1 May 2014 UPDATE:A VP from Proxibid found this post and emailed to ask if I could furnish contact info for Flashman, so as to fix the problem. Very gracious and professional. Flashman's reply: Speaking for HPFlashman, everything got resolved to my satisfaction. A gentleman from Proxibid who identified himself as a VP called me at home and we talked. The problem was with a seller using a shipper/FFL who was not in-house and the whole transaction costing me about as much in fees as the cost of the guns I bid for. I sent that SOB a scathing email at this Christian themed hardware store/gun store and suggested he donate a $100 of what he charged me to his church the next Sunday. I have been very much more careful in reading the disclaimers in the blurbs that the auction houses write and no longer bid at those who allow peeks at my reserve bids and then allow the auctioneer or his minions to jack the bids. I don't deal with those that charge 18+% fees, have too costly (IMO) shipping/handling/packaging material fees or want me to pay an FFL fee for their end of the deal, as I already am paying the FFL fee on my end. All that having been said, there are many auction sites (most of them) under Proxibid's umbrella that I do deal with. The Proxibid experience has been a net positive and I have been viewing and bidding steadily since 2012 and before. I have probably bid on 200 items since 2012. Maybe 300, I don't keep count. I never left. The VP who called me back in 2012 gave me his cell phone number and asked me to call him at any time if I had concerns in the future. That is good customer service. The problem I had at the time was slow shipping from one vendor and getting mugged for exorbitant fees from another. Proxibid is a class outfit. Maybe a few of their member auction houses are rapacious robber barons but with a little diligence on the bidder's part they are avoidable. Proxibid actually does a good job making their members do full disclosure on every aspect of the bids, the buy and the fees.

Harry Paget Flashman on Wed Mar 21, 2012 3:33 pm

I had filed a complaint to Proxibid Customer Service on the the 16th of March about non-delivery of two handguns (that are also costing me $55 apiece to ship). The only time I have had contact with the actual auctioneer, Z. Barfield, was when bidding, then promptly paying with my Mastercard on the phone and then getting my FFL guy to send his license and following up with emails about that to the auctioneer. Since then, nada. Barfield's doesn't answer their emails and you can only get a recording on the their phone which directs you to a mail box that is already full and not taking any new hate-calls.

But that's not the real problem. I called Proxibid Customer Service today, some 5 days after my official complaint, for which I had received a Complaint Reference #004174XX, and talked to the human lady whose name was referenced on the customer service email. As you might imagine she had a very pleasing voice and demeanor. I visualized a 5'1" Katy Perry baking an apple pie wearing a chaste apron.

"Katy" said she recalled my complaint (probably because it was so well written with the restraint interwoven in it that practically had a pulse...and it involved overcharges, late deliveries up to 4 weeks and tepid-to-no response from the sellers) and wanted to know how she could help me. I asked her for a progress report. Her response was that they had gotten my PM via their their Customer Service Support via their website. I asked her again for a progress report. She had none. Evidently receipt of my complaint and issuing a reference number completed their end of the bargain.

BULLSHIT! I told "Katy", now really eager to provide some customer service...more so than before, told her I was disappointed and had expected at the very least that a fire had been built under Z. Barfield Auction House. I reiterated that for my 2 handguns that went for $180 total and $315.20 total to ship they should be here now or at least have some shipping data provided. She said they would get right on it...that she'd see to it personally. I asked her why they couldn't have gotten right on it on the 16th when they issued me customer complaint reference number 004174XX. Her response was to issue me a brand new customer complaint reference number 10011754XX. Anybody notice the difference in the number of digits in the two numbers...what does it mean?

Anyway, with her sincerest apologies and most earnest remonstrations that were getting right on it we parted friends. She said to expect action (the phrase "some response"was implied) in 2-3 days. I told her I'd call back Monday if I hadn't heard anything but in the meantime to keep me informed via email. Further, I suggested some pitchfork & torch action by way of levity. Katy gave me a nervous laugh.

Other than a few lowball and some serious bids I have out through the end of the month with various Proxibid affiliates I am done with these people...this despite some nice auction houses under their umbrella. Proxibid is way up there on my list with Burger King, Church's Fried Chicken, Dodge and Enterprise Rent-a-Car.

If anyone ever wants to do business with them please PM me with your phone number and I will do my best to talk you out of it. Failing that I will be here for you to do some quality grief counselling.

The most interesting panel at Capricon this year was "Civil Disobedience: Occupy Wall Street & the Tea Party Movement." Participants were Cory Doctorow, Mary Anne Mohanraj, John Scalzi moderating, with the aid of a very nice shillelagh a friend of mine loaned him, Eileen Maksym, and myself. I sat on the far right, physically and politically.

Now, that's probably the first item for critique. If I, an anarcho-libertarian, am the "far right" in a discussion, it really isn't very balanced. I'd liked to have seen someone genuinely socially and politically conservative, and with credentials in politics or economics, to give a good spectrum.

I do agree with Doctorow that left-right is inadequate. He suggested, if I recall, liberal-conservative, statist-libertarian, cooperative-independent, spiritual-materialist axes. I try to make such comparisons myself and he added a couple of new ones for my consideration.

Mary Anne came from Sri Lanka when young, and pointed out that the current crop of "freedom fighters" got into power, took over and became rather unsavory. I'd liked to have seen more discussion of that in this context. She had some good comments, and I think we could use more teachers like her, even if our politics are different.

Eileen Maksym was a bit shy. She also mentioned being hesitant about coming out to her friends and associates as a conservative—hey, it's Chicago. Though there are quite a few conservatives in SF/Fantasy. That she doesn't know of them says a lot about certain subgenres. She has no need to worry. It's telling, though, that she feels she needs to.

Scalzi's a great guy, and managed to keep us on topic, and reasonably cordial. He and I discussed the press for a few minutes—how reporters can't possibly be experts on a subject, but I sure wish they'd try (he may be the most capable journalist I've ever met, btw. They need a thousand of him). That they have only 400 words or 60 seconds to present an issue, and have to present it in a fashion comprehensible to the typical TEA Party or OWS member, which is, charitably, 8th grade level, is a tough issue to address.

A friend of mine raised the question of what to do in Chicago when both G8 and NATO are there in May this year. Well, I propose a popcorn concession for spectators, and possibly a hardhat rental for the participants. All I can say is, whoever set that schedule up is a comedic genius. I will be glued to Youtube. For the protesters, may I suggest that waving signs and shouting will only lead to a repeat of previous incidents in Chicago and other cities? Repeating the same actions while expecting different results is called insanity, except when it's called fucking idiocy. His proposal was to start promoting and flyering a month ahead. Several unions, including the cops, have contracts ending in June. "OWS SUPPORTS THE POLICE IN THEIR CONTRACT NEGOTIATIONS" would likely do a lot toward goodwill and cohesiveness. However, I've seen little support or "tolerance" from the modern American left. They want a class war, with any class they can think of. Pity the other classes have the money and guns.

A lot of other stuff was said at this panel, but there are a couple of issues that really stood out to me. I'm going to focus on those.

Now, Doctorow is highly intelligent and educated, without question. He carries a huge list of accomplishments, and no one would suggest he's not capable at what he does. I was impressed by his thoughtfulness and comments. However, I observed examples of what I think fell into both selection bias and Dunning-Kruger from him.

He's very enamored of the OWS crowd. He's spent a lot of time on the ground, and had some good insights—I agree there should be more cameras, more observation, more reporting, and both CNN and the New York Slime failed by not walking a block to see the actual events. Cameras would show us what goes right, what goes wrong, when the police step out of line, and, as he very conveniently sidestepped and didn't mention, when the Occupiers turned into rioting rabble deserving of an ass-kicking, which several videos, not edited for soundbites, do show happened. I don't advocate clubbing them like baby seals (okay, not most of them), but more than a few deserved to be arrested, and have no logical or moral complaint about the treatment they got. I like his idea of drone cameras on model helicopters. More is better.

I pointed out that OWS and TEA Party both have a legitimate complaint about certain outfits privatizing their profits and socializing their losses, but I've heard nothing from OWS about collaborating to stop this. I hear a lot of "teabagger" and "conservatives wank to the Bible, hate America, and rape puppies," and even, "Republicans have destroyed America." Wow, such hatred for Dr King and President Lincoln. Cory says there have in fact been attempts at discussion. I will accept his word on that. I don't know if he said those discussions have not gone anywhere, or are ongoing. I'd certainly like to see it. If that can actually happen, we may manage a further cleaning of Congress, and actually have enough people under age, say, 60, who have a clue how the modern world works. Age 50 might be better. I have heard a lot of, "We're going to vote out the Republicans and re-elect 0bama to fuck those conservative assholes," from people too stupid and hateful to grasp that all the trillions paid out in recent years originated in a Democrat Congress, and the vast majority of it was signed by Mr 0. Democrats have started wars that killed millions, impoverished other millions, sold out the taxpayer to bankers, but by golly, look at all the good things they've done like end the Vietnam War under Nixon, and end the Cold War under Bush Sr, and get Pagans a VA headstone, under Bush Jr, and …um…

BOTH parties have a few positives and a crapton of negatives at this point. Chortling with glee while vowing to repeat the cycle you're in is probably a good indication to lay off the medical marijuana. Instead, why not push for a new party? The TEA Party started that way, though they elected a crop of whackos and idiots, but at least they're new whackos and idiots. The OWS kids want to re-elect the same thieves who are responsible for the issues they're complaining about.

Moving on. I had to bite down a bit when Doctorow invoked that ridiculous, irrelevant Ghandi quote. I challenged it, he used some very flowery language, but in my opinion, failed to make a reasonable comparison. Cory, the Indian protesters were fighting for the right to make salt, grow crops, walk freely and have their own government. The OWS crowd HAVE ALL THAT (that they have neglected it until it has atrophied is only their own fault). A large number of them, on their own broadcasts, whined about student loans and credit card debt. Ghandi's people got shot by the British Army and clubbed half to death or worse by police. The OWS crowd had a few teargassings, a few people proudly holding up the badge of four whole HOURS in jail and one individual hit with something and concussed, which last I heard had not concretely been assigned to any person or unit for blame, though one department claimed it as a political and goodwill gesture.

Oh—and they made a huge deal of invoking his veteran status. Political protests love vets when they're useful for points. Otherwise, we're all illiterate retards without potential.

It's specious for this gang of spoiled rich brats to be compared to Ghandi's movement. I said, and maintain, there needs to be a Godwin's Law for Ghandi. Just because you hold up some placards doesn't entitle you to comparison.


Mister Doctorow pointed out there were homeless people in the camps, too. I attribute that far less to them knowing, understanding or giving a shit what the gatherings were about, and more to being able to get food and a place to sleep, possibly some bleach wipes, and maybe some human companionship. And perhaps if the "I have student loans I can't repay" types had spent more effort helping those homeless (or getting degrees that anyone outside the Education Industrial Complex cares about), they could have made the world a bit better. Instead, they quickly decided (in several places) to evict the homeless because they weren't contributing.

Now, to an extent, I'm okay with that, because, as I said at the panel, an umbrella can only cover so many people before you start getting wet. Internal incoherence can be the death of a movement, and as we saw here, didn't help OWS at all. (Yes, I speak of them in the past tense. I'm sure some more whiners will gather next year. I'm also sure their public approval will continue to slide, along with their relevance. Any million youtube videos of their antics so far are my basis for this, including the videos they proudly stamp with their imprimatur.) But they liked to use the homeless people as poster children, wanting someone else to fix the problem. Leading by example isn't their strong suit.

I also know a few of the protesters, and I know they mean well. But even as an immigrant from a fairly wealthy western nation (the UK), there's this gulf between us. They tell me what they're outraged about, and I think, "Man, this nation is AWESOME if that's all you can think of to protest over." This is not a criticism of them. It's an extollation of America. Really. Go spend a few months somewhere else, not as a tourist or exchange student, and see what it's really like. If you come back and say, "X nation is beautiful, I saw no problems and everyone was happy," you weren't there long enough. (I bring that up because I hear it, about places I've been to, and I've clearly seen the parts the student tourists immersing themselves in culture at restaurants, tea rooms and theaters have not.)

The second point of contention was over crowdsourcing. Now, I support, endorse and have participated in crowdsourcing, and hope to make use of it in the future. No argument here, it's one of the things that modern communication media do best. It's helping small villages in Africa, it's helping small businesses here, it's a good thing.

However, there are limits.

You'll notice I mentioned funding of various types. I can also see various art forms, urban cleaning, even some planting and farming.

Doctorow, however, said, and I closely paraphrase, "Maybe we can reach the day when someone says, 'You bring those rivets, and I have some girders, and we can build a skyscraper.'"

Really. A crowd-sourced skyscraper.

I verified that he wasn't talking about funding for said edifice, but actually building it as a crowd-sourced project.

I said I'd even let him have the corner office in the top floor. I don't intend to be within a trigonometric ratio of it, and will add a safe distance for rebounding debris.

He tried to compare the internet and web infrastructure. This fails, in my opinion, because that started as a government, in fact, Defense, project, and has numerous very well-heeled players. I have a website hosted on a friend's bandwidth but neither of us would be able to do so, even with the help of a million geeks, without someone to provide a combination of capital and knowledge. I asked, "And how often does your browser crash?"

He actually said, "My browser doesn’t crash because I use Firefox."

"So do I. It crashed three days ago." It crashes about once a week. Now, to be fair, right now I have 5 windows and 16 tabs open, which is probably on the high side. But a skyscraper only needs to fail once. Barring an occasional 911 response, a crashed browser, or even server, doesn't kill people. A crashing skyscraper kills thousands even if they have 45 minutes to evacuate. There are no workarounds for a failure in the skeleton of a building.

Really, dude, this is a movement that can't even line its tents up straight and keep rats out, and you're thinking about a skyscraper? Nevermind that skyscrapers are woefully inefficient, usually financial boondoggles, and irrelevant if you move out of the hive of the megalopolis, simultaneously the greatest triumph, and the worst embarrassment of the human race. Were I religious, I think the comparison to the Tower of Babel would fit right in here.

Nevermind the unions and their labor issues. I'm sure lots of union people will volunteer to work for free, and their National offices won't have any complaints at all. Right. That leaves, "Oh, we're just going to do the work ourselves." I can see that going over with great enthusiasm and support from the skilled workers not being used. On the other hand, the trade unions might allow it just for the lulz, the example, and the training value to their apprentices from watching a disaster in the making.

But let's not stop there. Assuming you CAN crowdsource a skyscraper, where are you getting the steel for those girders? Are you going to crowdsource a smelting operation and an iron mine? And do so in an ecologically sound fashion, not like some horrific syphilitic chancre of an open pit like the USSR and China?

And when it does collapse, who gets blamed, much less punished or made to pay compensation? Will you crowdsource the investigation? And a compensation fund for the victims? Talk about socializing risk and failure.

Really, this is socialist utopic delusion at this point.

Unless, of course (and the internet comparison supports this), he means a bunch of COMPANIES and paid experts pooling their capital and capabilities to build something huge. That has potential. We could even call it "capitalism" and I'd love to see that actually happen. Can you imagine the great things that could be done without choking hindrances, taxes and the need to have agents infiltrate the government just to chop an occasional path through the jungle of red tape?

That's what OWS should be working toward.


Today Starbucks needs our support. 5,000 whiny idiots can boycott them. 87 million gun owners can BUYcott.

I don't like coffee, and I don't like Starbucks much, but this is for a good cause.

Advisory:  I oppose SOPA/PIPA/SOPAPILLA, whatever they're calling it this week.  Not because I support pirates, but because chopping off the head is a poor way to fix a sore throat.

I oppose eternal copyright, as Disney is trying to do with Uncle Walt's stuff.  I think it's perfectly reasonable to have 20 year increments, renewable during the author's life, then once afterward, for descendents.  For corporate created works we could go with 50 years one time.  This is close to what the law used to be.  Patents are currently 20 years, and renewal depends on several factors.

At the far end are the type of people who say, "No one has proven copyright is needed," or "intellectual property is capitalist bullshit." I'm going to be blunt here:  These people are retards* who are incapable of creative endeavor, whining that they waaaaaannt it and their intellectual betters must give it to them for free.  They're almost always losers who are incapable of amounting to anything, and will also tell you how valuable their unskilled labor is, even if it could be performed by a half-trained monkey.

There's also "Information wants to be free" (whatever the FUCK that means, anthropomorphizing abstract ideas), or "you're making it illegal for me to write words on my own paper." 

No, I'm making it illegal for you to write MY PARTICULAR ARRANGEMENT of words on your own paper AND SELL IT.

I even saw an amusing argument that for "200,000 years" there was "no intellectual property, and the human race did fine."

1:  do you really want to go back to squatting in caves?

B)  Actually, there was patronage for the latter part.

III] for the earlier part, the artist, let's say, a flintknapper, was supported by the village--he knapped tools, they brought him food, clothing, etc, in barter.  He made them for that village only, unless there was an agreement for trade elsewhere.  As far as ideas go, if he came up with an improved spearpoint, for example, that was proprietary information to him, and his apprentice.  It wasn't freely divulged to competing tribes.  That could be disastrous.  If it was shared with competing tribes at a gathering, it was expected they would offer something in kind--gifts of food, valuables, other ideas.

So, yes, respect for the work of creators is a long-established human practice, as is compensating them for their creativity, and the product thereby is certainly considered valuable and guarded.

Here's the check:  if the created work or mechanism is not valuable, why do you want to be able to copy it?  If it's not worth anything, you don't want it and don't need it, right?

If you think you need to be able to copy it, and will argue the point, then by definition it has value to you.

So, as an author, here's the deal:  If my ideas are not valuable, then you don't need to read my books.  If you wish to read my books, there are some available as free downloads, and others you must pay for, for the time being.  If you will seek them out for free, then you're saying you don't wish to pay me for my work, but you're still admitting it has value to you, or you wouldn't bother.

Yes, I expect to be paid for my "Capitalist bullshit."  If I don't get paid enough, I won't do it. (This isn't a threat, just an observation of reality. There are other ways I can make money.  Money I need to put a roof over my head and food in my belly, and those of my kids.)

Opposing the MAFIAA's latest fascist idiocy doesn't mean I support locusts.  I hold each in equal contempt.

The best thing you can do for this, if you don't already, is to make sure you do support artists, authors, creators, inventors you like, with money, to encourage them to produce more.  And yes, in time, it should all revert to the public.  But if you want the golden goose to lay those eggs, you need to feed it.

Go out and support the arts, with filthy lucre!

*Yes, I used the word "retard" with intent, in its definition of "a generalized disorder appearing before adulthood, characterized by significantly impaired cognitive functioning and deficits in two or more adaptive behaviors. It has historically been defined as an Intelligence Quotient score under 70."  Though if it bothers you, feel free to substitute, "Socialist."