask was black." So were his hoodie and shades.
They dehumanize you, too. You'll find people being less sympathetic, angry people being less likely to back down. If they can't see your face and expression, they can't gauge your reaction. Violence has already increased. On the counter side, there's been multiple attacks including a shooting death of people not wearing masks. This is what we've come to.
It will make child molesters' jobs easy. Swap out the kid's mask, say they're throwing a tantrum, walk out the door.
"She's wearing a yellow mask with blue butterflies."
"No, there was a kid throwing a tantrum in a black mask."
"What did she look like?"
"Well, she had a black mask..."
Locally, doctors are reporting cooks and other workers having disorientation and consciousness difficulty and getting burned, because they can't breathe. (I hope you understand that slowing down air exchange can cause difficulty breathing while not actually doing anything to stop virii. But that's probably beyond most people's intellect.)
Masks cause serious health issues for asthmatics. After a few seconds, some of us are coughing and gasping for air, and bystanders will think we're actually dying of the Covids. Given that there have been multiple reports of physical attacks and even some murders over masks and symptoms, your demand that everyone wear a face panty is endangering people's lives.
And in Texas, construction workers are ordered to wear them at 110 degrees, and athletes to wear them while competing. I'm betting $1000 no one wearing a mask sets a record or beats someone who isn't. Even money that several of them black out.
You're causing psychological damage to children who'll be afraid of the very air they breathe. I've seen kids in a panic because their mask got dislodged. ZOMG! Natural air!
There are zero reasons to wear a mask. But of course, your opinion provider of choice has told you to follow the "Science" that creates a mental struggle for you against the facts posted above. Because you want to "believe" the "Science," rather than the actual facts of actual science.
Wearing a mask is selfish, ableist, anti-environmental, anti-science, and harmful.
Evolution developed the human brain to analyze and solve problems. It's time you started using yours.
- Details
- Written by Michael Z Williamson
Because it's 27 years in the past.
The Mississippi Flood of 1993. You're all familiar with it, of course, since it was a 500 year level flood and utterly devastated the entire middle of the country.
Oh, you haven't heard of it, or only vaguely remember it? Ah, that tells you what disasters are like in retrospect, doesn't it?
So let me tell you about six weeks of my life. I'll stick to the Good Parts Version.
We heard there was some flooding on the Mississip. And they asked for volunteers from the Guard. And lied to us about how many they needed. That's a story for elsewhere.
They flew us down in a Chinook, at about 1500 feet, as they do. Out the side of the aircraft, I can see fenceposts, trees, and the occasional inundated low-lying house. Oh, well that doesn't look too bad.
"Oh, no," the flight engineer says. "The river is 30 miles that way."
"Oh, ^@#$ me," I comment.
We land in East St Louis, and the Army screws up as it always does, but that's a story for elsewhere, too.
They deployed us from there to fill sandbags.
See, it had rained. A lot. And the Mississippi was full. Now, the Army Corps of Engineers had built a bunch of diversion reservoirs to take the excess flood water. But those were mostly kept full, because reservoirs are a great way to generate hydroelectoral power. Tell people they can put boats on them, and they'll vote for them. There was no need to drain them. It was just some rain.
It kept raining.
So the correct thing would have been to drain some reservoirs and refill with flood water. There's slack in the system, so a bit extra rain wasn't a problem. Also, if you drain the reservoir, they won't vote for you.
It kept raining.
It started flooding around Quad Cities. A lot of those houses are on stilts anyway. It floods all the time. So no big deal.
It kept raining.
Now, with nowhere for the water to go, it rose against the levees. The smart thing would have been to let it go, flood some fields, and write some disaster checks afterward.
But then they won't vote for you.
So the sandbagging started. The water would rise to the top of the levee, overwhelm the sandbags by sheer mass (water is 60 lbs per cubic foot), and flood the area behind them. Or, it would undermine the levees, creating what is technically known as "mud," and then create a "boil," which if you're silly, you cofferdam around while the rest of the mud washes away.
They did this thing.
The point here, though, is that the crest of the flood exerted maximum pressure, and would move ahead of the subsiding levees. So the areas in question still flooded. People just wasted a lot of effort delaying the inevitable a few hours. It was a complete waste of time and effort. But if you don't do it, they won't vote for you.
And it was still raining.
So the local emergency services, and the Guard, and volunteers, worked their way down the river, reinforcing levees that were guaranteed to fail, in order to be seen to be "doing something."
SIDENOTE: At one point they sent us to sandbag around a body shop. They wanted a 7 layer stack all the way around this shop. They were painting cars and rolling them out fast, and I figured they were trying to save customer cars quickly. Except they then rolled new cars IN. And it turned out they were 20 feet above flood level, but wanted to "just make sure," and the owner was the mayor's brother. We put a stop to that. But it indicates the point. Votes were at stake.
So we kept "doing something." And levees kept failing, land kept flooding, and that crest kept building higher.
ANOTHER SIDENOTE: There was actually a shooting war going on between Missouri and Illinois. They'd motor over on skiffs and try to knock down levees on the far side to relieve pressure on theirs. The myth that people cooperate in disasters? Only when they can spare resources. As soon as they THINK they can't, it's war. But, had any of them succeeded, it would have reduced the crest and lessened the effect lower down. Their solution was correct. It was just far too late to avoid massive repercussions.
They moved us to a water distribution point, because a local water system was "possibly contaminated." First day, it was Keystone Kops parking, with everyone panicking in to get their 1 gal per person per day. We had extra as a precaution and were told to just hand it out to avoid a panic. Keep in mind the city water was "possibly contaminated" and all they had to do was boil it. But we had families come up with grandparents on walkers ("please, ma'am, we'll be happy to bring water out to you. Private, take some water over there"), families with six kids of three races, and two grandparents who looked nothing like anyone, and then another family with four kids of three races, some of whom looked familiar. Because they had to get all the water right now. Sound familiar?
We got it organized (BTW, Anheuser Busch and Miller both run a bottled/canned water line nonstop as a charitable emergency measure. When this hit, they switched several other lines over to water, and added the water cans/bottles into the feed. So the first few pallets were actually water in cans marked BUDWEISER. We think. It was hard to tell the difference.) and switched to tanked water we had processed and hauled in. Restaurants got first dibs, because how else were they supposed to operate? Then it was all you could package in your own containers. People complained about the taste vs bottled water. Which they could still legally buy, mind you. But they wanted it free, because they'd voted!
It was still raining.
Every bridge across the Mississippi except one was under water. So if you had to cross the river for work, plan on leaving five hours early. Lots of people tried to find temporary lodging.
Then it turned out that one of the flood doors in East St Louis, that can be closed against rising water across roadways, had been stolen at some point for scrap metal. A several ton steel door on rollers with a locking seal had gone missing. So that was a frantic scramble, but not mine.
I wound up in the mobile command post of the Illinois Emergency Management Agency as the nighttime duty NCO. And what were my duties?
"Nothing, you guys have done plenty the last six weeks. You just sit there in the AC and if I need anything I'll let you know. The bunk's comfortable."
That was nice of the state guy.
The mobile command post was a motorhome, with two bunks, a fridge, microwave, radios for CB, shortwave, aircraft band, marine band, emergency band, and several others. Three computers. Six monitors screens (CRTs, this was 1993), three regular TVs, an erected antenna mast that could receive Chicago from where we were, and bunches of other gear.
It was still raining.
We went in every night, occasionally ran out for food for one element or another, got counts on the water levels at the distribution points, reported back.
We were there about a week. It was a lot better than sandbagging, and a lot less frustrating than dealing with panicky idiots.
I came in August 1st, and asked, "Are they still expecting a 48' crest?"
He said, "Fifty three feet."
(over 20 feet above flood stage and a peak flow rate of 1.08 Million cubic feet per second. At this rate, a bowl the size of Busch Stadium would be filled to the brim in 69 seconds.) https://www.weather.gov/lsx/1993_flood
The Flood Wall was 52' high.
I cursed, and asked, "Are they going to be stupid and try to sandbag" (knowing that literal megatons of water would wash sandbags away in seconds) "or are they evacuating?"
He said, "Neither. There's 100 tons of dynamite on the Jefferson County levee, and the MPs have orders to shoot to kill. At 50' they blow. But I didn't tell you that."
This was before cell phones, so I couldn't have told anyone anyway, but I understood how utterly critical this was. Flooding STL would kill thousands and cost billions and take years to attempt to rebuild.
I have to wonder if they told all those farmers in Jefferson County as they evacuated them, "We're all in this together, and you have to lose your farm, your house, all your worldly goods, and everything you've ever worked for. But we'll make it up to you. Honest. Because we're all in this together."
They had totally failed to flatten this curve.
So I sat there with my 3-soldier element, sipped soda, and remained riveted on the white board. The phone would ring. The state guy would answer. "Hello?"
And then he'd write a number on the board.
A half hour later. Ring ring. "Hello?"
Ring ring. "Hello?"
Ring Ring. "Hello?"
Ring Ring. "Hello?"
49' 6"
Ring ring. "Hello?"
49' 2". "It's going down."
That. Close. That. @#$ing close. To either inundating an entire county, or potentially flooding billions upon billions of dollars and thousands of lives and businesses in St Louis.
By failing to make the correct decision at every single point.
Again: all the government had to do at any point was NOT DO THE WRONG THING and everything would have sorted itself out in a manageable fashion. But of course, that would have meant upsetting some voters. Who wouldn't vote for them. So they doubled down, tripled down, quadrupled down. Like a gambling addict in Vegas blowing his children's college fund and then inheritance against the surety that the odds would change any time.
At every single decision point, without fail (in other words, 100% fail), the government did EXACTLY THE WRONG THING. And luckily, at literally the last possible second, it worked.
This is exactly what is happening with the Covids and our "Fifteen days to slow the spread" that didn't, 115 days ago.
Followed by stuffing sick people into nursing homes, destroying entire industries by being "All in this together, as long as some small business gets screwed, not the corporate donors," and now, "Wear a mask and stand behind plastic. There's literally zero evidence that it works, but we need Karen to vote for us, and we have to Do Something."
And you will continue to demand the government Do Something, complain when they do, and vote for them to do it again.
Because, as Loki observed in The Avengers, "Kneel before me. I said kneel! Is not this simpler? Is this not your natural state? It’s the unspoken truth of humanity that you crave subjugation. The bright lure of freedom diminishes your life’s joy in a mad scramble for power. For identity. You were made to be ruled. In the end, you will always kneel."
And not only are there always men like him, but you will always vote for them.
As for me:
World Security Council: Director Fury, the council has made a decision.
Nick Fury: I recognize the council has made a decision, but given that it’s a stupid-ass decision, I’ve elected to ignore it.
There is no universe in which I wear a fetish mask that accomplishes nothing. I will not let my daughter be encased in plastic screens at school. I refuse to lock myself in my house. COVID peaked in late April, per every document available. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/COVID19/index.htm
I will not assist in continuing to do the wrong thing, doubling down on stupidity.
- Details
- Written by Michael Z Williamson
American liberals are simultaneously never happy with the privilege they have, and perpetually pretending to be ashamed of it while avariciously trying to acquire more. Frequently, they do this by wailing that they're actually the victims in society, rather than the most privileged members of the most privileged society in human history. At present, this pretense takes the form of riding on the coattails of real victims, like say, blacks murdered by police.
The latest bleat is that they're being "mask shamed" for wearing their fashion, fetish, and/or fourth rate fake medical masks in public.
Now, there are legitimate reasons to wear a mask even without a hysteria-laden virus floating around. They can help with severe pollution in some areas. I know two recent transplantees who are immune compromised, and some octogenarians. Also, a couple of people who are delivery/messengers/assistants for same. So when I see someone wearing a mask, I try not to be judgmental. Though when it's covered in sequins, it's pretty hard not to. That's not safety, that's costuming. And sure, no reason not to dress it up if you have to wear it, but those are usually people at zero statistical risk who are obviously seeking attention.
BTW, if you are under 60 with no comorbidities, you are statistically near zero risk for dying from Teh Covids. Last I checked, it was fewer than 700 people out of our third of a billion population. Plain old common colds are deadlier. This is a disease that largely affects the elderly and already sick.
But, even if they were being "mask shamed," for which I've seen zero evidence, so what? The epithets, vituperation and condescension they toss about to everyone else make it an egregious case of the pot calling the Queen's fine china black.
I pointed out in the middle of one of these orgies of self-flagellation and self-aggrandizement (which is an hilarious combination, and most original. Typically, masturbation is done in private) that they're majorly ableist, while pretending to be victims and trying to shame those of us who can't wear masks.
I was derisively informed that not only is there LITERALLY NO ONE who can't wear a mask, but claiming so makes THEM the victims, somehow.
Now I'm going to be vivid here, so this is a bona fide trigger warning for the sensitive.
My wife was brutally raped at age 5, with a cloth over her face. And due to the culture in that particular Florida county, the Sheriff delicately advised he wouldn't press charges, because the jury would probably believe the 5 year old was "asking for it."
Asking her to put anything over her face, even a scarf at -15F, reduces her to sobs, incommunicability, and shakes.
So, yeah, "Mask-Shamed" "liberal"? Go fuck yourself, you vile, privileged, elitist, virtue-signaling piece of shit.
I used to swim competitively up to 5 miles, and was a professional athlete for several months in the military. I had a 7 liter lung capacity and once ran a 4:30 mile. Then asthma came along, and while in the National Guard I deployed to what we call the Sandbox and endured what was basically a 35 day sandstorm--115F, 35 mph winds, blowing sand, nonstop. That "sand" is fine clay, and nothing filters it (we had scarves), and I was advised to retire after that deployment, because my lungs are nowhere near normal function now, even after a decade of therapy. In fact, if I put a mask over my face, I'll be re-breathing humidity and whatever crud is there, and I'll be in a coughing fit on the floor, hacking up phlegm, pulse hammering around 150, and you'll be convinced I not only have The Covids, but am about to die.
So I will not be wearing a mask over my face. Ever.
Then there are the deaf, hard of hearing, and those with either auditory processing issues or what is called "face blindness." If they can't see your mouth move, they have either a lot more trouble deciphering your speech, or they can't at all.
So, yes, demanding everyone wear a mask is ABLEISM, and mocking those who can't is BIGOTRY, which is par for the course for the modern "liberal."
Besides which, the masks don't stop anything going IN, and are only partially effective going OUT. If you're infected you should be at home. If you're not, it doesn't matter. And if you're not, but get a whiff, then the mask might actually retain it long enough to take root in your lungs. You're much safer off without. (Proven fact, easy to find online, and it's not up to me to do your research for you, when you're the one lecturing the rest of us.)
One I've seen a couple of times is that by not wearing a mask, it's literally the same as if I pointed a gun at them and pulled the trigger. Which is pathologically insane, and indicative of a need for serious psychiatric help. I know of people who will be happy to point a gun at you and pull the trigger. So I'll stand in the next room, and you can choose which of the two you'll enter to face your demise.
Do you feel like an intellectually pathetic and morally bankrupt failure of the human genome yet? Because you should. Please don't reproduce. Please don't vote. You contribute nothing to the human condition, and do so very loudly.
Then there was the claim that "medical workers have been wearing them nonstop since March."
Yeah, bullshit. I've seen my docs about ten times in that timeframe to know they're slipping them down the second they're not around patients, and so are everyone else's, so don't pretend your docs are special. That's on top of the fact that bunches of non-docs, including nurses and "assistants" are wearing substandard masks, frequently with their noses uncovered, providing zero benefit to anyone. Besides which, they're checking temperature every morning, and shouldn't be going in to work if they feel sick. In fact, none of you should be out if you feel sick. And see above about statistical zero risk if you do.
And I can assure you most of them are not wearing them when they go to Kroger. So, no, they are not wearing them "all the time." And even if they were, so what? That's always been part of the profession they CHOSE.
Oh, and the forcing children to wear masks thing: The number of people under 20, without comorbidities, who have died, can be counted on the fingers and probably have some left over. Not only doesn't it kill them, it doesn't infect them, and there's no evidence they're even effective carriers. It's a non-issue.
Finally, I'll bring up the poster child I brought up before, which was the SINGLE counter-protester at our second protest (which had nothing to do with haircuts and everything to do with businesses going bankrupt and the economy tanking. But enjoy your food when it doubles in price. We're a producer and our three freezers are stocked. That's MY privilege).
She was carrying a hand-written cardboard box with, "Keep us home and safe." When I asked what she was doing at home, oh, she was ESSENTIAL! (Probably a cashier, given how many medical company stickers she'd made sure to slap over her shirt.) So she wanted US to stay home and go broke while SHE went out. Also, she was at the same protest we were, and in real science (vs liberal science) was at the same risk of infection she claimed we were at. Luckily, that risk was effectively zero. (Look at the trend on the CDC site, even after all these protests, riots, returns to semi-normal, etc. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/COVID19/index.htm
And if you're professing to be concerned, why aren't you monitoring that? Here's a site with a raw count, btw, which slightly overstates until the CDC confirms actual numbers: https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/us/
At which point she claimed the mask was for our protection, because she was infected...in which case she was committing bioterrorism.
It was really bad in April, it's effectively over now, and worst case will steady state like other colds, and influenzas, and will kill a few thousand people every year just like they do. Best case, it tapers out and disappears due to herd immunity penetration, with the occasional flareup. (SARS and MERS were Coronavirii, since you probably didn't know that if you're freaking out.)
Oh, yes, and as far as the claim that protesters "stormed" the Michigan capitol: It's perfectly legal to be armed in the Michigan Capitol, and they didn't "storm," they walked. No damage. As far as politicians freaking out and buying body armor, first, why didn't they already have some? Second, good, they SHOULD be afraid of their constituents. And third, YET MOAR VIRTUE SIGNALING.
First it was claimed it was about haircuts. Now it's claimed it's about masks. I swear we've just found the cause of climate change--all the strawmen the liberals keep burning. No, it was about LETTING SMALL BUSINESSES GET BACK TO WORK, so their owners and employees could pay the bills, rather than all their business going to WalMarx, which, per liberal "science" is apparently immune to Teh Covids, even if you pack all the elderly and compromised in at the same time. (Actually, how many WalMart cashiers have died after being exposed to millions of customers? Oh, right, almost zero, if not actually zero.)
Nor is there any evidence at all that any medical vehicles were hindered by the driving protest. In fact, photos and video show the hospital route nearby was kept clear.
And even if that was a thing, do racist liberals apply that same standard to the BLM protests? Or don't they think black people are smart enough or relevant enough to worry about? And then there's all those Occutard and Antifa protests who did not only block roads, but chain themselves across freeways where ambulances were trying to pass. So stop projecting your own borderline terrorism onto normal human beings.
EDIT: Oh, yes, there was also some ludicrous claim that not wearing a mask is basically being anti-vaxx. This is ridiculous. The purpose of vaccines is herd immunity. There is no vaccine for Covid, but herd immunity can be achieved if enough of the non-susceptible develop antibodies. So in fact, wearing the mask if you're not at risk or dealing with them is the anti-vaxx action. Thank you for playing.
So I'll tell you what: If you want to wear a mask, wear a mask. Or a tutu. Or a Superman costume. None of my business if you're not hassling me. It's a free country. And I'll wear what I want, which includes this T-shirt:
And if after all that you don't feel safe, then just stay home. Your problems are yours to deal with, not everyone else's.
- Details
- Written by Michael Z Williamson
This was a chart, but I could only get the thumbnail and couldn't copy it. It's a blob with statements that violate every rule of logic and are inherently racist, entitled, "The Dangers of Not Seeing Color."
And the components are:
"You're not actively dismantling your own prejudices." My prejudices have to do with intellect and hypocrisy, not skin color, so "seeing" color is irrelevant to me. It is obviously relevant to the OP. This demonstrates that they are racist.
"It limits your ability to appreciate individualism." How is not judging someone by skin color relevant to judging them as an individual? Unless, of course, their color is the significant factor in their individuality. In which case, you may be the racist.
"You can't fix something you can't see." "Fix" their color? That's blatantly racist. Especially as we have the hypocritical position that you must see skin color so you can stop seeing skin color, but if you stop seeing skin color you're...not seeing skin color. Which is bad.
"It allows you to ignore the complexities of racial issues." Are they a human being? Then I will treat them as such. I believe all human beings have capacity for intellect, compassion, and development. If you don't, you're the racist. Ignoring color lets us GET PAST racial issues.
"It minimizes the struggles of POC in today's society." Not seeing someone's color and treating them as you would reat anyone else "minimizes their struggles"? So you don't believe they're capable of handling the same intellectual, compassionate, and developmental matters as "White" people?
BTW, classifying 89% of the world's population as "non-white," when they are of thousands of genotypes is pretty fucking racist. You're saying that Mexicans, Thais, Yupiks and Bantu are interchangeable. You've categorized the entire world as "white" and "not white."
Also, when you say "White" people, do you mean Brits, Balts, Scandis, Gauls, Germanics, Hibernians, Italics, Iberians, Turkics, Caucasians, Bulgars, Berbers, Helenes, Slavs or Balkans? Or are they all the same to you?
Just once I'd like to meet a liberal who was capable of logical thought rather than just parroting catchphrases. And it would help if they weren't racist.
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