Facebook "Discussion"

I believe the 2nd Amendment protects the right of every adult to own any weapon of their choice, up to and including a nuke.

Don't give me any of that bullshit that, "No honest American needs a nuke for hunting deer!"

The reason to own weapons is to kill criminals, invaders, and uppity politicians.

And realistically, if Bill Gates wants a nuke, no law is going to stop him, and shy a few million dollars in assets, you can't get one anyway, and even if you could, you'd have no delivery mechanism, so any "you're an extremist!" responses are just pathetic.

I've been told there should be a fine for setting off your nuke without good cause.

Ridiculous you say?  No law could stop someone from doing that, and it wouldn't be enforceable?

Gee, that sounds like every other weapon law on the books.

Point proven.  Thank you.


I learned that coal mines ruin the landscape, but wind turbines do not.

I learned you can pull power out of wind and not reduce its available power to blow, so there will be no environmental effect.

I learned we have magic technology that lets us place wind turbines on the ocean, on land including mountaintops and in the upper atmosphere all at the same time, without affecting landscape or environment.

I learned that wind turbines, if taken to a maximum level, will "only" use 15% of the world's supply of neodymium, assuming we extract it all and don't use more of it for other high power magnet applications.

I learned that Big Wind has isn't biased and has no agenda, because it serves a liberal purpose.

Given all that, I say we should immediately start building more wind farms, and strike their tax credits, so they can contribute positively to society.  It would be wrong to allow those wind fatcats to make windfall profits on this.


This is why you pat liberals on the head, say, "That's nice," and send them off to make some modern art, or write a poem, or some crap, while real men deal with relatively simple problems.
Anyone who's dealt with Arab culture can tell you that apologizing gets you nowhere.  It's seen as weak, submissive, "feminine."  You show up strong and polite, demand 300% of what you wish for and settle for 125%.  If not, you smack them, smack them again, kick them in the teeth on the way down, and tell them you're taking 200%.  That is how their culture works, and has worked, since Biblical times and since The March of the Ten Thousand.
You don't argue with 2500 years of culture.  You simply bomb it into the 21st century, or the stone age, their choice.

The latest crap I hear is that the video Islamists find offensive was made by a "Romney supporter" and "Free speech doesn't extend to deliberately angering people."

Yes, liberals are all for free speech, BUT!

And failures of policy are never their fault, even when it's their policy.

This is why you pat liberals on the head, say, "That's nice," and send them off to make some modern art, or write a poem, or some crap, while real men deal with relatively simple problems.

Anyone who's dealt with Arab culture can tell you that apologizing gets you nowhere.  It's seen as weak, submissive, "feminine."  You show up strong and polite, demand 300% of what you wish for and settle for 125%.  If not, you smack them, smack them again, kick them in the teeth on the way down, and tell them you're taking 200%.  That is how their culture works, and has worked, since Biblical times and since The March of the Ten Thousand.

You don't argue with 2500 years of culture.  You simply bomb it into the 21st century, or the stone age, their choice.