Visit alien planets. Make love to beautiful aliens.  Kill all your expendable crewmen.


Some movements[which?] associated with healthier lifestyles recommend women wear skirts or dresses whenever possible and avoid wearing jeans or slacks.

It is especially recommended for women suffering from infertility or otherwise struggling to conceive to wear skirts or dresses. Though no scientific studies have conclusively proven that wearing skirts increases the chances of getting pregnant, there have been some surveys showing women who abstain from wearing pants are less likely to struggle.[2]

Mike:   phrasing fail?
(11:19:55 PM) csadn: Phrasing EPIC FAIL.
(11:20:48 PM) csadn: Dare I ask where you found this ill-considered phrase?
(11:21:17 PM) mike: Wikipedia
(11:21:28 PM) csadn: Much is explained.
(11:21:30 PM) mike:

A total breakdown of morality starts with wearing clothing of mixed fibers, eating pork and shellfish, and using fire on the Sabbath. You can't pick and choose your moral guidelines. Once you neglect one, you are on the road to sex with sheep while eating bacon-wrapped shrimp off the barbie and wearing poly-cotton spiderman underoos.

On the fora*, in regards to the disappearance of DADT, someone shared this gem of insight:

26419217 said:
Mar 21, 2012 12:55:17 PM
There is not an Okay from the commander, that destroyed two complete cities for their openess to GAY lifestyle. If you have Men & Women, that will not fight next to a person with that idea, then you have a hole in your defenses. The enemy has won the battle because the people that will not fight, will shoot their fox hole mate before defend their line. I ,for one, would shoot the person in the defence line if he looked or said something that calls for a romantic response. I am not Gay and will not save a Gay person. I will pray that God does not allow me to be in that situation. I pray for their(GAY) eyes to be open and leave that style of death


If I were a praying man, I'd pray for your god to teach you literacy, comprehensibility, logic and tolerance.

Even as a non-praying man, I'll pray that, if you actually are in the military, your subordinates' gods give them the gift of tongues to understand what the hell it is you think you said.


Seriously, I'm at a loss for the ecclesiastical, logical and grammatical content of this comment.  All I can say is, if they allow gays in the military, what's next?  Women?  Blacks?  Mexicans?  INDIANS?

*BTW, half the people on those fora have never served.  The other half are big damn heroes with 27 decorations for bravery armed only with a toothpick, and proud of it.