And socialists, their passive aggressive cousins.

The most retarded thing I saw recently was a Pious with a bumper sticker, "If you don't like socialism get off my public road."
Um, shit for brains...roads date from the Palace Economy of the Bronze Age and were invented for the purpose of bringing TAXES into the palace. They happened to increase trade and wealth, which also increased TAXES. They weren't done for your benefit.
These days we build them to increase COMMERCE which also increases wealth and taxes. Still not done for "the people." In fact, around here, we're trying to GET them to widen a road that's needed it for 70 years and they're holding off because they're hoping for federal money...for a road that starts and ends in town. If it was being done for THE PEOPLE it would have been done 70 years ago.
Also, it wouldn't be YOUR road, it would be OUR road, and you're admitting that if I refuse to play your game, you'll cut me out of your society until I starve. Thus confessing you don't care about people, you only care about the state.
And this is why we should still talk about killing Communists. Because human lives are more important than Communist lives.


The more educated among you may recall that a "faggot" is a bundle of sticks.

In early English boarding schools, the term "faggot" (later shortened to "fag") became applied to the person who gathered the faggots for the fire. This young man also performed numerous other menial tasks. Laundry, boot blacking, even occasionally toilet seat warming.

Eventually, the meniality of these tasks (deemed to be "women's work" in an historically sexist society), and this position, was the source of the term applied to effeminate men believed to be homosexual.  But that is a recent invention, and certainly not the only definition of the term.  Fagging continued in British boarding schools as recently as the 1970s, and I would suspect persists clandestinely.

Now, you can assume that the faggot would be a lower classman, typically also small, and definitely not from a family with money or status.  If you're warming someone else's toilet seat, you're pretty much the low man on the scrotum pole, and certainly not the kind who's going to mount any kind of effective resistance.

And thus, most modern young liberal protesters, regardless of their sexual orientation, are complete faggots.


When I remind them of this fact, it is in no way homophobic.  Nor is that term at all credible. "Phobia" is Greek for "fear."  Few people actually fear gays.  Certainly there's a token number of idiots who are afraid their children will catch teh ghey, but vanishingly few.  There are definitely a larger number who are homoechthra--gay hating. But that is not the same as fearing.

Nor can anyone who's spent any time around me credibly claim I'm anti-gay in any fashion. No such evidence exists, even when certain subhuman failed editors from publishing houses run by Nazis cherry pick quotes from my books to attempt to prove so, while ignoring the LGBT characters occupying the worlds described therein.

Thus I will refer to anyone making such a claim as a complete faggot, and then block them on all social media.


Let's discuss some recent liberal faggotry:

Coast Guard member flashes white power hand signal on TV


Well, that would be awful if it were actually a "white power" sign:

ADL knows more about racism than you do.

But let me be perfectly clear:

At this point, what difference does it make?

 /></p><p>It really is okay.</p><p><img src=

So here's the text of the petition, interspersed with my comments:

Our names are Amanda and Sophia. One day in science class, we came upon an article on plastic straws. The article stated that Americans use more than 500 million straws a day- and throw them away. That is equivalent to 125 school buses filled with plastic straws. We also learned that by 2050, there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish.

Well, Amanda and Sophia, one of the first things you should learn is that most of these so-called "articles" are bullshit. If it's on youtube, assume it's bullshit.  On a petition site, assume it's bullshit. Twitter: Bullshit. Any kind of pop-news site: bullshit. The latter are especially bad.  They only want ad dollars. In fact, the "article" you read was written by a 9 year old girl.  As far as studies done by 9 year old girls go, it's probably an A for effort, C for results. As far as an actual science article, F-. About like listening to a Kindergarten choir and thinking you heard music.  When people start believing 9 year old girls are experts on thermodepolymerization and marine biology, we as a society are fucked.

You probably saw that touching picture of a turtle with a straw in his nose, right?  And assumed that had to be pollution.  Well, you'd be wrong.

I also read a science article, and it gave a number of alternative reasons that turtle might have a straw up his nose:

The turtle may be a coke head, and used that straw to snort cocaine.

The turtle may be mentally retarded and attempted to snort the straw directly.

The turtle may be a domestic abuser and the straw was the only way his spouse had of defending herself, since liberals have already made it illegal for turtles to own firearms for self defense.

In all these cases, he should not pass his defective genes onto his species.

Being serious, however, it's one picture of one turtle (who probably is retarded, even by turtle standards) (which are even lower than the standards we use for people who believe "science" "Articles" written by 9 year old girls) (Though just barely).

Those numbers concern us. So when we joined the Earth Club at our school, the leader suggested using, which is how we came upon this website. All 500 million of these plastic straws end up in a landfill or worse, the ocean. When plastic straws get into the ocean, the fish mistake it for food, eat it, and get sick or die. In fact, science shows that when you eat fish, you might as well be eating plastic!

In fact, science shows nothing of the kind, and your club leader is a fucking communist.  I recommend studying the aerodynamics of falling leftists for a far more productive science project.

We both think that Dunkin Donuts is a very tasty and an influential company. By choosing this business, we hope to make them take this issue very seriously. These shops have a lot of people coming in every day, almost all of them getting cold beverages containing plastic straws. However, those straws add up to landfill and get into the ocean. Dunkin' Donuts is a very successful company, so if they start banning straws, won’t others follow their lead?

Ah, I see you know as much about business as you do about science.  No, in fact there's a good chance that by jumping on some bullshit tree-hugging hippie-crap trend they'll lose a bunch of customers. Then, next week when you find some cool new "science" to follow, that says a boiled egg and pepper diet is the best way to lose weight, you'll be all over that, and demanding McDonald's sell boiled eggs with extra sized pepper packets.

In fact, here's an actual (pop, meaning dumbed down for normal people) science article about how eco-communists are in fact fucking the ecosystem with their bullshit: It 

So please sign this petition and share it with your friends to help the environent, and the world we all live in. Remember, #StrawsSuck! Thank you!

No, I will not sign your bullshit petition. This will be one of your first lessons in the disappointment of life.

Seriously, it's great that you're concerned, but the first thing you need to learn is that documented facts, properly interpreted are science, and "Trends" on the internet are bullshit.

Please write that 1000 times and then get back to your homework.  Also, ask your parents to find a better school, that also knows this difference.

Oh, and I'm making sure Dunkin knows I like plastic straws and they shouldn't bow to stupidity.

Robert Mueller must be convicted of treason and executed.

Liberals may now close the window and scream about how insane I am, maintaining their belief in Trump's Russian birth certificate and the Easter Bunny.

Mueller indicted 12 Russian intelligence officers for developing software, under orders from their leadership, in Russia.

Not for using it against us, which still wouldn't be a crime (since US law does not apply in Russia), though it might be an act of war.


And in the process he's exposed them to the world. They effectively can never leave Russia without a diplomatic discussion and guarantee of their safety in any nation they might stop in.

Now, anyone capable of basic rational thought (apparently, not-liberals) realizes this is a precedent for Russia, and any other nation, to likewise file charges against any and all of our intelligence community.

Or, really, anyone at all who has done anything that is restricted.

My wife contracts to a defense contractor who produces products for aerospace. She has in fact had Russian sites taken down, sometimes simply by calling the host and saying, "Hey, this server XYZ is sending out a ton of malware, could you?  Thanks."

At this point, Russia could say, "That server was conducting operations for our Ministry of Defense, and you have interfered with it. We issue a warrant for your arrest."

Certainly it's bullshit.  In response to Mueller's bullshit.

Now, let's move to second order effects, which everything since the election has taught me are impossible for a liberal mind to comprehend.

What if, and I expect they will, the Russians send lawyers on behalf of said agents, as they did for the corporation Mueller charged with something or other, for a timeframe months before said corporation existed? (Yes, he's that much of a shithead, and always has been, and even noted right-winger (/sarc) Alan Dershowitz says so: )

The lawyers will commence discovery, demanding all of Mueller's information regarding the case.

Which almost certainly includes intelligence information we don't want them to have. Otherwise, how did he find out about what Russians are doing in Russia in a secret context?

Third order effect (try to wrap your brain around this. I know it's hard) is that the Russians use THAT intel, and that admitted precedent (because just because you do something, doesn't mean you admit it, but once you do, the rules change) as an excuse to then actually hack our defense apparatus or, (GASP!) our elections?

And now we have him arresting a student for "failing to register as an agent of the Russian government," because AS A STUDENT she talked to the head of the NRA.

FUN FACT for liberals and other shitheads:  The NRA is not a political organization. It's a tax exempt non-profit educational organization. The NRA-ILA (Institute for Legislative Action) is the 501(c)4 political arm, donations to which are NOT tax deductible.

Do you want a Cold War? Because this is how you get a Cold War.

And aren't you the same fucking shitweasels who were screaming about Iraq, accusing Trump of risking a war with North Korea, a nation who is outgunned by several metropolitan police departments, now willing to risk a war with Russia, that, paraphrasing Trump "Also has a button and it's bigger and it works"?

It's small comfort to me that most of their bombs will vaporize urban liberals, which no rational human being regards as a loss, but there are fallout effects.

To reiterate:

1) We have Mueller going Full McCarthy. Of course, in the long run, McCarthy's fears were proven valid, even though his techniques were wrong. Mueller is simply full of shit.

B: We have Mueller pulling the same shit the Soviets did during the Cold War of arresting students and tourists as bargaining chips, accusing them of being spies for taking photos or meeting with people.

c] We have the entire Demorrhoid Party cheering this on, because who gives a shit if South Korea gets shelled, or Russia bombs another country, or who cares, because FUCK TRUMP! FUCK FUCKING FUCKITY FUCKING TRUMP! (Actual quote from the Shithead Wing of the Demorrhoid Party, which is apparently 143% of them at this point.) My god! Can you imagine how the universe will END if Trump is seen to do anything positive?


Mueller has risked US intelligence assets.

He has compromised at least some of them just by naming these "suspects" who are suspected of doing their jobs, because obviously someone at THIS end IDed them, and just knowing THAT is useful intel to the Russians.

He has raised the risk of an actual shooting war with the only nation that could actually harm us in a shooting war.

He has interfered with the President's ability to negotiate peacefully and to our benefit (OUR.  Americans AND liberals both).

Had a single shot been fired or a declaration made, that would constitute treason, for which the penalty is death.

And since he's done so with blatantly partisan intent, I'm calling it "good enough."

Drag that sack of shit out back. Put a 9mm through the base of his fucking skull.  Toss the corpse into a trash burner, because we don't want to pollute American soil with it, and get on with the business of NOT STARTING WARS WITH RUSSIA. They'll believe we're serious, and we might actually make headway.

Of course, if you're cool with pissing off Russia, preventing any kind of discussion with them as long as Trump is president, and risking a war...

You liberal shitstains are responsible for this mess. And you are disgusting.