lemontree46 (RockGuitar playin', God Lovin', Conservative, Right Wing, Christian. Connecticut raised. Now living in Upstate Western NY) :  Obama is the worst president in history.

Michael Z Williamson ‏@mzmadmike@lemontree46 Nah, he's not even close to as bad as FDR.

Thomas@lemontree46@mzmadmike I don't don't remember reading that FDR joined with and was supported by countries who hate America. Did FDR ever bow to Hitler?


er, huh? 0bama "joined with" countries that hate America?  How does one do that?  Supported by, you might make a case for, or at least by certain elements thereof. But that's true of a lot of presidents on both sides.  And the bow comment seems to be equating Kiing Abdullah with Hitler, which is ridiculous.  I guess everyone this guy doesn't like is Hitler.  I'd hate to call him a mouthbreathing retard, but the evidence suggests so.


Michael Z Williamson @mzmadmike

22 Oct

@lemontree46 FDR put 110K Asian Americans into concentration camps and made it illegal to own gold.  He strongly supported eugenics.

Michael Z Williamson @mzmadmike

22 Oct

@lemontree46 promoted sterilization of undesirables, tried to pack 6 extra judges into the SupremeCourt to get his whims passed. Need more?


@mzmadmike BO supports killing third trimester babies and Asians were sequestered because we were AT WAR with Japan U bozo So screw..!!


Ah, yes.  Being at war with Japan totally justifies imprisoning thousands of AMERICAN CITIZENS who may or may not be of Japanese ancestry, may or may not even speak Japanese if they are, because they have slanty eyes.  I'm going from an assessment of "mouthbreathing retard" to "racist cocksucker."




@mzmadmike What the hell do U think Obama wants to do with the SCOTUS? Don't bother me with your pro Obama crap anymore..


"pro 0bama crap," because I happen to know something of history, and apparently the words are too big for him.  So are the numbers--FDR wanted 15 Justices, 6 hand picked by him to rubberstamp his bullshit.  Even his own party wouldn't back him up on that.  And of course, there was that president-for-life gig, in violation of 150 years of tradition, so bad it took a Constitutional Amendment to make sure it would never happen again. Then we can add in the huge police state and welfare state he almost single handedly created, and a dozen other items.  0's an ineffective idiot, but he's got nothing on FDR for pure, narcissistic evil.  FDR, btw, was a Democrat, so he can't even claim partisanship.  Both patients in discussion are from the same party.

But I guess that sounds like "pro-0bama crap" to an ignorant, semiliterate, racist cocksucker who claims to be a Christian.

I have no idea where abortion comes into this debate, or why it's even relevant, given that SCOTUS has consistently ruled the same way on that subject for 40 years through 8 administrations.  Dead issue.  Grow up and move on.

Please.  Comparing people to Hitler is stupid, unless they're Hitler.  And never call someone "worst" unless you've actually got some useful evidence.  "Oh, boo hoo, he disagrees with what someone else told me my religion stands for, he's the worst EVAR!"

Sorry, 0 doesn't deserve that much credit.

Someone feel free to send Lemonhead this URL.  Though you may have to explain the big words for him.

Gillian Gabrielle Barnett

I wonder every morning how my son ended up at this highly Republican school. Every house surrounding it has Romney signs in the yard. I haven't seen one Obama sign...

Share · about an hour ago via mobile · 

Featuring Tristan Swann i seen a bumper sticker that said obama worst president ever i said damn.....HOW?

about an hour ago · 1

Gillian Gabrielle Barnett Racist

about an hour ago via mobile · 1

Scott Hiland My, what an inordinately overused epithet, so widely applied to people who have no other fault than to disagree with the President.

about an hour ago

Gillian Gabrielle Barnett I honestly think a lot of people are mad at his skin color. President Obama hasn't done anything wrong. Romney sounds like an idiot to me yet people support this guy like wow! I even was on the fence until I saw how rude and nasty he was at the debate. I don't want that in a President. I think a lot of people are just mad this guy is black. That's just my opinion.

about an hour ago via mobile · 1

Scott Hiland Painting such a wide stripe on people is called prejudice or stereotyping.

about an hour ago

Featuring Tristan Swann soon as its one black president he the worst!!!!im still saying how?he aint did nothing bad!!!bush cheated in florida.....clinton got head....etc...he just did his job!!!!and again the worse!!!!u got to be a tard to believe that ish

about an hour ago · 2

Scott Hiland And I want to emphasize that I'm not saying he is the worst president ever. I'm trying to talk about the discussion itself.

GiGi, there are plenty of reasons to dislike our current President, or any President. It is a low and unworthy rhetorical tactic to immediately label all who would use hyperbole to support their positions as racist. The term racist is so loaded as to prevent reasoned discourse. It is unworthy of you to use that tactic when I know you're intelligent enough to support your own arguments without ad hominem attacks.

about an hour ago · 1

Iris Edmundson-Kirkland Morning GiGi, I work in Mclean and I'm surrounded by Romney supporters too! I keep asking myself is this some kind of secret society and only the rich are aware of his plan????

about an hour ago · 1

Gillian Gabrielle Barnett Scott, my opinion on people who say my President is the "worse" is they have a problem with his race. That's my intelligent claim of the day. I actuallly thought a few things Romney has been saying made sense but then he really doesn't tell us how he wants to attack his issues and I don't want to make comment on his VP running mate. No one thinks Bush was the WORSE or even Clinton as my brother states and those two... No comment. I am upset someone would say Obama is THE worse. He's done a lot in his 4 yrs or has people forgotten....??????? Bin Laden, Healthy new lives for kids... And, he's working on this economy. He can do but so much in this time with Congress not always backing him. Worse??? No way! Romney is not gonna be any better. The guy is all talk! But I don't go around saying he's the worse.

about an hour ago via mobile · 2

Featuring Tristan Swann right romney worst presidential candidate ever!!!lls...that would be player hatin...lls

about an hour ago · 2

Iris Edmundson-Kirkland Sorry, but I have a BIG problem with an administration that states that their PRIMARY GOAL is to make sure President Obabma does not serve another term, instead of focusing on a way to better America's economy, healthcare, and educational systems.

55 minutes ago · 2

Scott Hiland Every new election brings hyperbole, and superlatives will be used from both sides. It doesn't automatically make someone a racist. Saying or suggesting it does smacks of prejudice and racism on your part.

That sort of claim tends to be divisive and ultimately to drive people away from seeing your point of view. Immediately rushing to judgment and calling names will only solidify their opinions. Sort of like calling Obama the worst president has overcome your intellectual better judgment because it assaults your emotions.

I would stick with the facts and say that whoever has a bumper sticker like that is either focusing on one particular criteria or group of criteria for success in the office, or is misinformed or uninformed.

55 minutes ago · 1

Gillian Gabrielle Barnett I see your point @ Scott. And, saying someone is racist is just like them saying he's the worse. I totally see your point though.... I hate politics and it divides so many people but I'm the same person who wants to run into a car that has Dallas stickers. Lol...

I will say this... Support Romney and have your stickers but stickers saying Obama is the worse makes me not respect who a person is. How can you say something so rude and expect I trust you or who you are following???

@ Auntie... Right. Not one time has the R party told us what they plan to do and how. Sooo worried about Obama. Which tells me Obama, in fact, is doing his job. Not one fact outta the R parties mouth. No plan for our kids. Want to control women's bodies based on THEIR religious beliefs. They tripping!

43 minutes ago via mobile

Volitta KeepthenegativitytoYaself Robinson this man has been disrespected from the onset of his presidency...some news stations wont even call this man President Obama..but still calls Bush President Bush.. if Romney wins...im calling him Mittens...lls

43 minutes ago via mobile · 2

Minister Evelyn Serrano Go Obama U can do it! IDC if Obama was THE worst president eva...I will vote for him just because I don't want to vote for Romney. Romney and I have NOTHING in common. He does not understand my plight and he never will until the day he becomes a single parent struggling to keep my kids safe, finding a job and just the day to day struggle of trying to keep my head above water. I have a problem voting for anyone who has grown up in a seperate world from the one we live in...Obama may not always do the right thing and he will never please EVERYONE but he is trying and doing a great job of keeping his cool and demeanor despite the constant attacks on EVERY thing he does or tries to do. I would like to see some of these folks be president for a day and see how they would handle it.

23 minutes ago via mobile · 2

Gillian Gabrielle Barnett Lmaoooo!!!!!!! Volitta KeepthenegativitytoYaself Robinson they disrespectful as hell calling Michelle, Moochelle and the likes. Who would support people who hate us so much that you dis our name? Obama and Michelle has been better than Clinton and Hi...See More

16 minutes ago via mobile · 2

Scott Hiland Also, a quick poll, did I give anyone the impression that I support Romney? Or was it an assumption made outside of reading the content of my comments?

11 minutes ago · 1

Minister Evelyn Serrano Yeah you came off like a die hard romney-ite....lol J/K.

9 minutes ago via mobile · 1

Volitta KeepthenegativitytoYaself Robinson Exactly!!! Michelle is the prettiest First Lady that has been in the House since Jackie Kennedy...

8 minutes ago via mobile · 1

Gillian Gabrielle Barnett No @ Scott! And, honestly I will love you no matter if you did!

Lol @ Evey!

7 minutes ago via mobile

Volitta KeepthenegativitytoYaself Robinson That's what Im saying! If you wanna vote for Romney...by all means do so..but don't disrespect MY President!!

5 minutes ago via mobile

Scott Hiland I think all presidents get their share of respect and disrespect. It is the nature of the job. I think that in the case of our current president, everyone's sensitivity meter is turned up to 11.

Facebook "Discussion"

I believe the 2nd Amendment protects the right of every adult to own any weapon of their choice, up to and including a nuke.

Don't give me any of that bullshit that, "No honest American needs a nuke for hunting deer!"

The reason to own weapons is to kill criminals, invaders, and uppity politicians.

And realistically, if Bill Gates wants a nuke, no law is going to stop him, and shy a few million dollars in assets, you can't get one anyway, and even if you could, you'd have no delivery mechanism, so any "you're an extremist!" responses are just pathetic.

I've been told there should be a fine for setting off your nuke without good cause.

Ridiculous you say?  No law could stop someone from doing that, and it wouldn't be enforceable?

Gee, that sounds like every other weapon law on the books.

Point proven.  Thank you.