It turns out Australia has had ongoing, increasing violence since they banned most non-sporting arms.  Aha! THE FAULT IS THE BULLETS'!

And in comments:

Garavella Yk Bah, humbug ΓÇó 18 days ago
if you read that article, more than half are not shootings: explosives, arson, unnamed slayings, gangland wars and so on
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Oh, well that makes them perfectly okay, then. As long as no one was shot.

DID YOU SERIOUSLY FUCKING SAY THAT? Explosives and arson aren't as bad as shootings, and certainly no one cares about unnnamed slayings (Whatever those are), and of course, gangland slayings, as long as they don't involve guns are perfectly fine!  That's how we're BETTER than the US!

What these people need is therapy, where they are put in a room with 57 loaded guns placed on every available surface, so they can get over their animistic fear of objects.  Or else play with the guns and wind up dead. Either way, human intelligence wins.

Oh, those poor Syrian refugees, whom we must all take pity on and welcome into someone else's community.

Last week, a 15 year old boy died during an Ebola resurgence. Name him.

In the last decade, a million Rwandans and Angolans were butchered or killed with machetes. Do you know why? Name three.

Why do you suddenly care about this particular batch of refugees who somehow can't find anyone closer in location or similar in culture to take them?


I see naive leftists (which is half of all leftists, the other half being conniving and evil) trying to compare them to the Jews turned away from the US in the 1930s.

Here's the problem with your narrative:

A: The Jews had no Jewish nations to go to. There are plenty of Muslim and ethnic Arabic nations the Syrians can go to.

2) The Jews didn't have a history of extremists who blew up schools and shopping malls, decapitated journalists and Christians on camera, gang-raped schoolgirls and murdered or disfigured the ones who argued.

But if you really want, I'm sure we can arrange to deliver a 22-40 year old Syrian male to your house for your safe keeping. Thanks for your generosity.

 TRIGGER WARNING: this post contains references to liberal intolerance, hypocritical butthurt and complete faggotry. Sensitive readers are warned.


For those of you who don't watch my Facebook wall (Probably a good thing), it's a war zone.  In the last week there've been defenses of the A10, attacks on the A10, jokes about the A10, a Christ On The Cross dress up doll, jokes about Muslim suicide bombers, about feminists, about conservatives, about anarchists, vegetarians, cops and starving children.

Now, humor is both a coping mechanism and a means of maintaining attention on an issue.  This is why Mel Brooks, for example, puts Hitler jokes into almost every movie.  Joking about issues can reduce their emotional impact, help us cope, while keeping us aware of the issue.

This is something most people know instinctively. Some have to be taught.

But a handful of people, who can be of any political or cultural affiliation, completely lose their shit.

Thus it was with this picture: 



This picture offended one Jim Long, who friended me about two days ago. 

Just so we're clear which Jim Long it is, here's his FB ID:

Jim came into the thread and posted this:



Jim Long

November 2 at 10:50pm



As a FDNY firefighter I will never forget the horrors I've seen that day and to have an scumbag like you make light of the tragic events show what kind of character you have. I am unfollowing you Michael Z. Williamson.


Now, assuming Jim actually served on Sep 11, (he's a bit pudgy for the firefighters I know, but I don't know the NYFD guidelines) he has my respect FOR THAT ACTION.  I am not required to do so, but I do so, voluntarily. Doing so does not create an obligation on my part to respect any other action he may take in his life.

My response was, "Okay, bye."  Then others of us had a subthread discussion about how all the other humor above was fine, but this particular joke itched his anus.  I suppose I could not post anything that offended anyone, but that would be everything.

I could talk at this point at what Sep 11 meant to me, but the offended pussy will never get it, so we'll just note that I was serving military at the time, activated and deployed later in response, and had friends and family in close proximity to both the NY and Pentagon attacks, and move on.

 Now, here's how a man would have handled this offendedness:

Had he actually wanted to talk about his feelings, he could have attempted, in public or message, to have a discussion about it. We all could have learned something more about the event or our society from this. It would have been productive. Jim did not do this, because Jim is a moral coward.

He could have just ignored the post and moved on to something equally offensive but not relevant to him personally. Hypocritical, but people can be. Jim is more than hypocritical and a moral coward.

He could have just unfriended or blocked me and moved on with his life. But in addition to being a moral coward, Jim insists everyone else live by his rules.

So, Jim chose the Past Full Retard All The Way To Turnip Limpwristed Faggot and Triggered Liberal Outrage response of publicly telling me what a horrible person I am (wrong) and that he knows exactly what kind of person I am (Wrong, and I'm a complex person, as we all are).

Now, I cannot prove that two minutes later he reported his butthurt and full diaper to Facebook mods, but shortly after that, I was banned from posting for 30 days, and the post was removed.

So let's look at it again:  THIS WAS ON MY WALL.  The man asked for my contact, came into my internet living room, publicly complained about the party, then left and called the cops.

Now, I get complaints from time to time, and complaints like this invariably come from some liberal pussy (as opposed to liberals who are not pussies, whom I enjoy talking to and learn from) who wants the world to be as they envision it, and no dissent is allowed. (This isn't actually liberal.  It's passive-aggressive fascist.)(I'm also friends with real fascists to counter the real communists I'm friends with. I wouldn't want to live in their utopiae, nor they in mine, but we can learn from each other.  But I digress.)

So I contacted him in private. I told him he was a pussy, as face to face as I was able to get.

He responded: Wrong on both accounts. Loser.

I guess your feeling a little guilty you need to private message me bullshit.


Guilty? No, retard, it was the only way I had of contacting you, after you shit your panties and whined to the overworked drones at Fecesbook that YOU WERE OFFENDED!!!

Nobody gives a shit if you're offended, pussy.  Grow the fuck up.  I get offended, usually by the existence of liberal pussies (who can't spell to boot) such as yourself, a dozen times a day.  My response varies. If I think I can have a logical disagreement with someone, I do. Otherwise, the steps above outline how to deal with such things.

And I always love being called a loser.  I have a loving family, have raised kids who impress people, enough disposable income to pursue my hobby of an arms race with Bermuda, and a following and readership that runs up to a half million people who pay money specifically to read my stuff (and others who get it second hand).  I've got medals for helping save lives, and for helping take the war directly to the enemy. Interesting definition of a "loser," but since I don't know what his criteria are, I'm going to chalk it up to more passive aggressive "liberal" bullying intended to make me comply with his wishes.

But, since Jim finds my posting of a joke I find funny in my own forum to be so offensive it must be stopped, I am encouraging everyone with access to post it on my wall as often as possible for the duration of this ban. Or anything else offensive. 

You may choose to be more direct and post it on his wall. I am not requesting you do so, but I note he felt free to dictate how my wall looks.  It would be symmetrical for the same to happen in reverse.

Keep in mind your post will probably be reported by some "tolerant" "liberal," removed, and you may be banned from posting on Facebook for a duration between 12 hours and 30 days--it's entirely at the whim of the overworked drones at Fecesbook, who are forced to deal with butthurt little bitches all day long.

BTW, Jim, are you aware that reports by butthurt pussies take time to process, and have repeatedly caused the monitors to miss reports of actual crimes and suicide, where outside intervention might actually help someone? But hey, you were OFFENDED!  That's what's important here, you narcissistic little pussy.

People like you make me wish Sep 11 actually happened. (That was sarcasm, btw)

UPDATE:  It appears, after someone perused his info, that he may be a poser. Imagine that--stolen valor from NYFD. Rather low, I think: 


Posting here because I can't find the original thread, and got a "reply" notification. 

Backstory:  This is all part of the complete meltdown and retardery around the A10, almost always by people who have no fucking clue what they're talking about.

In the thread, someone once again did the "just convert them for carrier use and give them to the Marines. Simple," retardery someone in my previous thread claimed was a straw man. Funny, I hear that several times a week, obviously from retards.  While we're at it, why don't we simply redesign it to be supersonic and convert into a giant battle robot?  Seriously, go fuck yourself, shit for brains. You're retarded. (I'm repeating that word because retards are slow learners.)(If the use of the word "Retarded" offends you, go fuck yourself.)

Then another idiot chimed in, about how "we need the A-10 to avoid friendly fire."  Except that, oh, wait---the A-10 has had friendly fire incidents, too.  In fact, it tops the list.  Next time, have a fucking clue what you're talking about, or at least do some googling.

Then I got this response:

Brian Wheaton mentioned you in a comment.

Brian Wheaton
October 29 at 10:33am

Michael Z. Williamson Weather itss called bule on blue, friendly fire, or fratricide doesn't mater to the recipient. The Army has required spotters to observe the fall of shot for inderect fire, yes it still happens. To address your retort more directly the Air Force does not nor has it ever required an observer on the ground, I will point and laugh if you mention ALOC, since you mentioned artillery which do you think accout for more dammage and loss of life since WWII stary artillery or air drop ordnance?


Okay, Brian, let me see if I can parse your comments:

Yes, targeting errors occur in war. It's war.  We agree. Moving on:

Wait, so YOU want the support, YOU call for the support, but you expect SOMEONE ELSE to doublecheck your math?  Hey, thanks for admitting Airmen are smarter than Soldiers! 

BTW, you're wrong.  There are at least two USAF AFSCs devoted to providing fire support to the Army--Tactical Air Control and Combat Control. And the Army can have them pretty much any time it asks.  If they don't now you're demanding the USAF tell the Army how to do its mission? Well, seeing as you're trying to tell the USAF how to do theirs, at least you're consistent. And yet, when told the A10 won't be around much longer, you then get all smart and try to tell the USAF how much you know about CAS aircraft.

So, wait, after a steady diet of "The Infantry is the only part of the military that matters," we're now being told, "As long as a bunch of other people help us do the job"?  Well, yes.  EVERYTHING is a team effort, which, when you work with expensive aircraft or ships, you know instinctively. Fifty people can cause an aircraft to crash even before it leaves the ground, and I suspect hundreds of Sailors could each have the opportunity to fuck up a ship, because I suspect the Navy doesn't take anyone aboard they don't need, given the cramped quarters and resource consumption.

The difference being, ship drivers and pilots are typically respectful to their teams and appreciate their support.

But frequently, some grunt (ASVAB requirement: 31) comes along and tries to tell everyone smarter (almost everyone), and frequently stronger (better than half) than he is how they're complete shit and don't matter.  It would be insulting if the speaker was smart enough to matter. As it is, it's just cute watching them go past full retard all the way to rutabaga.  No, it's not ALL infantrymen, but 7 times out of 10, that behavior is an indicator. The other three, it's someone who either wanted to be a grunt and couldn't, or is trying to white knight for them.

As to your last comment, air power has caused more casualties and damage. That's what it's for. So, you're admitting the USAF is superior to the Army in that respect.

Now, we can very roughly divide war into two components--A: smashing the enemy. 2) causing them to accede in person.  The first we do with lots of bombs, the second with boots on the ground.

That, added to your bleats, supports once again my theory that the Army should be incorporated into the USAF as a Ground Corps, much like the Navy has the Marine Corps. First, the USAF will smash the enemy, then it will send its ground corps in to secure things. And since they'll be in the USAF, they won't be able to bitch about how the USAF doesn't support them.  But I'm sure they still will.

Basically, if the USAF provides support, you'll bitch, and if they don't, you'll bitch, and if they don't provide it exactly the way you think it should be done, even though you have no fucking clue how it's done, you'll bitch.

I guess my only advice is to stop being a little bitch.

And stop trying to tell people who are smarter than you how to do their jobs.

Not the answer you wanted? Well, too bad.

I expect now you'll threaten to never read my books, or never read them again.

I'm cool with that.